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Love the fortune! 🙂
All that food looks fantastic!
That soup looks splendid. Just ate some chicken and vegetables and I realy wish I had a bowl of it…
oooh! My last fortune cookie said “Poverty is no disgrace”…thank you, you’re welcome, goodbye!
Did you go to Princeton?
Haha to the fortune cookie fortune 😀
Hehehehe…your dinner setting and dishes look like mine! I’m Chinese and grew up eating some of those food.
What is that in the cup, it looks so good
Ok seriously funniest fortune I’ve seen in a long time!
That last dessert thing looked amazing!
Thought of you today I went to get fitted for some new running shoes and was dead set on newtons and he brought out some brooks which I did not want to like because they were not as colorful and then I put them on and I was sold! I also got some watermelon nuun ha ha! Good luck at your marathon!
Love all of it!
That fortune cookie is amazing!
salty carbs! good luck tomorrow, i’ll be running the half!
i just bought a huge thing of grapes from TJ’s, so all the grapes are mine, too 😉
good luck tomorrow!
Thanks! (Yeah, I totally finished all those grapes – busted!)
I like the idea of silent Saturday!