My 2nd favorite food (after watermelon) is frozen yogurt.
I love it for 86 different reasons including: it’s delicious AND my mom used to take me to get fro-yo as a special treat growing up. It’s like a special happy delicious tradition.

So, my love for frozen yogurt runs deep. And yes, I prefer fro-yo over ice cream no contest.
But, I can’t get Yogurtland everyday. Mostly because it’s embarrassing that they know me.
Luckily, I’m a crafty mofo and created this delicious and healthy version of soft serve with frozen bananas and a few mix-ins! This way I can have if everyday – right?

Healthy Rock Road Banana Soft Serve
1. Get a few ripe bananas. Peel them and place them in baggies. Freeze overnight or longer (they last for weeks).

2. Place frozen bananas in a blender or food processor. Blend. Scrape down sides of blender. Blend.
Repeat about 5 times until your neighbors think you’re having a margarita party without them.

It’s important to blend thoroughly and NOT add liquid. If you let it whirl it will turn into the consistency of fro-yo. Keep mixing until it is smooth.

3. Add walnuts and pieces of a chocolate bar to blender. Blend 1 last time. Mix in a handful of marshmallows.
I used regular ol’ walnuts and 85% dark chocolate – so it has less sugar than milk chocolate and more anti-oxidants! Walnuts have healthy fats and omegas too. See? Totally healthy.

4. Top with more goodness. Enjoy!

Question: What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
I like mint chip and cookie dough and chocolate chip and anything with chocolate chips, but not necessarily a chocolate base.
I always add greek yoghurt to my banana ice…makes it more creamy. You can also use frozen strawberries, mixed berries, pineapple….never tested but maybe also watermelon! 😉
Greetings from Austria
I seriously need to make this. I’ve seen it all over the internets. 😉 Must try. I always freeze my bananas with the peel on (for banana bread), so I definitely need to try taking it off before I freeze. Silly, but I’ve never even thought of it!
I’ve got frozen bananas in the freezer and now I know what to do with them!
Mint chocolate chip, all day, errday
Frozen bananas are the best. Mixed with toppings and eaten like ice cream…amazing! I like the Kroger brand raspberry/dark chocolate ice cream. It’s cheaper than the name brands and it tastes better. I have to save ice cream for treats on the weekends or as part of a pre-race meal or I’d eat it every day.
Yum! Will have to try. I like anything with chocolate chips in but weirdly not a fan of chocolate ice cream. I also have a soft spot for fruity sorbets – like lemon or mango. Perfect in the summer.
i’ve tried making the banana ice cream before but my blender about blows up before it actually gets smooth.. not sure what is going wrong (aside from the lack of liquid in the container).
Woo hoo, thanks for the dairy-free fun for a former (okay, still current) ice cream addict!
Peanut butter cup hands down…but haven’t eaten ice cream in forever!
That looks amazing! I love banana fro-yo and I can’t believe I haven’t had it in so long!!
I need to finally have patience and do the banana soft serve thing….
I know, it’s funny that it takes patience – especially if you have a loud blender and/or are hungry 🙂
I like Greek yogurt flavored ice cream. Or green tea
Frozen banana yogurt is one I’ve never had. This looks delicious!
I love anything with chocolate and peanut butter or both! I used to never eat bananas but I think I will try this. It has chocolate 🙂
I make a frozen banana yogurt but I add strawberries and just one tbsp. of whipped cream and it is delish! Trust.
I trust. I might try it 🙂
I’m drooling just looking at that, time to bring back banana soft serve! My favorite ice-cream is anything that has lots of fun bits and pieces in it, preferably chocolate related.
This is awesome!!! I am a vanilla chip ice cream aficionado. But the ratio has to be right. Edys grand has been too skimpy on the chips. But I went to Haagen das after my marathon on Sunday and theirs was superb :). I don’t like a chocolate base either. Prefer it to be in the form of chips or chocolate covered items mixed into vanilla or sweet cream or even coffee flavor. 🙂
We are ice cream twins.
For true ice cream, I love a good chocolate chip or chocolate chip cookie dough…I am really more about toppings like hot fudge, chocolate waffle bowls and whipped cream. I could probably eat a bowl of toppings and skip the ice cream lol.
I love toppings!!
This looks really good and easy! I have always heard about making soft-serve out of bananas but I always reach for the ice cream container instead…this would definitely be a healthier option!
It’s not as good as OG ice cream, but it really is delicious!!
Yum! I really need to try fro-yo made with frozen bananas.
It’s good! Let me know if you try it.
have you ever tried “watermelon pizza”? http://kitchenster.com/quick-recipes/watermelon-pizza/
I need to!
I love banana frozen yogurt! It’s delicious and a great healthy treat. I am a frozen yogurt addict so I love healthy alternatives!
This looks so delicious! My favorite ice cream flavors are pistachio and lavender!
Yum! Thanks for sharing this 🙂