Hello! How’s it going? Over here it is going great because:
A.) Vegas is still alive
B.) I celebrated him pulling through with wine!!
C.) I found a blue dress that helps me eat more.
To start, it’s important for you to know I am probably like 402 pounds. I don’t weigh myself so I don’t know for sure, but I’m taking an educated guess based on the amount of food I eat and sound Ben used to make when he picked me up.
If you’re skeptical it’s probably just because I dress to look 10 pounds thinner. Or, like 200 pounds thinner. Either way.

One of my favorite tricks is ruching.
Ruched dresses like this one from Anthropologie or this one from Express can help you look thinner OR hide flaws – if the ruching is in the right places. This dress had it down one side and was flattering in the waist/stomach area. More flattering dresses and pakistani clothes uk can be found at khawabeeda.co.uk.

So then I can drink lots of wine and eats a lot of spinach dip and french fries and it’s not as noticeable!

And that’s the real goal, right?

In other news:
I ate fruit while driving because I was super hungry yesterday. I was really working on this habit and have been good about it – just sharing to stay accountable/get it together.

And my other snackage was a two or three rice cakes with Laughing Cow cheese and jam.

This morning was random – I was really craving oats. But, I also did a strength workout and knew I needed protein. So I made oats and stirred some egg whites into them as they cooked. Delicious!!

I need to add this to my ‘As Seen On My Run’ collection, except it was seen on my walk…

Vegas would like to thank everyone for their well wishes.
Not really, he’s just being good so I’ll give him some turkey.

Really though, I’m still waiting on his test results! I’ll update you as soon as I find out. It is making me nervous that it’s taking so long.
Yesterday afternoon! Haha! I went out for celebratory drinks with some coworkers to celebrate my new job!
Let me speak for Vegas when I chant, “turkey, turkey, turkey!” He’s so damn cute! And now I want laughing cow and jam
lol! haven’t you ever been to the vet before? you’re gonna have to call and harass them for a few more days before the test results are in, especially if there’s nothing wrong with him. the longer you wait to “hear back” the more time they have to lose the paperwork. get on it, girl!
My last adult beverage was probably on new years; tried to drink some champagne but it was awful. I’ll save my splurge- treats for chocolate :]
Give him turkey!!
Disclaimer: I’m not trying to be a brat and 8/10 I find your posts amusing. And maybe if I wasn’t a bajillion months pregnant and could have an adult beverage, I would be less sensitive.
That said, I don’t really find it funny to joke about being 400 pounds and wearing a dress to make you like your 130. I have known people who were 400 pounds (or more) and died because they couldn’t take care of themselves. They could barely dress themselves, much less put on a dress that made them look 200 pounds thinner. I know you can’t please everyone and everyone is entitled to their own sense of humor. But sometimes, things just aren’t funny.
I appreciate you pointing this out in a tactful way. I hear ya.
that dress looks so good on you! also, obsessed with that nail polish color
Anything that let’s me drink more wine 😉
It’s been a few months since I’ve had a proper adult beverage, for I am “with child”. I’ve sneaked the odd teeny tiny one in here and there. There was a white wine spritzer a couple of weeks ago that was practically homeopathic! I’m also not running at the moment because it’s too cold and I’m not doing much cross training either because I’m so tired all the time. Reading fitness blogs keeps me healthy right?! The ruching tip will be super useful for me in the coming months, so I don’t get confused with a whale. Keep ’em coming!
I like your sandals. Goes well with the dress.
I drank an adult bev about 5 minutes ago. Now I am all out of champagne 🙁
Vegas deserves a lil turkey lurkey!
I haven’t had an adult beverage in 11 days. Crazy actually….
I LOVE ruched dresses or tops, they totally help! I also love wrapped style dresses because I feel like they’re more flattering as well!
Last adult beverage was almost 5 years ago when I entered recovery!
I have also been craving oats lately and mixing in some of my homemade almond butter and maple syrup. So good. Glad Vegas is feeling better!
having an adult beverage at this moment and def give him a bit of turkey
Wine, presently. Is it inappropriate that I was surprised that that wasn’t everyone’s reply? Skip the turkey – I don’t want word getting out in the cat community – I might have to buy some to give my guys!
glad vegas is pulling through!
Yay for Vegas – I <3 kitties! That ruching is AMAZING since you don't look anywhere near 402 pounds. I need that dress!
Having wine now!
Give Vegas ALL the turkey!
i had a beer yesterdar evening
I first read the title as “RUNNING makes you look skinny” and I thought, well, I guess so! And you look pretty awesome for 402 lbs 😉
Hi Monica! Ruching is definitely a flattering look for most shapes. And it’s good you got some fruit in your day. Adult beverages? I haven’t had a glass of wine since the weekend, and I’m sure to have some tomorrow because I’m going to a wine-tasting event. Have a great night! 🙂
Yes-give the poor little guy some turkey. Oh, and that dress looks amazing on you! Also, I seriously doubt you are even close to 400 pounds…
Adult beverage now of course!! #morewineplease
Turkey for sure!! I think you look fabulous regardless of ruching or not! 🙂 I haven’t had an adult beverage since end of last month. I am more of a big eater. 🙂
Give the boy some turkey!!!
Last adult beverage was wine on Sunday. Thinking about busting some open tonight. After my run and my toning class at the gym.
Sometimes the rouching makes me feel like I’m hiding something when I’m not or adds fluff…I guess that’s why there’s no way of really knowing until we try it on. 🙂