Happy Thursday! Yesterday I started my day with a 10 mile run in my new YELLOW Show-Off Sports bra by Champion.
Since ‘Show Off’ is in the name I keep yelling “Show me your boobs bra!” No one thinks it’s funny but me, but I still can’t stop. I apologize to my neighbors (half-heartedly).
It’s funny because it’s true.
And because I’m eating the last of the Tres Leches cake as I write this.
Champion sent me this new yellow bra, but I’ve had a blue one since April. I’ve used it every week since I received it. I’m a fan of sports bras that hold you in without having to layer more than one bra. I use two at a time for ‘cheap’ ones and I don’t even have big boobs. I can’t imagine what you C+ girls do!
The show off bra rocks because it’s sweat wicking to keep you cool and also thick enough for complete nipple coverage for modesty. Just like I like it.
I’m partnering with Champion to talk about this key piece of workout gear during a twitter chat TODAY Thursday at 3pm EST / 12pm PST. We gotta take care of the girls! Let’s talk about it.
Want to win a Champion Sports Bra?
Come to the 30 minute twitter chat TODAY (Thursday) at 3pm EST / Noon PST and use hashtag #championsportsbras and you’ll be entered to win. We’re giving away three of them – so you have good odds!
I would really like it if you stopped by – it’s not easy making friends when you’re constantly posting inappropriate pics on the internet…
Question: Do you match your sports bras to the rest of your gear?
Disclaimer: I am working with Champion on this twitter chat and giveaway. All opinions are my own.
WOW !!! great
Ha ha I wish that really happened and cake went to my boobs – they’d be huge!
Mine too!
If by “matching” you mean that I wear my black sports bra under dark shirts and I wear my white sports bras under all my other shirts…then YES!
I’ll match or try to if I go out with just a sports bra; if I’m wearing a vest or tee, nopez.
missed it, I am DD+ depending on which side
Nope, don’t match the bra to my outfit, but I do love loud, neon colored bras that stand out!
if cake went to my boobs i would have the BEST.RACK.EVER.
i have no shame in admitting that i have basically been living off wedding cake since our ceremony. almost 2 weeks ago.
thank you caterer for messing up and forcing us to be our cakes, PLUS a replacement a week later. — from my belly (not boobs, unfortunately)
Dang my inability to type and use computers! Who needs a name I guess …
I wear the one piece bra/shirts mostly. They don’t necessarily have to match unless it’s for a race 🙂
the ONE good thing about being teeeeeny tiny chest-ed is that it’s pretty easy to get a sports bra that works 🙂 i definitely don’t match my sports bra to my outfit. that is way too much thought required!
All of my sports bras are pink! That makes them easy to find in the underwear drawer 😉
I’m more of a grab-and-go runner in the morning…and I don’t usually realize how horribly my outfit clashes until I get home. I could probably go on “what not to wear – runner’s edition”.
Haha when I wear cheaper sports bras, I wear 2 as well and I have a fairly small chest. But if I don’t, all I think about every stride is “saggy…saggy…saggier…” I don’t want small + saggy!
I usually try to be color-coordinated, although there are days when I’ll also purposely wear everything in a different color just for the heck of it.
What shorts are you wearing in the photo?
Like to match my undies but it’s not that important if I don’t
I can barely match my top and my pants so no, I don’t try to match my sports bra. When I am rich I will totally get cute running outfits and everything will match all the time. I would love that.
I’ll tell you what us C+ girls do – we can’t even wear little slingshot bras like this. I don’t even bother looking at sports bras in normal stores. They just don’t carry ones that are in a variety of sizes or are supportive enough.
For other ladies who are like me, I heartily recommend being properly fitted at a specialty bra store to find one that works for you. Jump around in the store to make sure it will hold everything in. Once you find a bra you like, you can usually find good deals on eBay when you search for the style + size. I also love http://www.bravissimo.com (for bikinis too).
And if anyone is in the Los Angeles area, I recommend Creative Woman in Monrovia for your all your bra needs.
– A 30GG woman
I try to at least coordinate–isn’t that dumb? Nobody cares…..
I would LOVE a sports bra that really worked!! 🙂 looking forward to learning more!
I definitely match my sports bra because most of my running tanks are either a little see through or you can see the sports bra straps or something and looking put together while drowning in sweat is important…
Always match my sports bras!!!
I try to-but if it fits me great I want to wear it all the time no regard for the colors matching
oooh those are so cute!! I only have one good sports bra and the rest are pieces of crap that i really should throw away b/c they don’t even support my teeny boobs.
Cute bra!! When it comes to matching not really. Most of my running tops are v necks so the bra will hang out no matter what. I just make sure the bras are perfectly obnoxious in color and run with it!
I am going to try to attend… never done one of these before!
I will be there! And I don’t typically match my sports bra with my outfit unless I am running without a shirt and then I try to make it at least somewhat go together. That doesn’t happen very often though!
Cool!! Its really hard to find a sports bra that is decent. I like the padding too… going to have to put a reminder on my phone for 3!!!
I’ll do my best to help make the twitter party a success… mostly by not crashing it and lobbing in a bunch of boob jokes. (What did one boob say to the other? You’re my breast friend!)
Thanks, I appreciate all the boob support I can get.
Haha my running outfits are way too color coordinated, including my bra!
Wish I could join the party, but I’ll be working 🙁
No. My sports bras are boring, just white and black ones. I like to party so I’ll attend your twitter party!
I do match my sports bra to my gear – if I can! Looking forward to the Twitter chat!
Nope! I don’t have time for that when I have to make sure the rest of my gear is matching. LOL!
I definitely try to match them!
I do (try) to match my bra and socks too!
I don’t TWITTER 🙁
Sorry, wish I could be there to win this awesome give-away.
I know … don’t judge that I’m not on every social media possible.
never match my sports bra- i am lucky if i can find a clean one- truth
I wish I could join! I’ll sadly be working though 🙁
Confession ido try to match them. Ill see ya on twitter!!
sharing…and will pop in!
Thank you!