My Garmin is dying. It might already be dead actually. It wouldn’t turn on this morning and I tried the holding down both front buttons trick and it would turn on for a second and then turn off 🙁
If it’s really dead I’m just going to have to sell a kidney for another one. I have to have it since I don’t have routes memorized around here.
Boo 🙁 I’m trying to charge it again right now and will mess with it later…
So, I think I did about seven miles. But, I can’t be sure!
No pics – cereal and a pear. I ate a pear as soon as I got back from my run 🙂
Before I left I had a small bowl of cereal. I am still struggling with whether or not to have cereal in the house. I plow through it when it’s here, but I feel like I’m depriving myself when I don’t have it.
After my run I was craving an egg sandwich. I love adding veggies to eggs so I can knock out some vegetable servings early in the day. I cooked up some broccoli and onions before adding in the eggs. All we had is cheese sticks so I had to use that, looks funny but it worked!
Now I’m chomping on a Luna bar for a snack 🙂
Ben’s Breakfast – I used the bread I made last night to make Ben french toast this morning. I left a few slices out last night to get a bit stale. This morning I dipped them in eggs and coated them with coconut. I think he liked it, but he didn’t finish it so maybe not (he wasn’t feeling the bread last night). In other random news:
I have two huge pimples that I picked at and now I look like a leper
I was freezing my entire run today – I don’t know how much more I can stand!
Christmas is only eight days away!!! Yo quiero tamales 🙂
Question: What is your traditional holiday eats? Do you do Christmas breakfast, lunch or dinner with the family??
A: I have a big Mexican family 🙂 We usually gather for food and drinks Christmas eve. Then, we go to my grandma’s for Christmas breakfast – that is always tamales, eggs, beans and more! But, my mom and I are trying to start a tradition to have Christmas dinner with me and my brothers. I can’t decide what to make though…
Here in the Philippines, we have a tradition called Noche Buena. It’s basically Midnight Dinner with the family. In my family, we usually eat Christmas ham and cheese. Then we open presents.
Lauren – I totally understand. I have been obsessed with roasting brussel sprouts since I discovered that method!
This is a comment about the roasted Brussels sprout method that you posted a couple of days ago. Usually I steam my sprouts (and wind up putting copious amounts of butter and salt on them) but I roasted them per your instructions tonight, and they are amazing! I may never steam them again! I’m new to this cooking thing, pardon my over-excitement about roasting a vegetable. 🙂 Love your blog, I read it every day.
We usually go to my aunts house for brunch…. and she always make fruit pizza!!!
Poor Garmin! I usually either do a Thanksgiving recap meal or italian for Christmas dinner. This year I am making homemade gnocchi for the first time and I think eggplant parm. YUM
I have weird anxiety about my Garmin not working so I always double check against–try that out if it the Garmin is still being cranky!!
My fam always has brunch after presents w/ like eggs and bacon and English muffins and then a big family dinner on Christmas night.
We like to a lunch after waking up to open presents. They always wake me up early and I just want to sleep in.
My husband’s family is Mexican and ever since we have been together I have been blessed with the tradition of tamales on xmas eve! I really don’t know how I ever lived without them! My favorite is the SPICY red tamale. 🙂 His mom also likes sweet tamales made with raisins, which I am not a fan of. Does your family make sweet ones too?
A suggestion for the cereal dilemma – what if you portion out the cereal into small baggies when you get it home? I know it seems like a hassle but at least it’s easier to visualize how much you’re eating rather than sticking your hand in the box for a quick snack. Then you could make a deal with yourself like maybe you could have one bag after lunch and one after dinner? Good luck!
Christy – this is going to be Ben’s first Mexican Christmas – he’s excited for those red tamales too!
Too bad about the garmin! Hopefully it comes back to life for you.
Our Christmas traditions aren’t very exciting…we do Christmas eve at my aunts and open family presents, then Christmas day my mom just has my nana over. The other members of my moms side of the family are with their families, and my dad’s side is scattered all over the place. It’s too bad becuase I like them better 🙁
BUMMER about the GARMIN – is it still under warranty? Maybe it can be fixed! I HOPE SO!
I do Christmas ALL DAY with my family, I end up gaining like 45 lbs in one day! We are big time snackers so it’s like walk into the party, start snacking, eat “real food”, snack more, coffee, dessert, snack, snack, snack.
Hello! It’s my first time commenting, but I’ve been reading for a while — I find your running so inspiring!
My mom’s side of the family celebrates on Christmas Eve, and the tradition is oyster stew (with loads of other dishes). My dad’s family has Christmas Day dinner, and there’s usually a pot roast. Since I’m vegetarian, I make do with mashed potatoes and veggies, although sometimes I bring my own substitutes. My immediate family just does Christmas brunch, which is pretty laid back.
back when i was little we’d have tuna salad in dinner rolls for dinner christmas eve and then a big roast at my gmas house for christmas. nowadays we don’t really have anything special at all.
oh no about the garmin! you can always use to track your runs. that’s what i use because i’m too po’ to have a garmin 🙂
Dinner christmas eve with my mom’s side and then lunch with my dad’s. My mom’s is such better cooks though
Sorry about the Garmin. I never run with one. But after reading about yours and everyone elses in the blogworld I am gonna ask for one for christmas.
As for Christmas Dinner, you can make my creamy chicken enchiladas. let me know if you want the recipe..Its not healthy but really good.
We usually go down to my MIL’s house for christmas eve and have a huge buffet of filipino food, fresh crab, desserts, american food. then on christmas day we cook turkey day foods and a ham.
Christmas Eve is at my MIL’s house and Christmas Day is at my aunt’s. There will be tons of eating all around, for sure!
yikes about the Garmin – how old is it???? I would assume it should last a long while baring extenuating circumstances like being dropped in a cup of beer (oh wait, that was my camera – which still works like a charm by the way!)…
My MIL is getting me a Garmin for Christmas – I’m super PSYCHED!
if you have iphone try runkeeper or mapmyrun apps – there are several gps apps on there which mimic garmin at least in terms of mapping your distance I think???/
Oh no no no Mr. G!!! That’s awful 🙁 Mine did the same thing once, and I remember holding down 2 buttons, but I think it was the side one and a front one. Maybe try researching another way to “restart” it? Fingers crossed for it!!
On Christmas Eve, we have an entire fondue meal. We cook meat fondue style and eat it with lots of side dishes, and then have chocolate fondue dessert!
On Christmas morning, we always have make your own breakfast tacos on a buffet (which is a must when you have 25 people!). Christmas afternoon we all make appetizers to much on. Christmas dinner is traditional German spaetzle and pork roast and we always come up with a special secret dessert.
Oh, and on Christmas morning we all get blitzed on coffee and Baileys. So we’re all drunk and hyper, which makes opening presents awesomely fun!
Sorry about the garmin. I hope it comes back to life! You can always use I LOVE cereal and always HAVE to have it in the house! I’m definitely addicted to kashi go lean and special K chocolatey delight! Yumm!
We do Christmas Eve with my mom’s family, and that’s always good southern cooking. Christmas Day is my dad’s family, and that’s normally bland ham and frozen vegetables. Yuck!
Sorry to hear about your Garmin. I don’t have one, but I use maybe it can help you until you get your Garmin fixed or get a replacement.
My traditional holiday eats are on Christmas Eve w/my boyfriends family, then on Christmas I visit my best friends mother for breakfast. It’s a relaxing day.
Sorry to hear about your garmin dying 🙁 I know I had to get my HR monitor taken in for service and I felt so lost without it!
So I was born and raised in Central America and let me tell you I miss that food soooo much. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing the tamales recipe—those I crave and miss the most! I would love to give them a try, except when I used to eat them we would wrap them in banana leaves. Do you make some of the traditional Mexican dishes or do your relatives mainly prepre them? Just curious because I would love to see some of your recipes, if you/your family are willing to release them 🙂
Thanks Monica!
Regan – I love your name. Oh wait, you asked me a question… with my fam I do cook traditional Mexican dishes. I’m just trained to only cook for a crowd so I never make them anymore since it’s just Ben and I! I can get the tamale recipe from my Nana and share it.
My family eats a big, fancy dinner in our pajamas when we get home from church on Christmas even, usually around 10:00 P.M. This tradition started in 2004 when we started going to the latest church service because there were less people. We all put on our pajamas as soon as we got home, forgetting that my mom was cooking a huge turkey dinner. We basically just said, “Oh, well,” cranked up the Christmas tunes, and ate in our PJ’s. It’s been a tradition every since. Even when my sister and I have a boyfriend, a friend, or now my husband joining us, we make them bring their pajamas!
Love that you make guest bring pjs too!
Just reading your post about your Garmin dying gave me anxiety. It is amazing how much we rely on it. I have only had mine a little while and I can’t imagine not having it. I say no cereal in the house. I have to do that with certain things. Or you can always make Saturday “cereal day”. I always give myself one day on the weekends where I can totally enjoy (I do need to learn not to gorge myself). It doesn’t affect my weight loss and makes me eat healthy during the week.
I think I might try this 🙂 Thanks!
I don’t have a Garmin, but if I did I think I would die if it broke. We eat Christmas Eve dinner and the same on Christmas Day. Actually, we just have lots of eating.
We don’t really have a traditional Christmas meal. Maybe just the same stuff from Thanksgiving. Hmmm…maybe I should come up with a tradition. What if your sorted the cereal into single serving bags? Then you’d have a better idea of how much you were eating and might be able to stop yourself.
What a yummy sandwich! Might have to make that one for lunch today. We always do Christmas dinner. When we were home we’d do the traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing… For the past couple years we’ve been doing different things. Steaks, casseroles… This year is lasagna. It’s nice to make new traditions!