Hi!! The Run Eat Repeat podcast will be back next week! I’m answering your questions on weight loss & hypothyroidism, warming up before a race and organic food vs. conventional. But we’re taking Friday off this week because my editor is super annoyed with me and needs a few days off. I think you can understand how hard it is to work with me.
Okay… now let’s talk about food and fitness and um, green peas.
I tried a new bean today – have you ever had whole green peas? Sure most people have had had split peas – but WHOLE PEAS? That’s totally different except, the same just squished together.
I went to my favorite store… aka The 99 Cent Store and as I was perusing the beans – I compared garbanzo beans with other options and saw green peas have a pretty good nutrition profile! So I got a bag of raw whole peas to try.
I soaked them overnight and this morning cooked them in the crockpot with water and garlic cloves. I cooked them on low for about 4 hours. And… they came out great!!
All I seasoned them with was whole garlic cloves and added salt and pepper when they were done. I smell like garlic now… it’s for the best. Well, not for the best in making friends but for my health?
Overall – I love whole green peas. I’ll be making them again. Boom.
But… I don’t love the new Trader Joe’s sparking water in Starfruit flavor. I love Starfruit but this didn’t taste like how I remembered it. Anyone else?
Vegas sleeps silly!
Don’t buy watermelon yet – it’s not super sweet.
Winter is here! It’s been cold the last 2 days. I need to suck it up and get to running instead of stalling until it gets warmer.
This is Vegas as a puppy… It’s so hard for filters on Instagram to read you pet’s face… so I get excited when it works like this.
And we should talk about celebrating my Aunt Mart’s life. There was cake and a jumper and all the usual suspects….
And here’s a pic of my fave tiny person. I love her.
Anyway. I’m falling asleep.
Good night!!
Or Good Morning?
I love that starfruit water! But it absolutely does not taste like starfruit. It is sort of more like fruit cocktail, or like cereal milk, in the best possible way. The cranberry clementine is the best, though.
They totally look like chickpeas/garbanzo beans! I was like WTF?!?
Try the winter sangria flavor sparkling water… it’s heaven!
I’ve had regular peas and carrots when I was little from the frozen packages!
Good morning!
I am going to try the peas. I use to not like peas, but now I love them. Is that strange to dislike a food then like it? Nah, I know it’s not and the reason for that is almost sad, so I won’t share.
Vegas as a puppy! So funny. He is adorable as a cat and puppy. Can you make him into another animal? How about a bunny????
Your little person is growing up. She is adorable. How’s the little, little person doing?
And…how cold is it? Don’t make me call you a wimp! 😀
The whole green peas look good! I’ve never had them that way. Not sure if I can even find it in the supermarkets where I live!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog