Thursday is my rest day from running so I did some light weights and went to the apartment gym for 30 minutes of elliptical. Ben and I were the only ones there, it was nice 🙂 I made Overnight Oats for a quick and delicious breakfast this morning! In the mix: 1/2c oats, 1/2c yogurt, 1/2c almond milk, sprinkle of…
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Hunger Meter
All the comments on my “Hunger” post were very informative! Thanks 🙂 The most common signs of hunger were: Irritability (two people want to kick-ass when they’re hungry!) Stomach growling Emptiness in your stomach And it seems that many readers struggle with reading their hunger. The IE book says you should rate your hunger on a scale of 1 through…
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Running Away & Suggestions Please!
Question: When you run do you feel like you’re running away from something OR to something? This morning I had to tell Matt and my Mom bye and it was really hard. Ben took them to the airport and I was alone before my run. I didn’t want to leave for the run because I didn’t want to be alone…
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Day with the Fam
I ditched work today to hang out with my family. I was kinda having a breakdown about them last night and really needed the extra time together for my sanity. We just bummed around and it was great! They are leaving super early tomorrow morning and I won’t see them again until October. There may be tears and I’m not…
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Show me your blubes!
Today was supposed to be a speed work day, but speed work and repeats are super hard for me – which is why I never do them! I know I need to start working on this so I made a compromise. Instead of the crazy 1 mile repeats my training plan called for I did some fartek work. I did…
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How do you know you’re hungry???
This week I am focusing on Honoring My Hunger (from Intuitive Eating). But this poses a major problem because I don’t know how to tell if I’m hungry! Years of dieting and overeating have completely damaged my hunger reader. The R.D. said my hunger “meter is broken!” But, it can be fixed with a lot of care and attention. So,…
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Couscous and Chickpea Salad
Well, after purchasing that massive can of chickpeas this weekend I figured I better start trying to make a dent in them! The main players in this recipe were this massive amount of chickpeas (I was rinsing off), ww couscous and eggplant I cooked up in a pan with seasoning. I saw a Chickpea Salad…
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New Veggie Burgers
I have been eyeing these Veggie Burgers at Costco for a while, but didn’t want to get them because of the nutrition info. They are a little low on protein for a girl who uses veggie burgers as her main source of protein some days (when breakfast is cereal and lunch is PB&J…). But, I knew based on their…
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Almond Milk vs. Soy Milk
Today we will answer the age old question: “Which is better, Almond Milk or Soy Milk?” I will break it down into 3 categories – Nutrition, Taste and Price Nutrition: Here are the stats for Almond Milk: Here are the stats for Soy Milk: If you are a calorie counter…
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