Hello hello! Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I had a day of crappy eats and didn’t really want to own up to it. By crappy I mean Chinese take-out and drinking eggnog out of the carton.
Guilty as charged 🙂

I ordered Pei Wei and for some reason I ordered it extra spicy and it was killer! I loved it though 🙂
Intuitive Eating – Phase Two of my path to Intuitive Eating was Observation. I think Phase One was learning about Intuitive Eating and realizing I need help.
I first learned about Intuitive Eating around March. I read the book and then went to see Evelyn Tribole R.D. – one of the authors. She is a therapist and R.D. and I love her approach to weight loss via Intuitive Eating.
But, after going to her for a while she realized that I had a lot going on at the time – wedding planning, shopping for a condo with Ben, job searching… – yeah it was crazy times!
So Evelyn suggested I take a break from focusing on food and weightloss and enjoy all those exciting things going on in my life. I reluctantly agreed and we decided I would come back once everything slowed down.
Since that time I’ve been living my life and just observing my habits – good and bad. I try not to judge because the book does tell you to be a neutral observer and not to be critical (that is hard).
Well, observation time is over! I have identified my good habits, bad habits and Intuitive Eating obstacles. Now we are on to…
Phase Three: Living like an I.E.
I am ready to put everything I’ve learned over the past nine months into practice. This means eating when I’m hungry, sleeping or taking a break when I’m tired and expressing my feelings instead of eating.
I bought this white board so I can identify my feelings when I’m in the kitchen. One of the exercises Tribole taught me was to check in with myself at various times throughout the day and identify how I feel. Being aware of where I am at helps me recognize if I’m on the path to an emotional/tired eating day.
Yes, I put up the board with dirty old shoe laces. If you have a better suggestion I’d love to hear it. And please don’t suggest I just wash the shoe laces because I am lazy.
So, I’m going to check in with myself via this board throughout the day. I know it sounds a little very controlling and little crazy, but this is what I need right now. Peace out.
Breakfast and running! I almost forgot this is a food and fitness blog not just a crazy girl talking about her disordered eating habits blog.
I did 6 miles and it was great! Today is an absolutely beautiful day. I even got a little too hot with all my layers on! Love it.
Well, truth be told that new Kashi cereal is almost halfway gone. I love it. A little too much actually.
I made a yogurt bowl with strawberry Chobani, banana and cereals. I also added some almond butter to the spoon 🙂 And while I’m in love with the new Kashi Crisp cereal – I am not loving this Nature’s Path one. I expected more raisins and clusters – and the pumpkin seeds are completely MIA. Boo. I usually love N.P., but I won’t be getting this again.
Happy Monday 🙂
Christmas is only 11 days away!!! Are you done with your shopping yet?!?!
I love the idea of a white board on the fridge! I need to do something like that. After getting fired from my job in October, I have been prone to way more overeating and emotional eating then I’d like to admit. I think it would help me a lot to write my feelings down.
I love how honest you are about your IE journey. It’s very inspiring.
And, I think Silk Nog should always be consumed via carton. It is just too amazing to go through a cup-middleman 🙂
Following your journey toward IE is great. Thank you for your honesty. It is easy to relate to you because like me, you have days when it is easy to follow IE and days when its harder.
Wow, I feel like this post could be about me! I really need to read about someone who struggles with IE (like me). Sometimes it’s really hard to read all the food blogs written by really thin girls who hardly eat. (Not that you’re fat- hopefully you know what I mean). 🙂
How lucky that you actually received therapy from the author of that book??? Talk about getting feedback from a pro!
I think it’s great that you can write your feelings for your husband to see. I think that shows how strong your relationship is. Your lucky to have such a great guy!
I know I overeat the second I get stressed. Whenever I have an assignment to do, I eat like crazy (seriously I gain almost 20lbs while writing my thesis). I wish I could tell myself to just cool it and that it’ll get done and that a brownie really isn’t going to make me feel any better or write my paper for me.
I can’t wait to be done with school!
We all have weekends like this… I think the board idea is really great. 🙂 I’m a college student and have been reading your blog for a few months and absolutely love it- you may see yourself as a sometimes crazy girl with up and down eating habits, but to me you are someone to look up to food/fitness wise and an amazing athlete. Thank you for inspiring!
You have really come a long way. When did you realize you were in the 3rd stage? how long were you in each stage for? I think I’m still on the 1st “eat like a madwoman phase” 🙁
I’m with you Julie– I am totally in the eat like a mad woman phase. Ugh.
Great idea with the board on the fridge, right out in the open! I tried keeping a notebook, but it just seems like more of a hassle to dig it out of my purse and find a pen and write. But if it’s right in front of you, that sounds so much easier. Especially when you open the fridge for a snack and then look at the board and realize what you were feeling earlier, and maybe prompt you to write something instead of eating.
BTW – I had Pei Wei yesterday too! Guilt-free. 😉
I’ve learned alot about ”IE” from you, can’t wait to learn more. I had some yummy Mr. Chopsticks yesterday, can’t go wrong with rice!
I love the dirty shoelaces — that is definitely something I would do. I am just now learning to check what I am feeling before I eat (I wish I had figured all of this out years ago). My motto is “check yourself before you wreck yourself” — I don’t know where I heard that but it reminds me to not eat out of boredom, sadness, or excitement. I enjoy learning about IE — thanks for posting your progress 🙂
i haven’t even started christmas shopping yet!! hopefully i can find time this week. good luck with the next phase of I.E. — and please keep those laces 🙂
I think checking in with yourself is a GREAT idea! My therapist suggested the same activity when I saw her last year. I try to remember to write down how I’m feeling every time I eat something as well, so I can look back and see what kind of mindset I was in.
Don’t you think that it’s a little absurd to write down your feelings on the fridge? I mean, how does Ben feel about you listing your insecurities/flaws in plain sight? I keep a notepad around with me, a lot more private, and then I call someone to talk. Don’t just distract yourself, maybe you will enjoy your life a lot more if not everything has to do with how much/how little you ate.
Deb – yeah, it is totally absurd and if I was living with anyone else besides Ben I would not do this. I never said I was normal 🙂
And I’m not writing my insecurities – I’m writing my feelings… most of them are completely normal feelings that everyone has: “I’m stressed about money”, “I’m anxious about that job I applied for”, etc.
This difference between my feelings and other people’s feelings is I don’t just express them or vent – I eat.
I’m using a white board so I can erase it if I am too embarrassed to have it up in front of Ben or visitors.
I realize this is a bit ridiculous, but I have a long history with emotional eating I am trying to figure out what I need to “get better”.
I’m not even sure I will like using the board or if it will help, but I’m going to give it a shot.
Great insight on the IE 🙂 Right there with ya.
And I agree about the cereal. It was an effort for me to finish that box. The raisins were hard as rock!!
Please keep those shoelaces, they made me laugh. Love it. Good luck with your next step in IE!
I love the board idea! I think that’s exactly what I need because as a stay at home mom I find myself either eating out of frustration or boredom all. day. long. I can’t wait to hear how it works for you!
The board is an awesome idea, I might try it too! I actually looked for the new kashi cereal at my store, but they don’t have it yet! Boo!
Good luck with I.E.
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I actually wouldn’t have even noticed the shoelaces if you didn’t say anything. haha, it’s creative though & that white board is a really good idea. I am still learning about IE with myself also and was just about to write down some stuff and then I read this post. I didn’t know where to write my stuff so I’m gonna list it here if you don’t mind since I don’t have a blog.
Here’s what I’ve noticed about me, what works and what doesn’t.
I most often binge when…
-Late at night when I’m tired and should just go to sleep
-Late at night when I’m bored
-When I’m upset
-When I deprive myself of sweets
I will always binge when….
-I grab a box or bag of something (crackers, chips, cereal) when I don’t pick out a serving (EX: me devouring a whole box of wheat thins last week)
I do and feel my best when….
-I eat a lot of fruits and veggies and add in protein
-VISUALIZE exactly what I’m going to eat before I am in the situation & STICK with it (ex: last night before my christmas party I visualized what my plate would look like: mom’s beef sandwich, carrots, grapes, & homemade cupcake) I knew what I wanted to splurge on and what was worth it and stuck with it.
-Eating every few hours so I don’t get overly hungry
-Chewing gum to keep my mouth busy when I just need to CHEW
-Allow myself to have one “treat” a day. (ex: one christmas cookie a day– pick a good one!)
-Exercise because I love the way it makes me feel and how happy I feel afterwards
Wow that was long, but I felt like I needed to write it all out so I can identify these thoughts/actions. Thanks for letting me get that out (not like you gave me permission or anything :-P) I feel like you are so open with us that I can just put my crap on here too. Thanks Monica, you rock
Hey Ashely! How are you 🙂
Yes! Totally use the comments to express yourself. I put myself out there and actually feel more comfortable when my readers feel comfortable doing the same.
It sounds like we have a lot of the same issues. Good Luck!!
Samantha – that is actually a really great idea! Thanks!!
3M makes some removable adhesive that doesn’t leave any residue. I use it at work so that I can put stuff up and take it down without doing any damage to walls, etc. I know you can get it at Office Depot and probably someplace like Target or Wal-Mart as well.
Great idea about the white board! Thanks for sharing your journey – your honesty and hard work are inspiring!