Hello! How’s it going? Over here it’s slowly starting to feel back to normal, whatever that means.

I had an event over the weekend, which was a good way to keep me busy and get me to a happier place. My Grams loved gambling and it was at the Pala Casino (more on this later). Even though I didn’t gamble, I knew she would have loved it. Nowadays, online casinos like ยูฟ่าเบท สำหรับการพนันที่ปลอดภัย provide a similar thrill, catering to those who enjoy gambling from home. So if you’re interested, you can place a bet at online casinos like casino utan Spelpaus today!
Minutes after Grams passed my Nina and Nino got there. (My Nina is my aunt > my mom’s sister and Grams’ oldest daughter.) My Nina was talking to Grams…this is the very special conversation that followed:
Nina: Hey mom… How’s Heaven? Who do you see up there? Who’s up there with you?
My mom: She sees dad…
Nina: He’s probably hiding from her!!
That made us laugh and was a nice little moment of my Nina being my Nina and remembering that Grams was a handful.
And I found this picture as we were going through stuff this weekend… Classic.

Okay… there’s no easy way to transition from that so let’s roll with it.
I’ve been running and eating (but it’s been LESS running and MORE eating).
Running: I ran most days last week but haven’t done much strength work (and still kept my usual rest day). After crossing ‘Run’ off my To Do list I usually just want to head to my mom’s or start work. I feel behind on everything right now. I’ll get back to cross training this week.

Food: I’ve been eating a lot of pizza. It’s delicious and easy. I didn’t want to cook last week. Then, ordered it again at an event this weekend. I’m kinda happy about all the pizza that’s been in my life lately.

Random: Spotted these light-up watermelon decorations at Marshall’s and talked myself out of getting one. I might go back for it though. That’s what I do! If I see something I like but don’t love or if it’s expensive I don’t get it right then. If I’m still thinking about it the next day I’ll go back.

And I have some new race discount codes for ya! REVEL Race series added a new race in Arizona! There are tons of race discounts for the Elite Races – they’re small races around SoCal.
Check out my Race Discounts page and sign up for my RER Discounts Email list to stay up to date on the latest coupons and discount codes!
REVEL Race Series Race Discount Codes:
REVEL Canyon City – Azusa, CA Nov 4, 2017
REVEL Canyon City Half / Full Marathon Discount Code: https://www.runrevel.com/rcc/register?team=1467947
REVEL Mt. Lemmon – Date: Nov. 12, 2017 Location: Mt Lemmon, Tucson, AZ
REVEL Mt. Lemmon Half / Full Marathon Discount Code : https://www.runrevel.com/rml/register?team=1467946
Add REVEL Mt Lemmon to your fall running schedule and register by August 4 to save up to $20. Use code REVEL at checkout to save $10 and combine that with the Facebook and team discounts to get a total of $20 off your registration!
REVEL Big Cottonwod – Salt Lake City, UT Sept. 9, 2017
REVEL Big Cottonwood Half / Full Marathon Discount Code: https://www.runrevel.com/bcm/register?team=1467948
REVEL Mt. Charleston – April 28, 2018 Location: Las Vegas, NV
REVEL Mt. Charleston Half / Full Marathon Discount Code: https://www.runrevel.com/rmc/register?team=1467949
REVEL Rockies – Date: June 3, 2018 Location: Denver, CO
REVEL Rockies Half / Full Marathon Discount Code: https://www.runrevel.com/rdv/register?team=1467950
Elite Sports SoCal Races Discount Code:
Save 30% off ALL Elite Sports CA events
Register for one or all Elite Sports CA events listed below.
Use code:WERUN71
Sale ends August 1st at midnight, please spread the word!
August 13 http://www.arroyocreekhalf.com/
Sept 24 http://www.harvesthalf.com/
Oct 15 http://www.fosterparkhalf.com/
Nov 12 https://secure.elitesportsca.com/event/Surfers-Point-Marathon-2017
Dec 3 http://www.hollyjollyhalf.com/
Question: What’s your next race? Do you have a big race on the calendar this year?
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As a long time reader who rarely comments, and I’m a dentist, and I wanted to say I haven’t noticed your Invisalign when you said you can tell. Also, my mom recently passed away totally unexpectedly so I send much love. Hang in there. ❤️
I also just hit the gym back after a month and a half, so you running is awesome. Grief takes a toll. Honor your body and your emotions.
My only race this year is a 5k. Next year I’m hoping on doing a 10k because I’ve never done that before. Right now I do 5ks because it’s what I have time to train for (3 kids!!) so hopefully next year I’ll have a little more time to train!
Right now I have two 5Ks and two half marathons left this year…the B.A.A. half in October and the Rock n’ Roll Vegas half in November!
My next race is the Tufts 10k for Women in October. I’m really excited bc I haven’t done an official race since Dec 2015 (Honolulu Marathon – DNF at Mile 18 ).
So sorry to hear about your Gram- loss like that is never easy and it’s crazy how grief can do crazy things to your mind/emotions. I remember when my great-aunt passed away, after her funeral we all sat around at my grandparents house and my grandfather shared stories about their childhood that we’d never gotten to hear before. It always helps to have a strong support system <3
So my next race is going to be a Thanksgiving 5k. I've had to take time off of running since March since I'm now 2 weeks away from my due date, longest break I've ever had! I'm really nervous about getting back into it after such a long hiatus.
I have to say I LOVE that picture of your Grandma. My Grammer had that same hairdo! I’m sorry for your loss.
I had pizza (again) last night after closing my show. It was necessary. Now I’m back to being a normal human being and I don’t quite know what to do with myself! (Okay, run. I should run now that I have time! lol)
I am training for Wine and Dine 2-course challenge and Infinity Gauntlet Challenge this year! We finish in December with Jeff Galloway’s Double G. I’m hoping I prepare well! Which challenges have you done that you like best?
So sorry to hear about your Grams. 🙁 My grandma passed away in January, so I get it. Bring on the pizza!
No races on the calendar for this year, but I did sign up for the NationalWomen’s Half Marathon in DC next April. I need to get my mileage back, I’m stuck in this 2-3 mile rut.
My next race is September 9, a 20 mile race called Bear Water Run, which will be my last big run before Twin Cities Marathon on October 1 (my first marathon)!
No races…still injured…still bummed…it’s basically been 19 weeks since i hurt my foot and since then i only was well enough to run for about 3 weeks and then re-injured myself. I guess 2018 will be my realistic return to racing although i’m so freaked out that I might be afraid to run once i’m healed. I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. Still can’t even walk without a limp.
Pizza all day err’ day! The one you pictured looks bomb!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
My thoughts are with you on the loss of your Grandma. You should run that run with Skinny Runner she’s a cool chick.