Hello! Happy (belated) Easter!! How was your weekend? I started my day with a short run before baking and getting ready for the day’s festivities. I’ve been watching The History Channel Bible series so I feel especially spiritual this Easter. I left a lil prayer in the Western Wall in Jerusalem last week and am hoping to get some guidance soon.

(dress from Fabletics )
Maybe God is sending me messages in the form of this cat I found on my run. Maybe this is my Easter cat?! Can I keep him?

I made an updated version of PB Fingers’ Pineapple Soufflé using ingredients I had/trying to make it a little healthier. I took a chance, but it came out delicious!

After running and eating and baking I headed to my brother’s house for the day’s fun. My SIL made a whole spread of delicious food. I brought salad and the pineapple soufflé. And there might have been adult beverages available. (I handed the ham off to my brother because I didn’t want it and he was like, “Why did you even get any?” I replied, “I don’t know, I just got some of everything…” He knows I don’t really eat red meat or ham more than I do. )

Don’t worry though, I got in plenty of protein in the form of EGGS! Some of them were actually not chocolate eggs too!
I really like hardboiled eggs and deviled eggs and eggs on eggs on eggs. So, I enjoyed a bunch.
I also had some rabbit, courtesy of the basket my mom made me. Moms are the best.

After we ate it was time for our second annual confetti egg hunt. Last year my SIL made a bunch of confetti eggs and hid them with some regular ones. At first I didn’t realize you’re supposed to find them and quickly smash them on someone’s head. I just got attacked at first.
This year I was ready though. I changed because I expected to fall and didn’t want to do that in a dress. Really though, it’s super friendly and harmless. But FUN!!!

I didn’t have a basket so I had to improvise. I found a few eggs with coins in them!

Well, one of us didn’t think it was fun. My brother was holding MJ during the hunt and anytime someone smashed an egg on his head she immediately tried to clean it off. She was not happy when someone came up and threw more confetti on him.

My dad even played!

My mom, brother and favorite tiny person.

That’s so cute that your mom made you a basket. Mine stopped doing that for my sisters and I years ago. I made my sisters their own easter egg this year with some chocolate, a tic-tac pack, and a Target gift card 🙂
Fresh strawberries. Definitely the best thing I ate this weekend.
ive never done confetti eggs but they sound WAY more fun than normal egg hunts. smashing eggs on people heads count me in! my brother had his baby this weekend so our easter was thrown a little off but its ok, babies are great on easter right 🙂
Best thing I did the weekend was spend copious amounts of time with Family & Friends. I am making it a point to see as many people as possible when I am home with them and have meaningful conversations – it was a success this time for sure!
Best thing I ate was definitely the mexican egg bowls I made both mornings because my mom had taco meat made and homemade salsa and avocados – can you say win! oh – and the RAW HONEY my aunt and her BF picked up for me because I mentioned how good honey is and her BF and I are great pals and he was like hey – your niece needs some of this raw local honey – better than candy. So dang good!
Love your dress from fabletics!!
I made rice krispy treats and they were actually edible so I’m going with that as my favorite eats this weekend!
rice krispy treats are gluten free so I’m on your side. They are favorites.
I had homemade bread dipped in olive oil. Mmmmmmm
Eating at the end of my waitress shift on Sunday. We have a huge Easter brunch buffet and were so busy. Just happy it was over and I could eat.