So. I guess I’m going away this weekend. More info coming, but I am super excited!
I took the ‘less’ out of “Meatless” Monday and added chicken breasts to the peanut sauce noodles leftovers. Seriously, meal prep is the BEST. Do you do it?

This afternoon I had a protein shake as an afternoon snack. I used Vega vanilla protein powder, almond milk and ice. That’s it. I also had a few spoonfuls of PB on the side

I’m a big fan of Vega protein powder since it’s vegan and made with pea protein. Now I’m excited to try the rest of the endurance line.
Vega is launching a new Fuel Your Better resource site to help YOU with your nutritional needs during training (or life).
You can check out suggestions on everything from what to eat during marathon training to how to deal with hitting the wall and muscle soreness.

Since it’s hot I kinda only want salad and fro-yo for dinner. I’m eating some cheese and crackers courtesy of Cabot while I decide on what I’m going to make. Their “Everything Bagel” cheese is delicious!

This quote reminded me of Dave McGillivray’s quote “Your Game, Your Rules” – “Your Body. Your Rules.” Love it.
And I also love her bootie, this is kinda how I’d like to think I look half naked.

But, Vegas’ reaction to me taking off my clothes makes me think I have some work to do…

Question: Did you meal prep this week?
I LOVE Vegan Shakeology. I’ll have to try the Vega, but it’ll be tough to beat my Shakeology!
Short answer: no. BUT, I was tempted to eat out tonight but instead I used what I had in my kitchen! I made a black bean and pepper jack cheese quesadilla and it was fabulous.
I do meal prep when I’m working since I’ll be there for 12 hours and try to steer clear of the cafeteria. Is that cheese gluten free? It looks delish!
GOT to meal prep or I feel lost – even if it’s just for a couple days worth of food. Also, let’s talk about this everything bagel cheese… I’m going to need that in my life.
I think I know where you are going this weekend and I think I am SUPER jealous.
Yes I meal prep for my lunches and it saves me big time. I make a HUGE salad on Sunday nights that usually lasts 3-4 lunches and then the rest of the week is some kind of left over from dinners. Need to figure out better meal prep/planning for dinners though.
I want VEGA but I would need a second mortgage on my house. Oh and I just rent so that’s not gonna work….
I have heard so many good things about Vega One. It seems like every blogger and athlete promotes it. I really do want to try it, but it’s so expensive (I’m on a tight budget), and I’m not sure if I want to buy a whole tub/container of it to try it. Also, I think the whole “Pea Protein” thing sounds great, but I also want to try/taste it to make sure, which is another reason why I don’t want to buy a whole container.
Do you know if Vega One offers people to buy samples for a discount…or do you think you’ll be going a “Giveaway” for it anytime soon? I know you do those quite a bit with products.
Okay..thank you!
~Amy 🙂
You can buy singles in the different flavors here for $2 ea.
I do all my meal prepping on the weekend. It just makes life easier when I have all my meals planned out and ready to go for me during the work week. I barely have time to sleep much less cook. I should try the vega powder. I don’t do soy but this may be a good option. They just sent me their new bars to try and they were delicious!
Definitely meal plan. This weeks lunch-Costco Kale salad mix (thanks to your posting of it, it is SOOO good!) with a Quinoa, sweet potato & black bean cassarole.
Dinners are all planned out (well, expect tonight is game 7 of the Bruins, and we must go watch it out, so tonights meal plan will be moved to Friday!!)
I hated the idea of meal prepping and resisted it for the longest time, but last year I started batch cooking on the weekends and it’s so nice when I get home to just pop something in the microwave. That everything cheese sounds amazing!
The lip selfies are out of control.
I meal plan, but I am terrible about prepping. I usually end up doing it on the fly. At least I have a plan though…right?? 🙂
Love it! Definitely your body your rules!
Lots of friends use vega. It’s great for people who can’t have soy like me. I am getting closer to jumping on the protein shake bandwagon.
I am not much of a meal prepper. But today I packed a peach, an avocado and some raw almonds to go along with whatever I buy for lunch. At least I know I have some healthy fat and protein. 🙂
I love bringing avocado with me when I pick up Subway so I don’t have to pay for it 🙂
I did meal prep and it’s been awesome coming home to quick and delicious dinners! I love pumpkin protein but this website looks cool.
I love Vega as well! I totally meal planned this week!
Why does every post lately have to include a close up of you sucking on a straw? It’s really gross.
I did some meal prep again this week. I don’t completely prep everything, but I try to make it so it can be put together quickly when I am ready to eat. I also make sure to prep stuff for nights when I know I will be home later. I wrote about my meal prep this week here:
Good meal prep!!
LOL Vegas!
I don’t meal prep because I like to be spontaneous when I cook
No meal prep this week, but I’m definitely regretting it!
I should give this a try. It’s so difficult to find vegan protein – so far I’ve only tried and used soy and wheat. Both works but a change would be nice too. Meal preps (usually dinners) are every 2 days – means I’ve the same thing 2 days in a row.
I agree – I avoid soy so it’s been hard to find a good protein powder out there.
If going grocery shopping counts as meal prepping, then yes.
LOVE Vega vanilla protein powder!! I add almond milk and frozen berries and it is so good!
I am so not into meal prepping! Sometimes we cook up extra chicken on the weekend when we’re having it for dinner and I have to admit it is nice to have it around in a pinch.
I’m still working on making my Vega protein smoothies taste better. I usually add berries (raspberries most often, since they mask the powder’s flavor best), almond milk, maybe some PB (or PB2), frozen greens, chia. I just can’t get over the pea protein taste! 🙁 I tried making pancakes with it last week and SUCH A BAD IDEA I CAN’T EVEN.
Boo. I hate when I have a protein powder that I don’t like – they’re so expensive! I use almond milk with it and think it comes out pretty good.
It’s weird! Sometimes I like the Vega, sometimes I don’t. I think my tastebuds went wonky this winter, though. Lots of things I used to enjoy just gross me out, now!
I made Cuban style black beans and a pork tenderloin in the crock pot Monday, so I’ve been eating that all week. Does that count as meal prep? 🙂