Hello! I am in a super rush because I’m going to the Natural Products Expo in Anaheim today.
I woke up early for my long run and pre-fueled:
Unfortunately, I am dumb. I thought I had time to do 16 miles, but I realized I only had 2 hours – which meant I could only do about 13.75. I ended up running 7 out and walking the last .25 to cool down.
I’m not sure if I will make up those miles later or tomorrow or just call it a loss. Long runs should really be done all together to “count”, but I hate that I missed another longy. Last weekend I missed it because I was out of town.
Breakfast was a crazy good yogurt bowl with – Chobani Mango (love), tons of fruit salad, cereal, cashews and a few raisins.
I had been dreaming about this bowl for half my run. So good.
Okay, gotta go! See ya later!
DuDe!! Just gotta say, 13.75 miles IS a long run for the great great majority of people. Really not too far off from 16 at all! I consider 8 miles a long run in my book…. so don’t sweat it!
Oh Vitatops, how I LOVE thee….let me count the ways!!! Have you ever tried the vitatop muffin mixes? I am curious if they are just as delicious as the muffin tops.
Love your hair..every Sunday I look at my long runs and get nervous…and I am only up to 5 mile long runs…I am still unsure how I am going to pull off 13.1 miles in may..YIKES!!
Don’t worry, you’ll totally rock it out 🙂
Your hair looks gorgeous! Have fun today!
You’re a doll 🙂 Thanks so much.
I eat a similar pre-run meal – except my smear of peanut butter is much thicker 😉 I still can’t find Chobani Mango in my grocery store!
OMG… lucky! Hope you visited the GoodBelly folks. I neeeeed probiotics!
I saw them and thought of you 🙂
The one major downer about long runs is finding the time to actually do them. I feel like I have no time to begin with on the weekends and its hard for me to give up a few hours of my Saturday to run sometimes. Have fun in Ahaheim!
You look so cute today – love the hair! I wish I could pull off bangs like that!!
Thank you for being so nice 🙂
I was just there yesterday. Have fun and get some fun samples–I got my picture with Fabio in Hall E.
I didn’t see Fabio! Lucky!
I did see Montel Williams though 🙂
I’ve actually read (in running magazines, etc) that the opposite is true about long runs… for example, that if you have an 18 mile run that 18 miles straight is probably best especially so you feel mentally prepared, but that endurance wise it’s equally good to run 9 in the morning and 9 at night.
When I had plantar fasciitis while training for my first marathon, I took about 8 weeks off mid training with NO running, and upon my return I had to employ this strategy a few times for long runs and I don’t feel like it hurt me at all 🙂 So I guess whatever works for the individual is best!
The worst part of my running is my mind, so that it’s really huge that I complete my long runs or I don’t believe in myself.
I also feel that 2 runs a day (even if when added up it’s the same distance) makes my kneel hurt on the second one.
Hi love! Have fun today!!!
p.s. love the hairstyle, you look so pretty! Did you get your hair cut?! xo
Hahahahaha!!! Ohmygosh. Laughing and laughing. Monica. You are definitely entertaining. I was really off to (old here) nap. In almost-logging-off, my eyeballs caught your new post. Had to read. Too funny. We should pay you!!! If “those” careers (whatever they may be) do not pan out …. do stand-up comedy! Honestly, you will be great!!
P.S. SORRY re all your aches and pains. No laughing matter. Often tough being female. On a brighter note …. those blue+white runners are sweet! My fav colors in sport shoes. Best of Monica ……
Thank you! You’re too sweet 🙂
ooh I’m jealous! I wanted to go to that! Have fun!
It was life changing. You have to go next year.
Is that a koala reading a book on your shirt? So cute!
Yeah, Koala reading – says “Nerd is the word” or something like that 🙂
I’m glad your breakfast was as good as you imagined. Sometime when you think about a meal for ages it never really tastes as good as you expected. Have a fun day!