Hello! How are you? This morning before going for a run I did my usual routine of iced coffee, check Instagram and apply sunblock and I remembered that I’ve been meaning to share a few running tips with you. I’ve been running for so long sometimes I forget a few of the habits or ‘dos and don’ts’ I practice every single day that really help make running easier or smarter or more enjoyable.

1. Use sunblock.
Yes, I know you know to use sunblock – but do you?
*And if you use spray sunblock – apply it somewhere that will NOT get the floor slippery from the spray aftermath. This could be super dangerous to you or the other people in your house. I almost slipped one time before realizing I need to take it outside. Slip Testing Floors is crucial in areas prone to moisture or spills.

2. If you want to run faster, run with someone fast.
I don’t have any friends (ironically probably because I’m always running?). But the local cross country team flew by me this morning and I busted out a super fast mile!! Run with someone faster than you or put on faster music or chase after your kid on a bike if you are looking for a push to help run faster.

3. Keep your toenails short.
Your toes hitting the front of your shoe can cause black toenails and sometimes make them fall off! They can also cause ingrown toenails, holes in your socks and other foot issues.
Keeping them short helps keep your feet and toes happy and healthy. It’s a small thing, but important for runners.

4. Running on the beach is overhyped.
Boom. There I said it.
Okay, I know running at the beach is awesome. I drove to the beach to do my long run every Saturday for years! I love running at the beach.
But running ON the sand is not the beautiful experience some would have you believe. Getting sand in your running shoes is the WORST. So you might want to ditch them if you run on the sand.
Running on sand is very challenging, which can make you stronger. Awesome. But, it’s also a lot more difficult too – so keep that in mind if you have any feet or calve issues. It’s an uneven, unforgiving surface so watch your step, slow down and realize you might be slower on soft packed sand.

5. Pay attention to your surroundings.
You don’t have to stop and smell the flowers literally, but you should take in the beauty of wherever you run. Enjoy the sights and sounds and smells – even if you’re running in a big city, there are things to appreciate about it.
Also – pay attention for your safety. Watch for cars and people and bikes. Keep your music down so you can still hear what is going on around you. Be safe. Be smart.

Three female runners were recently killed while out on runs
Karina Vetrano – runner found in Queens on Tuesday.
Vanessa Marcotte – runner found in Princeton, MA on Sunday.
Alexandra Brueger – runner shot in Flint, MI in July.
This is horrible and sad. I don’t want it to happen to you so please be safe, be smart. If you have a bad feeling about something go with your gut and get out of that situation. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
Runner Safety Tips:
Find a running buddy.
Run somewhere well lit and with other people around.
Run with a specialty pepper spray for runners.
Pay attention to the people and sounds around you. Look alert and strong.
Keep your music down so you can hear what’s going on.

I wish I could be your running buddy, but I’m super busy being a solo runner who listens to weird podcasts all the time…

Headed out on a hike right now!! #RERMiles!!
Incorporate speed workouts or other types of run workouts–don’t just do 1 type of running all the time (i.e. 1 speed, 1 distance, etc…)
For safety:
-I prefer to run with my dog (she’s a softie, but a 60 lb black lab can dissuade some people)
-Run with only 1 headphone in to be more cognizant of your surroundings
-Rotate between several pairs of running shoes
Do your best to not feel ashamed about how you look when running – if it’s hot, lose the shirt and go sports bra only if you want! It’s hard to bodyshame someone when you are literally running and trying to improve yourself.
And while I’m not into podcasts, I love listening to audiobooks while running. However, I do notice I run faster if I listen to tunes.
Totally agree about running faster. It’s how I got fast. I joined a group and chased them but I got faster. And my tip would join a running club. I joined nearly 12 years ago , and we’re like family. It’s so much fun and the accountability is helpful.
What podcasts are you listening too these days? I’m I trigger by the idea of listening to one while on my long runs. Thanks.
Lol, intrigued. Not trigger.
Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes early in the AM when it’s dark I get scared. Buying pepper spray now.
You can thank me later. The best Podcast I am listening to right now is “My Dad wrote a Porno.” So freaking funny! And British.
I have to look this up!
Hey thank you for bringing up the safety point– I feel like blogs sometimes exist in a vacuum so it’s nice that you’re bringing up relevant current events.
Thanks! Be safe out there 🙂
Run on different surfaces to reduce risk of injury. Don’t stick to the same routes. Change is always good when it comes to trails. Try different methods of running: tempo, fartleks, etc. And last, but definitely not least, if you listen to music please use open air headphones that let in some outside noise, especially for you ladies.
Those are good tips! Thank you James.
So helpful! Def sunblock is one I miss sometimes but when I was running consistently it helped so much with weird tan lines!
One of mine is stretching! I cannot tell you how much my yoga practice helped me when I was running and recovering from my half marathon…
also…the toenails one…priceless! I would also say splurge on good socks…I wore cheap socks at first but then found I was getting minor blisters on my feet…worth the investment!!
Yeah, I wear ProCompression low socks to run (and the compression socks after runs). I swear by them.
Not sure if you’ve done a post on this since I”m a new-ish reader but I would love to get some suggestions for podcasts…and yes, wacky is good!
I haven’t done a dedicated post on my favorite podcasts, but mention them as I go along. But one is in the works since I’ve received a ton of questions.
Very useful post that brings awareness to all of us. I totally agree on the safety part. I passed up this guy during my morning run today (he was already kind of slowing down/stopping by the time I passed him) but then a little bit later, I heard him curse with a sigh. It was probably nothing but I just got a little scared so I kinda ran faster to get away- there were tons of cars on the road so if anything, I know I could get help but it was a little scary.
Running on the beach- very true too! it’s usually slanted so one foot is getting more weight than the other so it does hurt to run unless you can find a very nicely packed sandy area that is completely flat….
I assume you get to run on the beach a lot? So pretty 🙂
Stay safe out there <3