Happy Wednesday! I had a tempo run on the schedule today but felt really sluggish. Instead of skipping it I decided to just do my best and accept that my miles wouldn’t be that fast. I was aiming to make them just a bit faster than usual.
6 miles – 52:40 Average Pace 8:46
- Mile 1: 9:20
- Mile 2: 8:35
- Mile 3: 8:46
- Mile 4: 8:19 (back down hill)
- Mile 5: 8:34
- Mile 6: 9:02
While Ben was in the shower I rummaged around the kitchen and saw stale corn tortillas. No one likes stale tortillas! Instead of tossing them, I made him Chilaquiles.
In the mix: 2 chopped corn tortillas, green onion, bacon (that he cooked previously), 2 eggs, tapatio and cheese.
First, fry up the corn tortillas in a little oil. Then add onions and bacon till warm. Add eggs and tapatio, cook through. Top with cheese.
I stole a bite and decided I wanted eggs too!
It’s all about a bagel with cream cheese and jam. Both is better.
Even though I have a foam roller, I avoid it as much as possible. But, I do try and bust out my favorite IT Band stretch a few times a week. The trick is to lean toward your leg, but not push forcefully. Be gentle and breathe into the tightness.
I loved reading everyone’s “Time and Temperature” yesterday! It’s so interesting to hear from people all around the world
Question: What’s your favorite kind of jam?
I’d go with strawberry preserves. I also love boysenberry, but don’t get it that often!
I love, love, love boysenberry jam from The Apple Farm in San Luis Obispo. You might need to consider a road trip. Their apple butter is also wonderful.
Marionberry, blackberry, boysenberry–all the dark, seedy berries. My specific favorite is blackberry peach preserves from Nervous Nellie’s Jam’s and Jellies (in Maine, but they sell online/by mail).
I just tried TJ’s Spreadable Goat Cheese and Jelly= HEAVENLY! IDK why I haven’t made that combo before- my momma always used to toast my bread with butter and jelly when I was younger, but never with [goat, cream, etc.] cheese… I was missing out!
Cool addition of tortillas, never thought of it! Are they still soft or a little crunchy after they get cooked in?
My IT bands hate me too, like actively hurt while I run. I’ve been known to get down on the grass and bust out that stretch mid-run. Ooh and huckleberry jam, half for the name and half for the taste 🙂
I love strawberry jam and grape jam.
And I lurve that stretch too. It hurts so good! 🙂
I loveee blueberry jam! Smuckers makes this really good one with whole blueberries throughout. It’s so good!
I may be in the minority but I think jam or any sort is SUPER gross. All kinds of jam, I just can’t do it.
As long as it’s homemade, I am fine with any! Just had some homemade apple (which is basically tart apples fried with sugar… but so good!).
I have a foam roller but no patience for it… I rarely go above 5 minutes, I should try harder.
Anything by Usher…. that’s my JAM.
Oh, you mean Jam the food… Strawberry baby!
I totally love cream cheese and jelly. It’s like a breakfast dessert. I’ve been eating blue cheese spread from Laughing Cow with fig butter and it’s fantastic!
My favorite jam would have to be strawberry, but I had some papaya jam on my honeymoon this year and it definitely gave strawberry a run for its money.
That looks very similar to my breakfast sans the cheese. Love that stretch there!
I’m training for my first half and was having some IT band troubles. I bought a foam roller and I LOVE it! I also love this stretch too – both have helped tremendously.
Strawberry!! I made homemade strawberry recently and rocked my own world! My friend and I are spending Friday night making a TON of it for presents!
I love apple and raspberry jam! SO yummy! I actually went to my favorite breakfast restaurant over the weekend. I am obsessed with their apple cinnamon jam and after I placed my order I realized they don’t have it anymore and now carry apple butter, which is not the same!
Cream cheese and raspberry sandwiches on white bread used to be a favorite of mine growing up. So, so good.
Raspberry jam is MY jam. But it’s gotta be seedless…can’t stand the seeds!
Raspberry for me!
I hate foam rolling but it makes me feel so much better. Love-hate relationship!
awesome run! that is my favorite IT stretch too!
my fav jam is raspberry! i love tricking my husband using stale/old products in a recipe. if he knew, he would eat it! hehehe!
Favorite jam: My dad’s homemade blackberry!
Ooooh! That breakfast you made for Ben looks amazing! I am a huge fan of Tapatio…it’s the best!
I do a different version of that IT band stretch…I sit in a chair with one leg crossed and bend forward a little at a time…gravity is totally my friend for once…lol!
I am a freak for orange marmalade…I was into Paddington Bear when I was little 🙂
Favorite jam? It would have to be Olallieberry, we had it last summer when we were visiting Cali at a little hole in the wall tavern in pescadero…sooo yummy!
My favorite would have to be strawberry Rhubarb. Or plain strawberry will do.
I love cream cheese and jam! My daughter likes cream cheese and jelly rolled up in a tortilla, of all things.
I’m partial to apricot jam.
I like using a lacrosse ball to massage my IT bands, it’s less work than the foam roller.
I love raspberry jam, but sometimes grape jelly hits the spot!
I love that I finally got a foam roller, but I find myself avoiding it too. It’s just so much work.
I can’t stand most jams actually. Although strawberry is clearly better than any other. 😉
I love bagels with cream cheese AND jelly! I thought I was the only one 🙂
Why no foam roller? I have been using a frozen water bottle… works like a dream! Love the stretching tip… I have a looooot of stretching planned in my future and will most certainly use this one!
Concord grape or red raspberry jam with cream cheese on raw bagels! Raw = untoasted 😉
Also, what a great way to use stale tortillas! I could learn something from that! I am so wasteful… but your chilaquiles recipe is totally something my boyfriend would do too! he is the king of using left overs 😀
I love apricot preserves! Yum! I’m also with you on the cream cheese and jam thing. I used to make sandwiches that way.
I love raspberry. It’s so sweet and they sell it homemade at my farmers market!
Why do you try and stay away from the foam roller? I I had an IT band injury a year ago, it was so tight I couldn’t even WALK normal..or not in pain. The foam roller saved me! lol. I have to stretch everyday after my runs and at the end of the day..my muscles get all spasmy and tight if I don’t. For the last oh..5 or 6 months? – I’ve been dealing with more injuries, because I would skimp on the stretching and foam rolling every other day to get to class on time…BAD IDEA! I know that that’s what caused the injuries…too tight.Jam..eh, Well, we usually have boysenberry at my house, or Apricot..or Damson. When I was a kid I liked strawberry, but it got boring after so many times, and grape is always good occasionally.
Jam and cream cheese is where it’s AT! I used to live off of it while I was in college 🙂