After breakfast, I rushed off to my MRI appointment. It was very interesting because I expected it to be like an x-ray – just throw a protective cover on, take a few pics and you’re done! Nope. I had to lay in the machine for about 20 minutes wearing headphones so the loud noises didn’t freak me out. Such a machine may have now been aided by platforms like that ai radiology software.
I relaxed and enjoyed the music even though I could still hear the random bangs and clicks of the machine. And then it was over. The results are being sent to my doctor, so I won’t know until I go back to her next week. I just want to be officially diagnosed and have a treatment plan already!
On the way home, I stopped at Great Harvest since it’s on the way and I’ve been meaning to check it out for a while. Ummm, can you say, “Carb Heaven”? Yes. The very nice worker lady gave me the BIGGEST hunk of warm, freshly baked Columbia Crunch to sample – it must have been two slices thick! I didn’t want to eat it all, but how can you stop eating warm, fresh bread like that? I couldn’t.
I also tried a sample of their fiber flax bread and bought a loaf of that. But, they couldn’t slice it because it was still too hot. Talk about fresh! Now my car smells like a beautiful bakery and makes me want to rip into that loaf!
I also made a stop at DD for an iced coffee. I feel like all doctor’s appointments mean you should get a treat, right? Yes. Yes indeed.
Intuitive Eating – Stephanie mentioned this in the comments and I wanted to address it here. I am giving up sweets and cereal for Lent and do not think this is in conflict with my journey toward becoming an intuitive eater. Last year I used IE as an excuse for not giving anything up. I think it’s easy for someone like me to use IE as a way to justify overeating or eating too much junk.The key words there are “someone like me” this does not apply to everyone and some people are the exact opposite.
At Great Harvest there were three different types of cookie samples out. If today wasn’t the first day of Lent I would have tried all three and it would have went undocumented. This happens a lot – a sample here, a handful of this, a bit of that… I think 40 days of no sweets is going to be a very big challenge for me. But, I need to be more responsible for my food choices and not use IE as an excuse to not deny myself.
I am giving up sweets – not necessarily “dessert”. This means, if I want something sweet I may have fruit and yogurt or something – just not cookies, cake, candy or ice cream. I’m not giving up sugar – that is something completely different. I don’t think the point of Lent is to diet, I think it is to sacrifice something that is difficult for you and remember why you’re doing it.
When I say sweets, I mean cookies, chocolate, ice cream, and all those things that make me gassy and bloated. Sweets don’t include fruits, yogurt, and the occasional fruit drink.
Sweets and Cereal? Good luck! I know I couldn’t do the first one … I love my black bean brownies and dark chocolate too much.
For the future, you could have given up the samples, too. Of course, now that I think about it, that means you could still have bought a full size cookie and brought it home. LOL! My thinking must be off.
Fresh bread is my nemesis … it is so delicious! I make bread at home once in a while (I really should do it more often) and it always smells up the whole house. I love it. Quite a change since I used to work in a grocery store bakery and the yeast smell was intense. Oh, and I had a bread-slicer incident, too, so home making is definitely a better thing.
Yay for GH! Everything looks delicious!
i hope the knee’s ok! mine has been hurting for months and i’m just putting off going to the doctor (yikes.) ps. i’m sooo jealous of your fresh-baked bread. yum!
haha, i do mri research so i love reading about people’s mri experiences. nerdy, i know. glad it went well!
I had my first MRI because of my stress fracture and I agree with you. It wasn’t that bad but the banging and the noises weren’t… fun. And I hate enclosed spaces. The waiting is the hardest part 🙂
LOVE great harvest!!!! It’s like.. amazingness.
i wish i had a bakery like that near me! i love fresh baked bread so much… when i was younger my best friends dad was always baking bread, it’s the most amazing smell in the world!
mmmm I love Great Harvest. They are so generous with their samples and gives me a chance to try new breads! You have to try the Dakota bread, has sunflower seeds and grains mixed in and on top. So good!! I also like their Spinach Feta bread.. it honestly tastes like pizza with the cheese and sauce. That good!
My first 5k I ran about 2 weeks ago, a local GH was there giving samples and free loaves of their honey whole wheat bread.. I definitely stocked up 😉
I hate waiting for MRI results…I wish the tech was just allowed to tell you!!
You’re right on. I’m giving up the same thing! I was going to say “added sugars”, but then realized there’s different forms of “sugar” in so many products, that would just be ridiculous! I’m giving up “sweets” and have my own definitions of what “sweets” encompasses. Like you said – cookies, cakes, ice cream, froyo, candy (the obvious ones). But also my hot cocoa. Even though I make it with real cocoa (with no sugar) and stevia (not sugar), I’m still giving that up. We can do it!
Gosh, I just found out that a new Great Harvest opened up in Pasadena, CA. no more than 25 minutes from where I live. Can’t wait to try it!
Try it try it and enjoy the samples!!!
I’m glad your MRI went well. I’ve had so many sports injuries that required me to have MRIs that I’ve come to love them…there is something oddly relaxing about the methodical loud just soothes me. Or, i may just be really weird.
Yeah, I actually felt really relaxed after. It was nice.
Yes, you must have a treat after a doctor’s appointment.
I’m glad the MRI went well; hopefully the results will be conclusive and you’ll be able to rehab your knee properly.
Enjoy your fresh bread!
glad the mri went ok. when i had one done i could still hear all the banging too which made me a little claustrophobic (it was for my back and i had to go in head first!)
Maybe I’ll give up free samples or “bites” for Lent. You’re right on about them seeming like nothing but really adding up!
I echo the last commenter in commending you for pointing out that Lent is not about dieting, it’s about sacrifice.
I glad you made this final comment: “I don’t think the point of Lent is to diet, I think it is to sacrifice something that is difficult for you and remember why you’re doing it.”
I’m not a hard core Catholic (I’m not even observing Lent), but I was raised Catholic and I always find it a little frustrating when people use Lent as an excuse to go on a diet. I’m not trying to imply any sort of judgment on your sacrifice. I’m just glad you clarified that point. Thanks!
Thanks 🙂 I really thought it needed to be said since so many people seem to be giving up food stuff and I want to make sure it’s for the right reasons 🙂
This really resonated in me because when I began intuitive eating, I think I thought that anything I craved should be a green light. But the truth is, when I’m craving sweets like a madwoman, I’m usually trying to fill an emotional void. I am a huge emotional eater and I have found that even though I have dessert every night, when you feel like you’re fiending for something sweet, just sit with yourself for a second. For me, intuitive eating was difficult because what I considered intuitive my whole life left me 135 lbs overweight. Learning why I was eating was key. This is a really long way of saying that I don’t think you’re out of line eating intuitively just because you’re forgoing sweets.
Thanks! I know sometimes I think my body is leading me toward sweets, but it’s really emotional eating or habitual.