Since I was out of town last weekend the fridge was pretty bare. I hit up Trader Joe’s on Monday for essentials, but today I did a big grocery haul at Costco.
I was pretty excited to see my local Costco is carrying a new flava of Sabra – Spicy! Yes.
My Costco Grocery List:
- Eggs
- Egg whites
- Hummus
- Bread
- Clementines
- Cheese
- Celery
- Pistachios
- Salad – Celery – Asparagus
- Tilapia
- Sushi
- Cheeseburgers
- Chicken breasts
- Sunblock

And beers of Mexico because I can’t go two posts without mentioning my peeps

Costco sushi for dinner because I’m not fancy…

And I totally scored a few plates from the 99 when I went looking for something else. Added bonus: they had good dark chocolate! I can’t show you a pic because it’s MIA
After work I took a walk with SkinnyRunner who was in Boston for the Marathon. It’s sad that something bad happening makes you realize how important people are to you. She is home safe and I love her.
Question: Did you text someone you love today?
Do it now
I am VERY disappointed in Sabra Hummus.
I have beeen eating it liberally for a while, thinking that it is good for me, and today I looked closely at the label.
It has TWICE the fat as regular Hummus, and the “fat” is NOT Olive Oil. It is soybean oil.
I am impressed by how neatly your organized items at cash register:)
I love sushi! Spicy sushi rolls are a weakness of mine!
I visited mi abuela. We had a hospital scare the other day and since then she is 100xbetter. I text my mom daily to see how she is doing, other than the whole cancer thing.
It looks like I have to swing by costco.The beers of Mexico are calling my name.
I try to tell the people I love that I love them everyday. Its easy to get caught up in a busy life. I didn’t know they made those huge tubs of hummus! I’m not a fan of incredibly spicy foods, but I have a feeling spicy hummus would be somewhat mild and delicious.
I have been telling everyone – tragedies like this definitely make hold my loves even closer.
I love Costco! I really need to convince my husband that it is worth the cost of the membership and the 20-30 minute drive to get to a Costco. Of course, we would have to up the grocery budget then because I like to buy everything I see at Costco.
Those spring rolls looked amazing!! I just wanted to eat my computer screen just to get a bite!!
Maybe I should invest in a Costco membership… 🙂
Must have just missed you…was doing my own Costco haul yesterday afternoon 🙂
I’ve been obsessed with those shrimp rolls, or fresh rolls as they’re called sometimes. Love them. I used to get them as a side to my sushi, but lately the sushi has been taking a backseat to the rolls, especially with the spicy sauce they often come with… Soo good.
A full Costco shopping cart is a beautiful thing. I’m so jealous that yours sells alcohol! The one I go to doesn’t; in fact, most groceries in my area doesn’t sell alcohol. Oh well :\
I also use the same Neutrogena sunblock!
Ooo…I’m jealous about that Costco-sized supremely spicy hummus. We practically drink that stuff but can ever only find the small containers. I might just have to spring for a Costco membership. 🙂
I live across the street from Costco and the carts are always over at my apartment building, which is super amazing when you need to unload a bunch of stuff from your car and bring it up to your apartment!
Anyone else giggle when they saw tilapia loins? No….just me? Loins is a funny word.
On a serious note, as a proud Bostonian I have been so uplifted by all the amazing posts by bloggers about our amazing city. I am a faithful blog reader, dedicated runner and a Boston girl through and through. So thank you for all of your support.
I am so glad you guys are friends. I was so happy to hear she was ok.
I love TJs and Costco too. Costco has these amazing dark chocolate covered salted caramels. People keep bringing them into work. I can’t buy them, because I wouldn’t take them into work. 🙂
You have great stuff. When I go to Costco, I end up buying weird random things I don’t need like 30 bricks of cream cheese or 10 pounds of popcorn. I need a list!!
I text my sister everyday.
I watched the Boston Marathon online and once they shut off the live feed I went and stalked SkinnyRunner to see when she finished. (In a not weird way and I’m sure I’m not the only one). Glad to see she is home safe.
Me too…Whatsapp though.
Is that Vietnamese spring roll (pic on left of the sushi pic)?
What happened to Ben?! He’s been MIA for a loooong time.
Nothing happened to him, he’s good 🙂
I’m so fancy I used to go on dates to Costco. Their samples rock my world. I’m always trying to find the perfect balance between the most samples and the least amount of crowds.
I think anyone who doesn’t eat sample at Costco is sick! …mentally, not cool like the kids are saying.
I text someone I love everyday! Usually two or three minimum! Sometimes I even text my BFF/BF/Mom/Bro I love them on the same day!