Hello!!! How’s it going?
I’m just over here running and eating and stuff. No big.
But you know what is a big deal?
Running Shoes.
Seriously getting a new pair is like Christmas Morning. Except instead of it being Jesus’ birthday it feels like yours.
My point is getting new shoes is awesome and ProCompression is giving away a pair of YOUR CHOICE of kicks to one RER reader plus a pair of marathon socks!
But there’s a catch – you have to either use my awesome discount code to buy a pair of compression socks OR send in a postcard (no purchase necessary) to enter. Custom socks printing is a creative way to elevate your corporate branding. Perfect for events, employee gifts, or client giveaways, these socks can be personalized with logos, slogans, or designs. Combining functionality with style, custom socks offer a unique and memorable way to showcase your brand in everyday settings.
You guys know normally I have you just leave a comment on a post with something dumb like, “What color are your pants today?!” to enter giveaways. But, I dig new running shoes AND ProCompression socks so I’m presenting this offer.
If you have been reading RER for more than 2 minutes you already know I am a huge fan of PC’s marathon socks.
I’d share this discount either way. But, they offered to do a giveaway too so I was like, “Boom. Heck Yeah!”
FYI: I personally wear the Marathon Socks, not sleeves. I really dig them for long distance races AND recovery after long runs and races. I also like the short socks because they’re super light and don’t slip or get ‘eaten’ by your shoe. But do YOU and choose what works for your life/running/preference/dog/training.
Big Tip: Make sure you take them if you are traveling (or just driving far) for a race. It’s easy to get all stiff and sore from sitting and traveling after a race. Compression socks help with blood flow and recovery. So even if wearing compression during a race isn’t your thing you can put ‘em on after.
I’m not a scientist or a Scientologist but my understanding is it helps with blood flow. There are some major veins and arteries that go down your lower leg and into your foot. The compression keeps blood from pooling in one spot. But don’t quote me (especially if I’m cussing).
Running Shoes and ProCompreesion Socks Giveaway
Giveaway: A pair of running shoes up to $150 in value and a pair of marathon socks!
Use code RER for 40% off AND Free shipping at ProCompression.com. When you use that you’re automatically entered to the giveaway.
Two ways to enter:
- Purchase any product from PRO Compression using promo code RER (40% off Marathon Socks & Marathon Calf Sleeves, with free domestic shipping)
- Send 4 x 6 postcard by US Mail with the following information:
- Your full name
- Your complete address
- Valid email address (if you do not have an email address, print “no email address”)
- Valid telephone number
- The words “Shoes Promotion”
Mail postcard entry to: PRO Compression, 5205 Avenida Encinas, Suite F, Carlsbad, CA 92008
A maximum of two (2) total entries (purchase, or mail-in postcard) will be accepted per person, with no more than one entry by method. All entries become the exclusive property of Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned. All entries, including mail-in entries, must be received before April 11, 2014.
Question: Do you use compression socks during or after a workout?
I do both.
I use compression socks after a long run. They were a must-have after Ragnar Relay!
Yes! Thank you for finally giving me an “excuse” to buy a pair of Pro Compression socks! I’m starting to train for my first half so I’m pumped to get some of these socks that everyone raves about – and I would LOVE to get a new pair of kicks to use, too! 🙂
I never realized you were supposed to wear them during your workouts! I always put them on after!
I have their low trainers and use them for….ummm, well…..training runs and I use the marathon socks for recovery after my half marathons. I’ve noticed a HUGE improvement with how I feel after a race since I began wearing them. I also wear them if we are flying anywhere!
I have actually never run in my compression socks or sleeves, but they are the BEST for after a long run. I’ll keep them on all day and have even worn them to work (um, with pants of course). And I agree that they are great for traveling.
Always wear ProCompression sleeves or socks when I long run. I prefer sleeves in general, but really like the Marathon Socks.
I use mine mostly after as its usually too hot to wear them in So Cal. They are essential for running relays- I used pro compression socks a ton during my Ragnar experiences.
I use the compression socks when I play hockey. I have never used them during a run, but, well I don’t really run too much distance…like 5 miles is my longest run. I would love a new pair of socks for hockey and can always use a new pair of shoes.
Bummer, I just bought my Pro Compression Pink Calf Sleeves last week! I love them!
I wear them before and after workouts as well as at any random time, just NOT during workouts. Strangely, I get shin splints every time I try to run in compression socks. I know why, though — I get lazy with footfalls when I wear compression. I figure they’ll keep my muscles happy, so I don’t focus as much on making them do what they should be doing. Better for me to not wear them while I run and use them for recovery after.
Speaking of which, I’m sitting here at my desk with my PC sleeves on. I love both the socks and the sleeves. The socks I think do a better job all around of aiding in recovery, but the sleeves allow me to wear my Vibrams.
I love procompresion socks! I have the sleeves & socks. Sleeves I wear during the race and socks I wear for recovery after. Although, I have to admit, I don’t love pro compression sleeves, I find they are too short. I mean they do the trick, but I wish they were longer like CEP’s.
Always after for me
Sorta random question- do you have a running skirt/skort that you recommend? I am looking to try one out and need some recommendations…let me know!!
YES! Moving Comfort running sprint skort. It’s the only one I love so far.
Thanks so much! Love your blog btw
Sad Panda – I just hopped on to order and it isn’t taking the coupon code. I’ll try again later
Great post,
I love the idea of using compression socks. It’s powerful review for me.
Thank you for sharing this!
I usually use them after, sometimes during long runs. I’m excited about the giveaway thanks for sharing!
I just bought my first pair of the marathon socks and the low cut socks. They’re great! I wore the long socks to work and it was lovely.
I got really excited, but then I read the rules.. Only US residents! That’s too bad, because I am a Dutchy!
Love PRO Compression socks! They are my favorite!
I really like the idea of using compression socks. It makes sense that support on your lower legs would help with blood flow and recovery.
I do both plus I rock my compression socks to work at the hospital- 12 hours on your feet makes your legs tired!
So excited to try them out! Just wondering, what are the sizes like? I have wide calves but super small feet 🙁
I almost want to send a postcard cause – when do you ever get to send postcards anymore?
Ha! So true 🙂
I wear compression socks after long runs for the most part, but when my legs are feeling a little tired I will run with them too.
I do when I do my long runs. They really help. There is a woman in my cycle class who wears them. She looks rather Olivia Newton Johnish but to each their own!
Awesome, I’ve been wanting to try them out! I’m training for my first half marathon and I’m going to be stylin in my new purple socks 🙂
I wear compression sleeves during my run and leave them on afterwards. Haven’t gotten into compression socks yet
I do both too and pro compression is the best! I have several, (and by several I mean at least 40) pairs. Love, love, love em!
Woot! Today IS my birthday. I’m going to order socks and hope for some birthday-juju-luck! I haven’t tried compression socks yet, but I’ve been wanting to. 40% off is an awesome reason to start now. Thanks to you and ProCompression for the giveaway.
I usually wear them on my long runs, and for a few hours afterwards. I just bought some socks with a groupon!
So far I only use them after running.
I’ve been afraid that I might get blisters if I wore them running. But I guess I could always try the calf sleeves and stick with my known non chafing socks 🙂
That’s exactly why I use sleeves for runs and socks for recovery. I like my trusty socks.
I love my pro compression calf sleeves and slip them on after a run or during travel. I heard you are not suppose to sleep in the sleeves or socks. Do you know why?
It’s likely because you can’t monitor them when you’re asleep. If they become too tight you could do some damage to yourself.
Great giveaway! And I use both!
I was just going to get some compression socks today, but I’ll just order them now. And I could use new shoes. Double win! Thanks