Hello! How’s it going?
Yesterday I snacked on the seasonal Pumpkin Chobani and did NOT like it. I just thought it wasn’t sweet or pumpkin spicy enough. Boo. (I liked the Watermelon Chobani though!)

This kind of reminded me of a conversation I had with my lil blogger friends in Boulder last week. We were talking about Starbucks or something and I said I’ve never had a pumpkin latte…everyone else had. And that brings me to the Never Have I Ever game.
Normally this is a drinking game where one person says something they’ve never done and everyone who has done that thing drinks. But since you’re probably at work or school or in line at the grocery store you can just sip your coffee or whatever and get extra caffeinated. Good luck.

Never Have I Ever…
1. Had a Pumpkin Spice Latte

2. Wrote “lol” in a text.
3. Ordered Crème Brulee.
4. Slept in past 8am.
5. Attended a pro sports event.
6. Drank a whole beer. (I have taken a sip but never ordered or finished one.)
7. Smoked a whole cigarette. (Same as above.)

8. Owned an iphone.
9. Made Jello shooters. (this is the one I want to do first!!!)
10. Had a hangover so bad I swore I wouldn’t drink again.

Question: Tell me something you’ve NEVER done!
I’d be drunk for sure!! LOL
OMG eating creme brulee is like an experience! Unless you don’t like it, then I get it. But that first bite, breaking the crunchy top with your spoon…mmmm! Ok, I like it a little too much. Can’t believe you never used lol in a text! Good for you!
Your description sounds amazing!! I took a bite of someone else’s before though, so yeah I know it’s super delicious but not my pick.
Girl, you are missing out on jell-o shots, sleeping in past 8, drinking a beer, creme brûlée, and sports events! So much fun! I’ve never had a pumpkin spice latte or smoked a cigarette either though
The only thing I can say I haven’t done is “make” a jello shooter, although I have partaken in my fair share. Thankfully I am at work and do not have access to a beverage of sorts, or I’d be on the floor.
Never have I ever ridden on a skateboard, nor have I run a marathon (as mentioned previously). While I don’t intend to remedy the first, for fear of losing an appendage, I do plan to fix the second!
Never have I ever…gone on a blog trip. Pretty sure that gives you like 100 drinks, making you as intoxicated as I would be if we were playing this as a drinking game 🙂
True! Now I’m in trouble 🙂
I have never run a marathon. I want to change that though!
I can’t believe you haven’t slept past 8 – that’s insane!
If this were the drinking game version, I think I would have died from alcohol poisoning.
I am a chronic abuser of “lol”. I routinely write it with a 100% straight face, absolutely zero laughing out loud whatsoever, LOL. 🙂
So sad about the pumpkin chobani! I can’t get any of the flavours in Canada, though, so perhaps I will be happy that it is not to-die-for delicious.
I’ve never baked. There I admitted it.
Wait, is a jello shooter the same thing as a jello shot?
Even the internet couldn’t help me with that one.
Number 3 – Never have I ever ordered Creme Brulee.
Right there with ya, sista!
Remind me never to play this game with you! I would be falling out of my chair by now!!
I have taken “3” drinks of soda for this today.
Never have I ever worked a 10 hour day. That is going to change in two weeks, I start full time VERY soon, which means overtime will happen!
I’m in for 5 drinks! Pumpkin yogurt just sounds weird to me. Maybe I don’t love pumpkin things enough (which would explain why I’ve never had a PSL).
I’ve never had a pumpkin spice latte either! I feel so behind the times!
I feel that numbers 4 & 10 are highly correlated. I’ve done them all except own an iphone. Thanks for the game – it helped me chug my water down quick!
of course they made a pumpkin flavor! you’ve never made jello shots!! WHAT. they are fun 😉 never have I ever had a beer and liked it.
dang– I’m 9 out of 10 on those, haha! Not sure what that says about me…
I can’t believe you’ve never slept past 8?!?!?! I love sleeping late. Makes me feel kinda like a bum but gosh it’s glorious.
Have you really never sleep in past 8:00 am????? Ever?
I’ve done everything on your list except for #1 and #7.
Oh I have never put sriacha or ketchup on my eggs 😉
I’ve only done 4 of those- LOL drives me crazy. Ew.
I’ve never eaten sushi. And I never will.
Really no lol?? Crazy! I would be drunk playing this game except for I have never smoked a cigarette…ever!
I’ve never gone skinny dipping.
HOW have you never slept in past 8 am?!?!?!?!
Yes! This! Even as a teenager?? Even after a night of drinking a lot??
Yep, I don’t really count it if I went to sleep at 7am though… which has happened and I’ll only be able to sleep for an hour or two. My body is weird.
1. I’ve never had a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks either!
2. Now I’m curious what kind of phone you have.
And my never have I ever is — I’ve never gotten drunk!
I have never used “lol” in text either. I refused to when I noticed that everyone was using it to end every text. I stick to “haha” or “HahaHAHahahHAHahahahahA”
Never have I ever drank cup of coffee.
LOL totally drives me up the wall too.
Yup, had to drink for each and every one of your items – it’s all I can do to make it out of bed by 8am on workdays, let alone weekends!
Have you ever seen a syringe jello shot? They’re so much fun! Big plastic syringes filled with potent jello, and once it solidifies you just “inject” the jello into your mouth. If you’re going to do it, do it all the way!
That is so brilliant! I made a boozy swan jello-shot jello-mold when I was in college. A booze-bird.
I have never owned an iphone either – don’t plan on changing that any time soon!
I’ve also never been to America! That’s definitely on the bucket list for the next year or two though 😀
I thought the chobani pumpkin was underwhelming. the noosa pumpkin at target is really good though!
I’ve never worn earrings.
The Pumpkin Noosa is seriously the best pumpkin thing ever!!
Like you, I’ve never smoked a whole beer.
Only 1 and 8 for me. 8 drinks here!
Never have I ever run a 50k (though I want to). Your turn to drink! 🙂
I haven’t tried the Chobani pumpkin Greek yogurt yet but I love the Trader Joes one, you should try it!
Never have I ever….driven a motorcycle! I’ve ridden on one but never been the driver. I really want to change that though – one of my goals for the next year is to get my motorcycle license!
Ooh! I’ll grab that next time I go!
Well now I’m drunk at 9am. But having done all those things just makes me an average girl, not a crazy person, right?
Never have I ever owned my own pet. Not even a goldfish.
Someone get this girl a goldfish stat!!
Never have I ever tasted anything watermelon flavored that I didn’t like. I’m pretty sure it’s impossible. I’d probably even eat mud if it tasted like watermelon. Watermelon is my jam!
Yeah, but have you tasted watermelon jam?
I have never eaten a cheeseburger. I don’t care much for cheese so they don’t even sound good to me! I’m pretty sure I’ve had a whole beer before, but I can’t really say yes to that with much certainty. And you’re not the only one who hasn’t done the whole pumpkin spice latte thing, me either. I feel like I’d just want a sip of someone else’s and that would be sufficient.
The cheeseburger one is good! I’ve taken bites of other people’s but never ordered one. I feel like you can’t really taste the cheese anyway so I would get a burger as a kid.
Never have I ever ran a half/full marathon! Drink up! 🙂
I didn’t know it was humanly possible to not use “lol” in a text.. Props to you!
Taking one! (swig of my iced coffee)
I’d have had, like, one shot based on your list.
Never have I ever ordered anything other than plain black coffee at Starbucks.
What was your one shot for?
Hmmm… never have I ever smoked a cigarette! Not even a puff!
Me neither! I’ve done all the rest though, haha!
yeah, I’m in for 7 drinks…
fyi i love pumpkin chobani
I feel like most of the reviews I’ve seen show that people really like it. I’m bummed it’s not my jam.
Never have I ever been skinny dipping but I feel like it would be very freeing!
Depends on where you go! Hawaii skinny dipping= totally pleasant, perhaps even preferable. Colorado skinny dipping=near death experience and major shrinkage situation
If we were playing that as a drinking game I don’t think I’d be able to even sit up straight anymore.
Oh no! Hopefully you weren’t swigging coffee and are super jittery now!
Yeah, I’m in the same boat 🙂
Yep, I’m drunk now.