Hello! How’s it going? It’s going HOT, right!? Summer running is in full swing! I love it. And I hope you love it too. But even if you don’t – you’ll love it more with the right running gear.

Today I’m sharing information on my favorite running shorts.
Every day I get questions on Instagram and Facebook asking “What running shorts are those?!” … OR … “Where did you get those running shorts – they look like the perfect length!?”
I feel like I talk about them all the time! But the questions keep coming AND it was recently brought to my attention that my previous post about the best running shorts suggests Moving Comfort shorts – but they are no longer being made. Boo!
So here are a few options you can order via Amazon or other runner gear companies or find in your local running store or big retailers (Walmart and JC Penny carry some).
Let me know your favorite running shorts in the comments in case another runner prefers your go-to gear!

How to Avoid Thigh Chafing
Step 1 to combat chafing is to have the best gear possible. Try to prevent any chafing issues before they even start. Once chafing starts it’s hard to stop the irritation. The best thing you can do is wear gear that fits correctly.
Choose running clothes that don’t expose areas of skin that might rub together –> thighs and arms rubbing against your body are common culprits.
Make sure it fits correctly and isn’t too tight or too loose.
Step 2 to avoid chafing is to use Vaseline or Body Glide to keep your skin from rubbing and getting irritated. Sometimes there are just certain body parts that are going to get chafed from repetitive motion and sweat. If you can’t prevent the rubbing – ease it with something like body glide, vaseline, deodorant (I saw someone do this at Ragnar) so the area doesn’t get raw.
Step 3 is to run with your legs super far apart like you have a watermelon in between them. This might slow you down. And your running buddies might be too embarrassed to run with you. And you have to be careful about injuries since you won’t be running with a good stride… okay, never mind. Just try the first two ways to avoid chafing.
I really love long running shorts and think they’re the key to avoiding thigh chafing. I aim for shorts that are 6 to 8 inches long. But everyone’s different so figure out how long you like them and shop accordingly! There are some companies that offer 5″ length – depending on how you’re shaped that might work. I need them to be at least 6″ long.
Also – some companies have a certain short length in the description but they feel longer or shorter depending on the cut / style and how they sit on your hips and butt. If I’m deciding between two pairs I’ll go with the longer ones.

1. Road Runner Sports 8” shorts or 6″ shorts.
These are available at Road Runner Sports or online. They have tight options and loose ones that meet my length requirements. I usually stick with the tight / compression style.
I like the Recharge Compression 8″ shorts
The Recharge Compression 6″ shorts are good too (again it depends on your body and needs)
They also have loose cut 7″ Gear Inspiration Shorts if you don’t like to wear tight shorts to run.
They also have loose (not compression / tight) shorts that are 7” but I haven’t worn those.
You can check out their other gear here: Road Runner Sports online store or you can get them in person at their locations around Southern California.
Plus – Road Runner Sports has a VIP option where you can join the VIP club for a fee and get lower prices on gear throughout the year. These are $35.99 for VIP members and $39.99 for general.
2. Brooks 7” Running Shorts
Brooks has compression shorts & non-form fitting shorts that are long and help prevent thigh rub and chafing. The older versions of their shorts used to have a thin strip around the leg hole that helped keep it in place. I don’t think they have that anymore but if your shorts are long enough you won’t need it.
Women’s 7″ Greenlight Shorts – compression style running shorts
Women’s 7” Chaser Shorts – loose style running shorts
3. Danskin Now Running Shorts <- These are no longer available. Updated 7.18
Danksin Now makes 9” Running Shorts if you want something a little longer. Depending on your height and size – these can be perfect or a little long. I thought they were great at first. But when I started wearing the 7” shorts and alternated back to these I felt like these were a little long.
Danskin also offers a lot of plus sized workout gear. Their running shorts don’t seem as thick or made from the same compression fabric as the other options on this list. That’s good if you don’t want a lot of fabric. But it’s no bueno if you like to feel like your clothes are holding you in.
4. Xersion running shorts from JC Penney
I found these by accident. I was walking through JC Penney to get to the mall and spotted running shorts that are exactly like the ones I wear. So I bought a pair to try and loved them. I went back for a few more pairs! They’re only available in store or online through JC Penney.
These are the Xersion Essential Bike Shorts.
5. Other 8” Compression Shorts
Also – let me give you some tips for other running shorts. This list has my favorite running shorts but there are a lot of options – they key is to make sure you know what you want and need in terms of style, cut, size, length, compression, etc.
- Figure out what length you need to prevent thigh chafing.
- Check the quality of the fabric – some brands offer long shorts but the fabric is really thin so it won’t last long, you might feel more self-conscious and/or it’s not flattering. Compression and quality fabric is important to help it stand the test of hundred of miles.
- When you find a pair you love – stick with it.
- Assess if the shorts will fit all over – don’t just focus on length. And get the right fit for your body. I know I’ve been hesitant to wear tight clothes in the past because it would highlight body parts I wanted to hide – but if running gear doesn’t fit properly it tends to move around on your body and cause chafing.

Bonus Round! When I was researching non-running options for chafe prevention I found these Anti-Chafing Thigh Bands. I think they’re a really good idea! These are not for running – just to wear under skirts and dresses. This is a good option if you currently wear shorts or something under your skirt for this reason.
Question: What are your favorite shorts / capris / pants to wear for running?
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I’ve been running in LuluLemon “Sweat Your Heart Out” 8″ shorts and I am really loving them. They have deep triangle pockets on both sides for keys, gels, etc. I can’t put my iPhone 7+ in them but I only take my phone on long runs, which I use a hydration vest for so I use that storage. I love the fabric, they don’t budge at all and the waist is just below the belly button. I’m very pleasantly surprised with them!
Thanks for chiming in! It’s been a while since I’ve checked out Lulu stuff – I didn’t realize they had long shorts.
I hear Lulu makes good stuff. They are on my radar. I’m not a runner per se, but I run, if that makes sense. I got damn rashes from a simple 5 mile run on a treadmill. Never happens to me when I run outside, but now I am extremely aware of seems or any friction. I’ll be looking at these brands listed above as well. Thanks y’all.
I love Oiselle long roga shorts. 6 inch inseam and great pockets.
My favorites are the rgear inspiration 7 inch short from road runner that you mentioned above and the 7 inch brooks chaser short. I used to only run in compression shorts because of thigh chaffing, but I love these non-compression options!
I always wear a moisturizing sunblock on my legs, which prevents chafing.
Good tip!!
Thanks for the recommendations!!
I love running shorts from Brooks – I have athletic legs but a smaller waist, so I need make sure the leg openings are wide enough and the waist isn’t too loose!
Have a great day!
Hi Monica, pleased to e-meet you! Great post, I swear by Vaseline for this! Paul 🙂
I am obsessed with the Lindy shorts I picked up from Fabletics but need to go into the shop and find out why I cannot stock up on more….pockets and amazing compression make these my go to during hot Hawaii summer days. I am praying they haven’t discontinued them 🙁
I love Happy Puppies running shorts. They come in a ton of lengths, colors and sizes. And can you say POCKETS Big enough for my iPhone 6+
I love the Athleta “Be Free” compression shorts. They are currently on sale for about $30 but can run towards $50. I am pear shaped and these are great for the summer to keep shorts in place and they have great storage for keys/gels in the pockets! No chafing and none of that gross sweat after a hot, humid run…they also hold away the “odor” that other running shorts can get after a hot run 🙂
My go-to compression shorts for very long runs are Under Armour Authentic compression shorts. They have a 7″ and a 4″ version and they are only like $30. These are the only compression shorts I have found that give me good compression and do not ride up AT ALL. I have a couple pairs of the Roadrunner ones, but they have barely any compression and the 6″ ones ride up on me a ton. Most of my other gear is Roadrunner tho, and I typically love their brand for regular shorts!
I really like the Oiselle long Rogas & body glide is a must have during the summer months 🙂 My biggest chafing tends to happen below my sports bra and on my arms where I apparently rub them against my shirt while I run.
Brooks is a great brand and body glide is a household staple for us especially in summer with humidity this high in FL! I usually need 2x or 3x because I’m built for comfort. Which brands are more likely to have larger sizes for the more voluptuous kind like me?
Brooks running shorts. I don’t like wearing compression shorts, Brooks are so light and thin I don’t even need body glide. I also recently bought a pair of North Face and Patagonia running shorts and just love them. Nice and light, no chaffe.
It’s too hot in the IE to wear bottoms when working out 😉
But, actually, I just picked up a few pears of basic Champion shorts at Target and I LOVE them. I need to go back for a few more.
Pants off dance off!
I’ve found a ton of compression shorts in the 5-7 inch length (which is my sweet spot) at discount retailers like Marshal’s or Ross and they’re really cheap there ($10-15)
Thank you for the recommendations! My current leggings chaf and it sucks 🙁
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