Hello! I am really loving all the miles you are piling on this month!! Keep it up! It is really amazing. If you need some motivation or inspiration check out the updates on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #POTM15
I am sharing some of the running, cycling, workout, food updates today too! And check in below to be entered to win the giveaway.

Nancy @dayff on Instagram is training for Grandma’s Marathon

@Lindseyyjoee is rocking the international symbol for trying to get a GPS signal

An Avenger at the @Sporthooks booth at the half marathon expo

Pile on the Miles Check In and GIVEAWAY
How did your week go? Did you hit your goal? Why or why not?
There is only ONE week left! Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Then, the holidays and Christmas cookies and egg nog and chocolate everywhere… stick to your workout goals at the very least. You can do it. No excuses.

$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway is sponsored by Sabra. Big thanks to them for supporting our healthy habits!

Leave a comment on this post to be entered to win the $100 gift card. Closes Sunday 12pm PST.
Question: PILE on the MILES Check in! How did your week go?
Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. POTM contest is open to all participants. RER is not responsible for any sweat in your eyes, endorphins, happiness, injury, fitness or other that occurs by participating.
The week is going well! My ankle is a little sore and swollen…not sure why. It is alright when I am running though! Keep on keeping on 🙂
I’ve done every one of my workouts so far this week. Don’t worry, I fist bumped myself just for you. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m 0 for 2 on the whole “don’t get injured in November” thing. 🙁 But I’m at least walking this time around!
Pile on the Miles is going swimmingly so far! I just finished my first half marathon over the weekend and am even more motivated to tackle the full next year! Booyah! 🙂
Got in 5 days of running/strength this week. not terrible…but I really wanted on more day in there.
That last picture made me really hungry for hummus, but since it is 10:30pm, I guess that crazing will have to wait until tomorrow! Today was my first run for the week because I got a weird stomach bug that lasted 4 days. NO idea where that came from. I am typically quite proud of my stomach of steel. I’m excited to start a new week with a working stomach and outdoor runs! OH yeah and its a week geared toward EATING so thats cool too 🙂
today i got in about 3.5 miles — all in Barrys Bootcamp! My new favorite way to get them in 🙂
And PS the jalepeno is my favorite 🙂
I ran 6K today.
I’m doing great with potm. So glad I decided to do it . Now I will feel less guilty when I stuff my face Thursday; )
Even though I was sick for two days this week, I was able to meet my goals. I got in 33 miles, plus 24 on my bike, with six workouts at the gym. This week will be harder with Thanksgiving, but I’m going to try!!!
I actually did awful this week. But I’m hoping to do better this week!
Missed Friday and Saturday due to a houseguest and early morning sports events for the kids. Got the majority of the day’s workouts in, so I am happy.
I ran 24 miles this week (goal was 20 miles/week). Happy to have passed my goal!
I got out for 8 miles yesterday. I didn’t run the entire time because the sun was too hot, but I ran most of it. That brings me to 23 miles this week!
This week was okay-ish. I was on vacay in San Francisco until Tuesday, so I’m counting all that hill walking on Sun/Mon. Tues-Thurs was a total bust because of travel back to the east coast and exhaustion. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were all successes. Since I was traveling and changing timezones I’d say I did better than I initially thought on Friday!
Saturday and Sunday are rest days! Excited to get back at it Monday.
Check in! The week went well. I met my Pile on the Miles goal but should have snuck in an extra walk or two. Next week! 🙂 Good to have goals. 🙂
Finishing my week trod at by going on an long chilly run. Dusnt meet actua goal goal for going to the gym but I’ve worked out the right number of time!
Got my 5 workouts in this week! Heading out soon for a 3 mile run!
I didn’t do so great this week. Pregnancy is hard 🙁
Although I missed out on Pile on the Miles, I was able to get out there and meet my goal of running 3 times last week. Coming back from an injury has been tough but I refuse to give up!
Had a couple rough days today and didn’t get to walk my pup at all. Whomp whomp. But! Got my workouts in. Next week!
I’m a little bit off my mileage goal, but I don’t feel bad because I have been doing TONS more cross training and doing more focused runs (like intervals) rather than just worrying about my miles.
Yesterday my hot yoga class was canceled and instead of skipping yoga I threw on a podcast and did it on my own!! Just what my post- marathon legs needed!
I did 6 miles ! With some added squats and lunges
Did not hit my goal. Only 1 day of yoga andno running. No reason except I’m still being lazy after my marathon. Gotta get with it this week!
Had a hard run yesterday, but still managed a 5.8 mile run. My total mileage this week was 15.7 which was just over my goal!! I also got 3 days worth of strength training in, which I think is a huge accomplishment for me. Working to get stronger everyday!
Not my best but 13 miles. 7 Yesterday that were tough but I stuck it, out and proud of that!
My week has been awesome!! Even on a weekend getaway in New England, I hit my goal. My hotel treadmill came in very handy, and sightseeing on foot kept me active.
46 miles
46 miles this week. Thanks for the motivation
I’m a 6 days a week workout gal. Used to run 5-6 days a week with other stuff thrown in, but now it’s more like 2-3 with lots of other workouts. I love running too much to keep up the high mileage I was doing. If I kept it up I probably wouldn’t be able to do much running at all soon enough. It’s been 15+ yrs since I started running 5+days a week. My body is happy I’m mixing it up more now.
Mmmm hummus!
Wahoooo! I see my Instagram pic! 🙂 I definitely piled on the miles this week. I got a PR on a half marathon on Sunday and managed to get two additional good runs in this week.
Trying to stay motivated through the Wisconsin snow storm!
It’s been a rough week for workouts since the cold has descended and I stayed up too late a few too many nights…but I managed to hit my goal of 25 running miles! Things won’t get any easier from here…must stay focused!
Bad week – my dog was sick so I just had to do exercise videos.
Went great! 45 miles! Yoga and heavy weights!
Checking in with my 3.2 mi speed run. This was supposed to be 9mi, but sleeping in won — and then it felt way too hot to go out for any longer than ~3 mi in this November heat wave before going to work till dark. Still glad I went out, because I ran faster than I have since January (thanks to a broken hip/abdominal surgery).
My goal was to get in 4 workouts and I got in 5!
I ran 14 miles this week! Today I ran 3.1 and each mile was sub 10:00, which is huge for me. I’m super proud of myself!
POTM check-in! today: 2 mile walk, spinning, kettle bell condition. great classes today!
did really well this week…worked out every day. pushed through some rough ones and tired legs, but got it done 🙂
This week was great . The weather was perfect for extra walks . Over 20 miles this week Trying to get some more in tomorrow before the cold front moves in .
20 miles for the week right on schedule, even after getting locked in the post office for over a hour!! No excuses!
This week’s goal was to learn my new class for body barre to teach. I learned it!! Now I have one more class to teach tomorrow and hopefully one more run! woo!
It has been a good week. I am still working out six days a week. I also incorporate one veggie per meal.
It will be easy meals and tough workouts up until turkey day!
5 miles today!!
Great post I really enjoyed reading this one. I would freak out if I won this giveaway thanks for the chance.
Hit my goal this week, working on including more rest and restorative movement too though!
Did almost 40 this week! Included a half marathon on the treadmill this morning 🙂
Well I did better than the prior 2 weeks as far as mileage, just over 34 miles for week. 2bootcamps, 1 night if Disneyland walking, 1 run, and 2 walks. Not bad for being sick with a cold.
Piling on 4.5 miles today!
I ran three miles today
It’s been a great week! Started with a 12 miler and 12 more spread through the week. Training for my first full!!
Not a great week for me, only ran 3 days. I am looking forward to the long run tomorrow though!
Yay I hit my goal this week and ended on a high note with a 5k with my girls running group of 3rd 4th and 5th graders!!
Just 2.5 quick miles for me today in the Nebraska cold!
I have not met my goal yet… Ugh this week has been crazy. Hoping I can still pull out a good run tomorrow.
I met my goals this week, 4 run of 3 miles. Tomorrow a long run to finish the week
Met my POTM goal for the FIRST time this week, finally!
Run/bike: One spin class, two 4-mile runs
Strength: two days
Foam rolling: working on that right now
Got all my goals in this week!! 4 runs, 1 elliptical workout and 1 strength training workout! I think this was the first week I got all of them done! Can’t wait to do it again next week.
My goal was 10 miles and I completed 11! I celebrated my 40th birthday today as I joined my friends for 4 miles at a sunrise running group. What a great way to start a new year!!!
Had a good week of runs, and I’m looking forward to a 10K on Thanksgiving this upcoming week!
I ran 7.5 miles this morning and then took a short walk in the afternoon. Did a little yoga, so I guess I hit my goal o two sessions this week!
I hit my goal this week and plan on running tomorrow as well!
Today was spent volunteering so I’m rested up for tomorrow’s half, but goals met!
I did hit my goal this week. There was one day I had my steps in from a busy day… but I had not hit the elliptical yet. I thought of the challenge and made myself get my time in!
I ran 18 miles out of the 20 I had planned this week. I had to rest my bum ankle Thursday. But I did get to yoga!
I did well this week! I got all my runs in (18 miles, 3 miles speed, 7 miles) in. I also managed to get in two spin classes which is second only to running in exercise land to me 🙂
I want to get a good strength workout in this week. I have been half doing less than stellar strength training all week in favor of cardio. Probably want one good day of it!
I hit 45 miles this week along with 60 minutes of cross training on the elliptical and two weight training sessions. I still don’t think it was enough to combat the amount of dessert I piled down my gullet this week!
Rocked a 10k early turkey trot today gearing up for the big one on Thursday…I am looking at you Dana Point!
I ran 5 miles today!
Met all my miles this week! Whoop. 5 tomorrow. Keep it going!
Week could have been filled with more miles, but i’m pumped to run a Turkey Classic 5-miler tomorrow!!
POTM check in-10k race today!! I hit my goals for week!! Feeling really happy 🙂
58 miles for the week and got 20 miles in this morning. Taper time…should be interesting with turkey day right around the corner!!
Fun fact…moving to a new apartment makes it very challenging to squeeze in workouts, especially when you live on the East Coast and it’s dark at 5pm! However, moving also provides lots of opportunities for lifting heavy boxes, climbing up and down stairs, and doing all sorts of bends and stretches! So I feel exercised!
(I also did get to the gym once and out to run twice.)
My week went well. Wanted to run 4 times, but ran 3 times. I walked a lot and piled the miles.
Today I ran 4 miles.
3 more miles today! I’m going to knock my 50 miles goal out of the park! 😛
Ran 3 miles today!!!! Goals for the week completed!!!!
10km a day keeps the doctor away!
Winter miles….enough said!
17.3 miles this week. I’ll finish the other 3 mañana. What a good week!!
USA Half Marathon Invitational DONE! And a PR to top it off 1:41:28 🙂 My goal was 1:42, so I am STOKED! The icing on the cake was MEB giving out high fives at the halfway point!!
My most active week since marathon training. 55 miles. We lost our grandma yesterday but know that getting my miles in has helped so much with the healing process!
5 days of running done!
Even got 10 miles in today!
Thank you!
Ran the most miles I have in a long time this week- 25 total! Plus I earned my high yellow belt in TKD!!
I LOVE Sabra Hummus. It is an excellent way to refuel after pile on the miles!
I’m so busy I can’t even remember which days I ran, but somehow I’m up to almost 40 miles so far so I’m happy!
I got in one short run this week. Then missed a few days being sick. But I’m ready to go for next week!
I walked 25 miles last week.
My week went awesome – I managed to run every day and today, after a 25k morning run, did a 1h strength session in the afternoon. Felt SO good!
I blew my goal out of the water, 43 miles!
ran 5.5 miles this morning, and walked another 1.5. Met my goal for the week! 🙂
Sabra, you da bomb! Thanks for hosting the giveaway. I am not really a runner, but I have been keeping consistent with my workout videos (mostly from the TIU girls) this week. Gotta prep for Thanksgiving next week!
I ran 3 miles today! I hit my goal for this week!
after a week off due to a back injury i got BACK ON TRACK today! bi’s and tri’s in the gym + 30 min incline walking on the treadmill!
Got in my five days or running this week. Up to 92 miles…one more week to go to hit the 120 goal!
I did 45 minutes on the spin bike this morning. I’m starting to see the progress in myself, and have lost some weight so I’m feeling more motivated than ever!
Thanks POTM15!
6 miles this morning!
And I didn’t die!
I’m soooo proud of myself!
My week has had a few shorter runs, with a tempo run and a 5K race with my dog this morning. He loves racing, and we came 31st out of 121 runners, which isn’t bad since he only has three legs 🙂
They weren’t all p
Ran 18.9 miles this week (including a hilly [for me] 5-mile run this morning), which puts me over my 50 mile goal for November! Hoping to get at least two runs in next week and pass 55 miles for the month by November 28.
17.5 miles this week! Also 4 strength training sessions this week!!! Feeling great!
First five miles since my 2nd marathon last weekend. Felt great to be running again!
Got myself a fitness tracker this week so I’m on task and super motivated!!!! 15 miles this week!
Well, running has happened as scheduled, but due to an irritated meniscus, gym workouts have not. Trying to keep my body in one piece til after my 50k on 12/6!
I will exceed my total mileage goal today biking to work and back. That will put me at 37 miles, with a goal of 35 for the week. I’m proud of that, although I didn’t meet my goal of 10 miles on foot – I only did 6. But that’s still better than last week – progress not perfection!
Made my goal this week! I only needed 1.6 miles to hit 20 for the week and I went out in the SNOW and made it 3! I love the first run in the snow. On track for 80 miles this month 🙂
Sabra you’re so generous! Pile on the miles is the only reason I ran at all this week. Two runs this week more than I was planning on. 🙂
Did my 12 miler today to get 22 miles in the week. It was not easy but it was a gorgeous morning for a run!
4 miles today making 12 for the week which beats my goal of 11….ran that extra one so I can have an extra beer tonight!
Yesterday was my first day running this week since the Thunder Road marathon last Saturday. Going to do another 3 miles today.
I ran the 4 days I planned to run this week (16 total miles) – bring on week 4!
I stuck to my workout goals this week…diet goals less so. Holiday treats are already everywhere! So I felt like I was dragging a bit on today’s long run, but I’m glad I went out and did it!
I’ve been doing really well with my movement goal for this week. In fact, the walk yesterday was a fun one, in a holiday parade! 🙂
The week didn’t start off great but i’m finishing it strong! 10 mile run this morning takes weekly running miles to 19. Goal was 20 so may have to bust one more out tomorrow… 🙂
After my long walk yesterday it is an easy day for me. Today I walked, did squats and have been outside doing yard work and cleaning cars. I have passed my goal this week and am amazed at how good I am feeling.
Not the best, worked at most days but behind on miles.
This week went MUCH better than last week! I got out running 4 days and lots of walking. Getting ready for a half marathon tomorrow (my 3rd one while pregnant).
The week started off slow, but I think I have made up for it in the last couple days. Bring on the turkey!
I love this challenge. Please do it every month. LOL even without the prizes.
Chipping away, I ran 2 this morning plus strength. I might be the only person who schedules long runs for Monday and Friday but oh well works for the farm, haha
Really looking forward to extra miles during Turkey Week!
This week went really well, I hit all of my goals! This has been such a fun challenge to participate in. I can’t believe we have just one more week left.
Ran 18 this morning hitting my scheduled 59 for the week (training for Mississippi Blues Marathon). Got it done early before it really started snowing. Only had to run the last two with snow blowing in my face:)
I am happy with meeting my goal of running 3 times this week & feel better!
Busted out Ripped in 30 Week 1 early this morning. My quad and neck are both back to normal- thank God! So happy to be able to sweat again.
My week went well!! I’m hoping to get back to running next week. The break from running was kind of nice!!
yay, met my goal for the week, plus an extra day today (goal was 5 days of working out, with one of those days being a yoga class)!
This weekend I have a spin class and a Core 40 pilates class planned.
I only got in 3/4 runs because of a cold but I got all my weight lifting days in!
This week was really weird, but I still hit the road for a few miles and made it to kickboxing last night! Now I’m off to colorado and will hopefully keep away from tooooo many treats.
Our first winter storm of the season hit last night, so it looks like my run will be replaced with something inside today.
Busy week, so didn’t get in as much as I had hoped. Still made it to the gym 2 days for cardio and strength, ate well, and made my step count 4 out of 5 days. On track to meet my goals for the month!
This week was really low mileage for me. I’ve been struggling with a cool all week- and had an international flight from Dublin to Vancouver on Wednesday (28 hours travel time). But a new week is coming to finish strong!
Phew! Caught the post this weekend! I’ve done 2 weightlifting sessions, 2 low-intensity 2-3 mile runs, and a really good speed session this week. LOTS of walking – I hit my 10,000 steps all but one day this week.
Thanks for the motivation. It’s helping me stick to it!! Made my goals this week. Hoping you do a December challenge as well…
Heading out for a long run in the first snow of the season!
POTM check in: Walked 3.1 miles this morning! Weekly goal accomplished!
A huge thank you to Monica!!!
Going on a 3-4 mile run with my baby and a stroller!
I hit my goal for taper week! 1 week out from the half!! wohoo!!!
Doing my final fitness profile today for a fitness challenge I did with my friends. Down 15 lbs!!
Also, I’m planning to walk today in preparation for my Thanksgiving 5K! #EarnTheTurkey #POTM15
Wasn’t feeling well, so wound up skipping yesterday.., but getting the miles in today to meet my goal of 3×3+ miles.
Made it 3 short runs- but got out there total 10 miles and one yoga class. Going to teach Spinning class and maybe a nice brisk walk this afternoon.
Met my goal – yoga all week to work out some hip issues & a pain free three miles! Can’t wait for more miles this week!
Running the philly half tomorrow so this week was a little more laid back
It went great! Lots of steps, including some speedwork, which hasn’t happened in quite a while!
I did not meet my goal this week. Got strep throat and have been out of commission. Next week hopefully I’ll be better (I’m on antibiotics) and I’ll make up for this week. 🙂
Everyone on your blog is goals! I recently lost about a hundred pounds and am working to be able to run even a 5k without stopping 🙂 step by step!
I’m heading to my 4th class at the studio today AND I finally started running again this week (post my October marathon)
I forgot to put my mileage in for the week: 85 miles!
Today is my rest day. I have reached my goal every day this month!
My toddler and I had colds
I have been doing my 30 minute walk daily, working up to more when I can.
A week of commitment! And it feels so good.
After being sore from a 1/2 marathon last weekend….I still got in my steps! I’m up early to meet my friend so she can do her first 5k! I’m so proud of her!
I’m doing 4.5 miles today, and dragging along my husband. This takes me to 19.5 miles this week, and my POTM total to 66 miles, meaning I have to do 34 miles before the end of the challenge. This is more than I would usually do, but that’s kind of part of the challenge – right?
About to head out for a 10 miler with 30mph north winds!
I couldn’t check in this week, but I hit the gym two times and ran 15 km. Today I’m gonna pile on the miles with my stationary bike, because the weather outside is horrible, and then I’ll try to do also some bodyweight workout!
I am moving along – 3 miles yesterday- getting ready to go to boot camp right now!
POTM15 Check in!
It’s been a tough week as I have had some swelling in my feet and hands. But I still got in some good power walks of 30 minutes each day and Tuesday was my track day so that was a nice 60 minute workout. This morning doing 5-6 miles.
Have a great weekend!
After my long run yesterday, and not sleeping last night, I am going light: 30 min spin, 30 min core, a long walk.