Hello! I want to recap my running and eating and random activities from my trip to Florida. I’m trying to get back to taking pictures of my food and things I see on my run for more frequent posts – and I took a bunch! And this is a special edition because I was traveling and saw and ate some fun stuff!

Running in Florida:
The best part about running around here is it’s FLAT. The only hill I run is when I run to the beach and over the bridge to Manasota Key. Oh – and to be honest I don’t actually run up that bridge because the view is so gorgeous I always walk it and look around and take super deep breaths trying to soak it all in.

The slight drawback of running in Florida is that I live in PST so my body thinks it’s 3 hours earlier and it’s hard to wake up early to run. But – ya gotta wake up early to run here or the heat will destroy as hope of a good run. So, I set my alarm for early even though my body thinks it’s in the middle of the night.
Since this trip was short I ended up catching up with Ben’s sister and mom in the mornings and not running super early after all. No regrets – that’s why I was there.

I used to get in a lot of running while in FL because everyone else sleeps in so I sneak out while the house is asleep, run run run run… and get back just as maybe someone is waking up making coffee.
Related: I don’t know how to use their coffee maker! So I pour a cup the night before and prep it for iced coffee to have before my run.
They have a percolator coffee maker that makes amazing coffee though. I’ve asked about what brand of coffee they use and it’s just the usual Maxwell House coffee – Ben’s mom swears it’s the coffee maker that makes it amazing and I gotta go with that.

The longest run I did was an 11 miler but I took some walking breaks and lots of pictures.

Eating in Florida:
Way back in the day I used to worry that I’d gain weight on vacation so I’d try to eat very healthy and avoid high fat foods and treats. I’d pack a lot of healthy snacks and hit up the grocery store as soon as I got to my destination to stock up on healthy foods. To be fair – I used to travel a lot so I couldn’t just say ‘treat yo self’ every time I went out of town.
But – it was also not fun, and extra work and alienating from everyone else and I felt like I was missing out so I’d end up eating both my healthy food and the treats! Um, hello – so I was eating MORE overall. Fail.
Moral of the story: Eat treats when you want – not just because they’re there, but because you want it and will enjoy it. Only eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re about 80% full to let your food settle.
On this trip I just ate what I wanted – and sometimes it was healthy and sometimes it wasn’t. The end.
I some of this green smoothie – picture taken before we blended it.

Breakfast was eggs or pancakes.

Lunch was salad most of the time with protein and carbs on top. I put chicken and rice and other veggies on top of a pile of veggies with some dressing and felt like I was at a build-your-own-salad place… if Whole Foods and Cracker Barrel had a baby it would be this salad.

On the day I left I had a salad on the way to the airport. My Uber driver thought it was super weird but I’m used to that

A family friend brought over pizza and I had some after an early dinner one night. It was amazing pizza from an Italian place I think in Englewood. I’ll check…

I scored some amazing star fruit and mini-bananas from Julie! I call these apple bananas but she called them something else…

And I can’t go to Florida without hitting up Dunkin Donuts! I asked the DD employee to warm up the donuts so they look a little smashed but they were amazing!!

Non-running best parts of Florida travels…
The Grizzly Bear Shark shower curtain

This is the most epic shower curtain ever. Ever.
It’s a grizzly bear riding a shark on a shower curtain – don’t you want to see that everyday when you walk into your bathroom first thing in the morning? I feel like it’s inspiring in some weird way.

Seeing an alligator on day 1.
Seeing a sign warning about alligators day 2.
Having a dream about an alligator almost attacking me day 3.

This gives me a heart on

The beach. It’s so gorgeous and so much warmer than SoCal beaches.

Aaaaand here’s a Ben cameo because long time followers keep asking to confirm he’s in Florida and not in the witness protection program trying to hide from me…
Sorry Ben even the witness protection program is no match for a red-headed Mexican on a mission.

Quality time around a fire and Christmas tree while listening to the Hamilton soundtrack.

Warm places to run in the winter!
I didn’t get this sign at first…

And then just like that I was headed back home…

But I scored an exit row with no one on the side of me!! Boom.
Question: What’s better than an exit row all to yourself on a plane? (Besides first class!)
New Race Discounts
BONUS: I have updated the Race Discounts Page with new discount and coupon codes for half marathon, 10k and 5k races. AND now I have a discount for the Revel Marathon and Half Marathon.
Half Marathon, 10k and 5k Discount – Tustin / LA Life Run / Laguna Hills Memorial Day
Renegade Race series – 5K, 10K, Half Marathon and Triathlon Races in Orange County and Los Angeles. Upcoming races in March, April and May – check it out and sign up with the discount to save.
Discount: 10% off RUNEATREPEAT18
> March 11 – Tustin 5K / Half Marathon
> May 6 – 5K / 10K – LA Life Run
> May 28 – Laguna Hills Memorial Day Half Marathon / 5K / 10K
Use the coupon code RUNEATREPEAT18 for any or all of those races listed above! Good luck!!
PCRF Half Marathon 5K 10K and Kids Run
And for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation half marathon, 10k and 5k you can use the discount code RUNEATREPEAT. The race is March 25th in Irvine, CA.
> March 25 – PCRF Reaching for the Cure Half Marathon / 5K /10K
Discount code for 15% off: RUNEATREPEAT
Revel Half Marathon and Full Marathon Discount
Use these links to save $5 and then another $5 by liking their FB page. The link saves you $5 automatically and the FB discount is an option during registration / before you pay for $10 discount – but it’s not a separate discount code to type in – just follow the directions after clicking the link:
Mt Hood – sign up with Team Run Eat Repeat for Mount Hood full marathon or half July 28, 2018 here
Mt Lemmon – sign up with Team Run Eat Repeat for Mount Lemmon AZ full or half marathon Nov 3, 2018
So good to see Ben again.
How much did that salad cost at whole foods?
It took me several tries to get the meaning of that sign! HA…. I hope this isn’t a sign of my mental capabilities today … I have a test!
Who takes care of Vegas when you travel?
I bring him along in my suitcase! Not really – he stays home and I’ll have someone check on him on a long trip.
Haha, that shower curtain though! 😀
Lousy blog post? Nah! Glad you had fun! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
That is the most awesome shower curtain EVER. Just put it in my cart.
Ha! Isn’t it so funny!!