Hi! How’s it going? Over here it’s going well. I was trying to put on sunblock while multi-tasking doing things around the house and came back to glance in the mirror and saw all of it still on my nose. Ha! How did I manage that?
Yesterday I took a rest day from running and did some strength training at home.
I was sporting all black, so I felt like an awkward ninja.
Vegas is traumatized by living with me…
Aaaand I got my 24 Day Challenge delivery. Cindy and I are going to swap chocolate and vanilla protein powders from the pack so we have both (you have to pick one when you order).
I busted open the spark since the kit comes with 28 days worth. #Boom
Recently I saw this Plenti oatmeal yogurt on sale and gave it a whirl. It’s good! But you can make the same thing as overnight oats super easy.
And here’s a little gorgeous sunset for your viewing pleasure…
Winner of the Kohl’s Giveaway is: Kaylin
Tonight is date night with my hubby! Kind of excited to wear something other than workout clothes. Problem is I don’t really have anything to wear the than workout clothes! Haha!!
I’m in tampa this weekend for Gasparilla! And to escape the snow in DC. So excited to get a long run in withour jumping over mountains of slush.
Shopping! Chinese New Year is after next weekend…so this is my absolute last chance to get stuff. Can I say super stress!?!?!
I haven’t thought of the weekend either. I think I’m going to put away the Christmas decorations before it’s Valentine’s Day. Yes, I’m THAT person.
I haven’t even thought about this weekend yet. The plumber is coming…so that’s exciting I guess.
And there will be running. That’s all I know at this point.
Thank you again, for the giveaway, Monica! This weekend I am brunching and mimosa drinking and putt-putt golfing with friends.
I’m doing whatever I do when I don’t have any concrete plans and that is to walk all around the city and find new places to eat. It’s a magical and wonderful adventure.