Hello! Since I was traveling on Sunday and skipped my Sunday Set Up routine I didn’t really have a workout planned for today. I decided to hit the gym for a strength session. Ran there 1.5 miles, weights, walk back.
When I got back I was HUNGRY and wanted something very filling. Lately my eggs and toast have left me wanting something else. So, I snacked on some strawberries while I cooked up – egg whites and pumpkin oatmeal.
It was very filling – just what I needed.
Vegas wakes us up most mornings to go outside. Then, I go back to sleep for an hour and let him back in when I get up. Today he came back in with a dirty little face. I tried to get a picture of it and this happened:
This one is a little better. We call him “cochino” because he’s the dirtiest cat ever! (Cochino means dirty in Spanish.) He always comes back inside with dirty spots and filthy feet and doesn’t care. Most cats are really good about cleaning themselves, but this cat takes after his mom and lacks the personal hygiene of others.
On Monday I hit up Trader Joes for some staples (not the kind you put in a stapler, the kind you use all the time). One of the things I threw in my cart was my favorite almond butter – TJ’s AB with flax. Well, I received an email this morning from reader Ina, that it has been RECALLED along with two of their other nut butters.
This almond butter along with two of their peanut butters have been recalled due to potential salmonella contamination. Check out the link below for further information
Trader Joes Recalled Nut Butters
I have to share this picture Jack Sht fixed up with a bunch of bloggers faces from Fitbloggin. Isn’t it crazy cool? I’m at the end on the right with a watermelon!!! Ha! If you’re on twitter follow JackSht because he’s funny
Question: Did you do sweet or savory for breakfast today?
I did both!
I would eat chocolate for every meal if I could, but I limit it to once a day. Sometimes I can skip a a day ;-). By the way, I LOVE TJs and I am going today to get some pumpkin butter and pumpkin soup. They also have This Pumpkin walks into a Bar right now. Yum!
i had a wrap with egg white, quinoa pilaf, and string cheese, and a vaguely bitter pumpkin spice starbucks via prepared with almond milk, water, and a tbsp of pumpkin butter (still not as good as the actual PSL i have to say … yechh). so i guess i did both sweet/savory but mostly savory. and i can’t wait to have it for breakfast again tomorrow…
Is PB sweet or savoury? Coz I usually have that on toast or crackers.
I can’t decide – I think it’s sweet (but always pair it with jam).
I totally use my calcium chews as dessert after a meal (I just get the ones at Costco)… I consider them my chocolate for the day!
Sweet with an extra side of sweet! I got this amazing Almond Crunch cereal. And proceeded to add some chocolate chips in it. NBD.
We both had similar tastes this morning… I made pumpkin oatmeal as well! I add cinnamon roasted almonds to mine to give it that “pumpkin pie” feeling <3
That pic is hilarious!
Yeah, love that photo Jack switched up. Your feet are cute…mine are all wide like bear paws. 🙂 Breakfast was sweet…one french toast w/ sugar free syrup & cinnamon, but it was still sweet.
I usually do an egg, two egg whites, and Ezekiel bread but I forgot I ran out of eggs so I had to punt with a lentil burger on my Ezekiel bread this morning. Different but good!
Savory! Soyrizo and eggs from Whole Foods! (Love their $5.99 Salad Bar Wednesdays!)
You just reminded me I should go!
I had a Vans Gluten/wheat free waffle topped with grape jelly and a runny egg. I just discovered runny eggs. Had no idea what I was missing.
Sucks about the TJ Almond Butter! Now I know why my stomachs been off and I ended up taking a pit stop in the DD restroom last run…..TMI? Lol
I love runny eggs!
I guess that recall may be the only good thing to not having TJ’s in Canada (other than that, it’s a horrible thing that should be changed immediately).
I went sweet for breakfast today!
Doesn’t “cochino” mean “pig?” That’s what I grew up using it to mean, but I guess dialects vary. Either way, it’s nice that cats clean themselves 🙂
Yeah, we use it to call someone dirty. Maybe I’m weird 🙂
Crap. Was totally going to get pumpkin butter this weekend. Is there anyhow TJ that I should absolutely get this weekend when we go down?
Pumpkin butter isn’t recalled! Only peanut and almond butters.
Savory breakfast! Oh and thankfully the ‘nut butter’ in my fridge from Trader Joes is NOT on the recall list (yay!).
Yeah, so this morning I had a huge “Guilt Free” TJ brownie and a can of Diet Coke. Let the record show that 90% of my mornings are smoothies.
My timing is the worst! Or the best…
Haha. It felt good to confess.
omg that picture makes my stomach hurt
I am doing my best to not make dirty cat jokes.
Nice braids.
Ha! That’s too bad.
I’m obsessed with peanut butter and banana in oatmeal so that’s what I had this morning. Not quite sure if it’s sweet or savory–it’s amazing if that’s a category. Your pumpkin oatmeal looks quite delicious though. I’ve been wanting to try that out!
I don’t live near a Trader Joe’s but I go when I am near one (~4 hours away) and I had picked up that almond butter a couple weeks ago because I had seen it was your favorite over another one of theirs that I currently had (and like) so I figured it must be good. Saw the recall and checked the date… smack dab in the middle. Guess I won’t be trying that one soon after all.
I have one of the nut butters on the recall list but only have about three tablespoons left of it. I’m not quite ready to admit defeat with the jar!
That picture is hilarious–looks like y’all had so much fun!
That is my favorite TJ’s nut butter too!!
I love both sweet and savory breakfast. Lately I’ve been on an oatmeal w/ cinnamon, PB & banana kick.
I had oatmeal with lots of brown sugar ; )
Funny I have had to use that photo and do funky photoshoping to it for one of our construction clients who always wants to use it for his Christmas cards. It always freaks me out that they would just sit up there like that, so scary.
Wow, thanks for the heads up on the nut butter!!
I eat chocolate almost every day, heck i’m eating it right now!
I wish i would have saw their recall 2 weeks ago before i got sick…yes i was one of them! I ate a few spoonfuls of the AB w/flax sunday night.
woke up monday feeling off, that evening at kickboxing my tummy felt weird. went to work tuesday, felt a little worse, when i got home tuesday i got sick. woke up wednesday and i literally could not move, my body felt like a truck hit it. I went to the base clinic and they thought i had a virus sent me home on quarters. WELL i woke up on thursday and you would have thought death was coming. i was screaming in pain…tummy hurt sooo bad all day. if i drank water it made it worse and i sat in the bathroom all day (TMI sorry). the worst part? around 7 pm my hubby came in the room and said i felt hot, my temperature was at 101… we took it every half hour till 9 thinking it was only cos i had blankets on(i was hot/cold like the flu). finally we went to the ER since my temp kept rising. the drs did an mri, cat scan, blood tests, iv. they could not figure it out. i was put on tons of medicines. then last week i see the recall and realize it was the TJ almond butter. 🙁 now i am scared to eat it anymore.
TBH since i got sick i have been told to be on a liquidy/soft foods diet. So i have been having shakeology shakes 😀 yummm!
Oh no 🙁 I’m sorry Angie, that sucks. I’m sending you get well wishes!
That picture was great ~ very clever indeed. My husband is in construction safety and we actually have that picture hanging in our office sans the blogger heads. This morning I went with sweet. Just in one of those me.eat.sweet food days.
I’d like to hear more about your weight workout(s). Just not feeling like running lately. 🙁
I kind of made it up as I went (repeated each 3x)
Set 1-
band walks with bicep curls
2 –
db chest press
db bent over rows
overhead triceps
3 –
roman chair
That recall is effecting almond butters too! There are now over a dozen brands on the list. So sad! 🙁
Oh em gee. I can’t believe the long list and all the different brands that fell under this recall. Sheesh!!!! I’m hoping more HLB put the recall up in effort to help spread the word. Thanks Monica.
Thank you for giving me the heads up!!!
I don’t know what it is about pasting heads on other pictures, but I find it hilarious every time. haha I think I played on “Elf Yourself” for hours a few Christmases ago.
Staples…thanks for clearing that up. Lol. 🙂 Today was a mix of sweet + savory breakfast: Oatmeal w/ banana + blueberries + PB + cinnamon. Yum! I do love my eggs though, so usually when I’m out to brunch, I’m savory all the way. And I non-egg bfast days because then I have the option to eat them for dinner, which I do often!