After we landed in NYC yesterday morning I was pumped on adrenaline and enough though I was tired, just couldn’t sleep. So, I took a short stroll on the treadmill at the gym (it was still dark out or I would have run outside) and spent some QT with the foam roller.
Then, I took my first epsom salt bath! I was hoping it would help my tired muscles, but I didn’t feel a difference. It did relax me enough for a short nap though!
Finally it was time to rally and I went to the New York City Marathon Expo. First an important stop – Dunkin Donuts!
Bodega Breakfast.
The NYCM expo is big and the energy is BIGGER! I was nervous and pumped just being there!
This is the biggest marathon in the world, but they have the process streamlined. There was a big line outside and it went by fast thanks to the organization.
Sally from Sweat out the Small Stuff spotted me right away. She ran it before and gave me some tips.
I spotted Dean Karnazes and took a creeper picture. (I may be interviewing him soon. Fingers crossed!!)
I am very fortunate to have worked with ING Runner’s Nation again this year. The ING Class of 2013 team has been updating the Runner’s Nation Facebook page with tips and info on the race. I want to give a huge Thank you to them for supporting runners and working with ‘real’ runners on this project!
Fun at the Cabot Fit booth!
Post-expo Ben and I headed to his friend’s new apartment. I don’t think I have every stayed in a building with so many luxury apartments.
They were moving yesterday and we helped a tiny bit.
We hung out for a while before heading back to get ready for dinner. A little stop at Rockefeller Plaza for the beauty.
We went to dinner at Resto. It was amazing, but dimly lit so I didn’t take too many pictures.
Had to bust out the flash for this epic lamb dish.
The lack of pictures can also be blamed on my distraction with the wine…
And a Spanish Rose…
It was a great night.
Now I have some carb-loading to do!
I am so so grateful to have the opportunity to run the most popular marathon in the world! I want to soak up every second of this race since this is one of my ‘must do bucket list’ life moments. It’s a “MUST RUN” race for a lot of people and I wanted to share some of those stories too:
Beating victim runs New York Marathon
East Side Runners – Striving Immigrants Run New York
12 Memorable Moments of the NYC Marathon
Honoring Boston Marathon Victims at New York
To everyone running and spectating – stay safe and have a good day!
So cool!!! I would love to one day be able to run a marathon!!!
That looks so fun! Livin’ the dream baby… 🙂
Would really like to visit NY and the expo one day.
love me some NYC!! enjoy!
Good luck! Hope you have an amazing time! And, if you see Bill Rancic say hello for me! 😀
What an awesome experience! Good luck and I can’t wait to read all about it!
Good luck today!! Have fun and run strong!
looks like fun! good luck at the race!
I’m a little late to the game, but GOOD LUCK!! I know you’ll do awesome!
I’ll be out there cheering- hope to see you!! 🙂
Good Luck Monica!! We are all thinking good thoughts for you!! 🙂
Side note- I love epsom salt baths and I’ve found when I add 2 cups epsom salts, 1 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup Braggs apple cider vinegar I get the best results. Also I add essential oils to make it more relaxing (favorites are lavender and lemongrass).
Good luck girl, lets have a blast
All the best! I love your blog. You are so inspiring. I’ve done two halfs and I will do a full in 2014….you keep me motivated!
NYC is amazing to walk around & enjoy – lots of sights & fun & craziness! Enjoying your IG posts! 😉
I really want to do the NYCM someday! Haha, maybe in a few years.
Good luck tomorrow! What an amazing expo, marathon, and overall experience! I can’t wait to read your recap!!
The expo looked awesome! Super jealous 🙂
Have a great run!
Enjoy the experience!
SO exciting! good luck! i’ll be cheering you on (in spirit!) tomorrow morning on the west coast 🙂
Have an AMAZING race!!! We all know you’re gonna kill it.
Oh, my, it looks fantastic! Wishing you good luck for tomorrow: enjoy every moment- soak it up!
I forgot to tell you about the wall of sound. You’ve probably heard about this before. When you cross over the 59th street bridge (also called the queensboro bridge) at mile 15-16 you’ll turn up 1st avenue. They call it the wall of sound because on the bridge it’s quiet and then right there on 1st avenue is one of the prime spectator spots and everyone SCREAMS for you. Great meeting you yesterday. Have a super duper run!
I live in this City, but still teared up reading this… There’s something so magical about NYC. I WILL run the NYCM one day. I have to. Good luck, lady!! Hoping to cheer you on somewhere around the Queensboro Bridge! 🙂
Welcome back to the city! You have already made the most important decision of all, by choosing Dunkin Donuts instead of Starbucks. Good luck at the marathon tomorrow!
How fun! Good luck this weekend!
I would love to run it someday 🙂 enjoy!!
I’m sure you are going to do great in this marathon. The energy in New York has to be unbelievable this weekend.
What an awesome opportunity! Have a blast!
Have an amazing race, marathon magic heading your way!!!
Once again it looks like you are having a great time just living the dream! lol Good luck!!