Hello! Happy Sunday!! How was your weekend?
I did another run this morning because I’m digging the back to back and I’m too lazy to do a full 20 miler right now. I’m at peace with it (until I get my azz handed to me next weekend at the race).
I heard orange is the new black, so I’m sportin’ this shirt today.
Yesterday I hit up Sonic for Happy Hour and saw they have these new Sparkling Water beverages. SCORE! It’s sparkling water with a low-cal or no-cal mix in. Um, that is my favorite thing so I freaked out and added it to my order. That’s how I ended up with 2 massive drinks. Note: While attempting to link I learned The Sparkling Water is just being tested in a small number of SoCal locations!!
And I finally got the chance to use my new chopsticks! Last night I made a stir-fry with my signature peanut sauce and chopped it up.
Sunday Set Up in my Closet
Every year for the past four New Year’s I say I’m going to start dressing better (aka not like a slobradoodle) and then I don’t because it’s just easier to grab my holey sweater than accessorize something cute.
Well, it’s always something that bugs me but I let it bug me rather than take action. Until last night.
I flipped my sht and THREW OUT ALL MY CLOTHES. So, now I’m sitting her naked. Okay, 90% of the them. And for more info on cleaning products, you can check it out from here!
And so begins my new journey to be less of a mess in a dress showing too much chest. Let’s see how this goes…
So, now I have to start from scratch. I’m considering making my own clothes…
Winner of the Fitbit Review Giveaway is Jenna D.
Question: What was the BEST part of your weekend?
Um, I’m pretty excited about the Sparkling Water situation. And I kinda want to spike it…
they totes need sparkling water at mcdonalds!
I need to clean my closet, too. 🙂
The best part of my weekend was a tie between making an awesome Sunday brunch with my hubby and running 1.5 miles nonstop. I’m healing from a stress fracture in my ankle and spent 8 weeks in a walking boot. I got to increase my mileage to 1.5, and today, to 2! I was strutting around the gym like I’d just made the Olympic team. Little victories!
I love doing closet clean-outs! I feel so refreshed after haha.
I LOVE getting rid of clothes! As my wise sister says, “getting rid of old clothes makes room for new clothes”. And who doesn’t LOVE new clothes? Maybe I like clothes more than the average person…
Probably would have been that little trail run I tackled over at Peter’s Canyon. It was tough but my average pace was better than I expected. I do NOT want that half in March to kick my sASS!
My closet needs something akin to what you did. Sigh…
I always say I’ll dress better. On Friday I got new super comfy cat pajamas and I was the most stylish person sitting on their couch watching Lifetime’s Lizzie Borden movie.
Ha! Love it.
Best thing: 60* yesterday! I didn’t run, but I did walk and explore. I might regret not having run when we get into the single digits tomorrow, but I don’t mind the treadmill.
Best part of my weekend, well there were 3
1. Got the wife to try T25 workout with me on Saturday – kicked our a$$
2. Played in the snow on Sunday with my daughter – almost froze damn polar vortex
3. Got our first win in hockey this season (on the fifth try…boo)
The best part of my weekend was seeing my family! My parents came up to visit. It went by too quickly though, because I’m hurting this early Monday a.m.
Getting to see some friends I haven’t seen in a while! I also finally committed to a half-marathon training schedule and race 🙂
Donating unwanted clothes/junk is my FAVORITE thing ever. It’s so freeing to get rid of all that stuff, right?!
I get such joy from raiding my closet! It has been a while since I have done a total takeover but has been on my list for a few months now.
Chinese New Year dinner with one of the running group on Saturday and on Sunday, CNY breakfast hosted by 2 running groups after our run. 🙂
The best part of my weekend was my ride a long in the ambulance Saturday! I need to clean out my clothes asap too, I feel like I accumulate all kinds of junk that I never wear…but I need it haha
I cleaned out my closet back in Nov. If you got rid of 90% of your clothes, why wouldn’t you buy new clothes, unless you had A LOT of clothes to begin with.
HAHA!! slobradoodle??!! You for reals gotta coin that word!! I told myself I’m ok with just looking nice at work lol… I’m a complete slobradoodle as soon as I come home… and I’m ok with that! 😉
VERY excited about just getting outdoors for a run again. Denver has not been good to us this winter, lol
Good for you! Sometimes a closet purge is necessary 🙂 The best part of my weekend was hearing my daughter call me mama for the first time. And she hasn’t stopped! haha! It melts my heart 🙂
Thank you sweet baby J that this wasn’t another stitchfix review. Totally thought that’s where this was headed at the end of the post… !!!
The best part of my weekend was picking up my new treadmill! We just finished setting it up so I don’t have time to run tonight, but now I have something to look forward to after work tomorrow!
I’ll take some of that spiked Sparkling Water, please.
The best part if my weekend was either book club (aka wine club) with my girlfriends or taking the pups to the dog park in the snow with my husband. I’m love getting in that cleaning mode .. Doesn’t happen too often. Are you going to try to make a little money before donating them? I usually try to take stuff to platos closet and have also consigned online on that Twice website (think pb fingers blogged about it)
It’s my birthday weekend so a bottle of Dom was the best part so far 🙂 And the mimosa flight this morning at brunch wasn’t too bad either… Thanks for the closest reminder – I need to take care of mine ASAP!
I did a major closet clear out last year and it felt really good! I am trying to work on a capsule wardrobe, but I’m not quite there yet. Enjoy shopping for new clothes!
Best part of my weekend was refocusing and reenergizing. I feel like I am at much better place going into this week – sometimes I need some tough love! Oh and I had a pretty great 8 mile run on Saturday 🙂
I have brought so much to Goodwill recently and keep reminding myself to only buy things I LOVE, however finding clothes that I love is proving to be quite difficult so I am still wearing the same ol’ crap!
I went through all my drawers and my closet yesterday and took 52 items to the local goodwill. WHEW. Most of these were clothes I hadn’t warn in 2-5 years, and really needed to go.
I got roses from a boy! That hasn’t happened to me in years! (i’m 40 years old but i like to say boy instead of guy for some reason. lol)
Love it!
Haha Ive been slowly but surely tossing the old and replacing with better new stuff.
I did that recently – I’m not sure I dress any better, but it sure felt good to clean out the stuff that didn’t really fit right and I didn’t love.
This weekend was the bestest because I got an impromptu 3 day weekend and got all the chores done Friday and got lots of extra relax time! 🙂
It is so gratifying cleaning out your closet and getting rid of all the excess! Good luck restocking it with new items!
Everything is better spiked 🙂
Hopefully they’ll bring those sparkling waters to all Sonics.
I had an awesome game night with friends last night!!! great weekend times 🙂
We went to Gabbi’s in Orange last night for dinner- probably the highlight (so far, at least)!
So now you need to do some insane shopping.
My mom called me mid-closest cleanse and was like “This is NOT an excuse to go buy a bunch of stuff.” Boo.
Haha I think it’s too funny that you cleaned out your closet, because I just did the same thing today. It’s been months, and it really needed a good clean!
I had a great Half Marathon yesterday the Rain Run. It wasn’t a PR but I’m always happy with a sub 2.
Sad night. I brought my daughter to the airport to go back to school. Miss her already.
OMG thank you for the giggle! Congrats on finally getting that crap over with. I know I’ve stared into my…erm…other closet… (THAT’S RIGHT, I HAVE TWO, don’t judge me!) …*le cough* and wondered why I haven’t cleaned it out (I may or may not see the light at this very moment).
The best part of my weekend happened a couple of hours ago, when I got a group text to all of the teachers and paraprofessionals in my school, letting us know that we’ll be CLOSED tomorrow! Thanks, Polar Vortex, v2.0!