Happy Thursday!
This morning I woke up to a dead Garmin – dead because it’s old, I charged it all night. I know it’s on it’s last legs so I wasn’t surprised – just frustrated. My MotoActv wasn’t charged so I ran without a watch or music. Just me. Luckily, I’m used to it since SR never wants to run with me even though she
A.) lives down the street and B.) enjoys running (or so I’ve heard)
Kidding. I wouldn’t be able to keep up with her if I was driving alongside.
I did about 8 miles, but we’ll never really know with the official word from Garmino. It will remain one of life’s great mysteries kinda like Cleopatra.
Or not at all like that.
A few weeks ago I let you know that this low sodium bread is no bueno.
Well, it’s great as French Toast because it’s so dry and can hold up to a dip in the egg batter.
The Reach the Beach relay was the time.of.my.life and I would love to do another relay. Good news for fellow relay lovers – Ragnar Relay is giving away 3 Travelocity gift cards worth $300, $200 and $100 on Facebook.
Head on over to our Facebook page and enter into the sweepstakes today. You can enter each day (1x per 24 hrs). The sweepstakes is open until Aug 22.

And after you’ve checked out that, head over to the ING Runner Nation Facebook page and check out the latest videos!
This week I’m featured in a Marathon Hydration video
There are a lot of other videos up on their page here
Yay for out and running without the distractions. My head speaks too loudly and is annoying when I run without distraction.
you are awesome on camera!!!!
Doing another Ragnar soon?
I wish 🙂
cute video. 3 liters of water loss during a marathon is crazy!
Hello Monica,
Just a quick message to ask if you would be interested in a ‘mutual’ following on twitter. I am currently following you now and am awaiting for your follow-back if you indeed decide to do so… (#FYI I do RT’s for all #Triathletes #Cyclists #UltraRunners & #Marathoners who follow me on Twitter and have something important they want mentioned…)
All the very best for the rest of 2012 and beyond Monica. Look forward to hearing from you…
Hi Darin, just followed you back 🙂 Thanks for the heads up – I can’t keep up with my life lately…
Fun video! 🙂
I would love to have a watch to tell me my mileage…but I feel like even people who looooove their Garmins constantly complain about problems like this!
I don’t complain about my Garmin, it’s my BFF. But it’s 4 years old now…
I know! Because Garmin owners love their Garmins! 😉
I’m doing Ragnar Relay Napa Valley this fall! A relay that ends in wine country aka wine tasting will replace my chocolate milk refuel that weekend 😛 Do you have any tips on training and what/how to pack for a relay? It’s my first!
you are such a natural on camera!!
Nice Video. Sorry to hear about your Garmin, my Nike Sportwatch died the other day, and its just not the same running without it….
If the bread is very dry, I bet you could make it into a great bread pudding!
OMG. The still shot for the video is incredible. You look like you’re in the middle of a massively hysterical meltdown. Or drunk.
I pretty much am one of those 86% of the time…
Awww…your so likable on camera.
Not sure if you’re aware but you can actually “reset” your Garmin 305 if it’s acting up (like not charging correctly) and it will start working properly.
Press Mode (bottom left side button) and Reset (left front button) simultaneously, let go, then press On (top left side button)
Mine was acting up a few months ago and after trying tirelessly to charge it, I just about gave up. I googled “reset Garmin” and what do you know?! Worth a try! 🙂
I have had to do this several times recently and it worked.
I’ve had to use that trick in the past, but it didn’t work this morning (but I read you’re supposed to hold it down for like 30 seconds?). I’m giving it some time to rest and will try it again in a bit. Wish me luck!
Nice video. How do you get these opportunities to do commercials? Also, how did you broaden your audience and get more people to check out your blog?