Hello! Today has been l-o-n-g between Vegas almost kicking the bucket and my hair deciding not to cooperate and ladida – I’m just settling in to catch up on a much needed VLOG. We’re talking about eating real food during long runs of marathon training.
Let me know what you eat while running or walking or sitting… so we can all play.
What To Eat During Marathon Training if You Want to Eat REAL Food
Hi, My name’s M and I live on the Gold Coast in Australia. I am training for my first full marathon, the Gold Coast Airport Marathon, in July. I’ve done four 1/2 marathons but never felt the need for mid-run nutrition. I personally don’t want to use gels, chews, beans etc and am looking to supplement my marathon training runs with real food (ie raisins, pretzles, bananas, muesli bars etc). My question is, have you ever eaten real food during a long run? And if so, any other suggestions of what good worked for you?
Thanks for your time. Love your videos.
Hey girlie, I have a question. I’ve been testing out fuels during my long runs. My first marathon was a nightmare thanks to my intestinal cramping/distress/problems/surgery etc. Long story. This time I’ve been using Vega energizer in my water bottle and the gels have made my stomach hurt. I was told to try an imodium, which seems to help. I did try some honey stinger gels and they worked – mild stomach pains but fastest training run. I have one long run left. I just got a sample of the Vega bars that are for sustaining energy. Was thinking of cutting these up and trying these. Any thoughts?
Do you think it’s a fiber issue? Because I think the bars have some fiber, which might make it worse. More than anything else try it before race day. Good luck!!! Let me know if you have any other questions. Love ya!
Can’t believe I missed you posting this!! Thanks for answering my question Monica!! Very helpful. I’ve mentioned it in a comment before but I have fallen in love with an adaptation of your pre run apple bars as fuel. I cook up a batch and freeze them individually and have one every hour or so. Working a charm. I did my first 25 km run this morning with a bar and felt great (if not sore after an 85 km week).
Ps you should totally come to Australia for theGC marathon!! Great run, beautiful setting, you could cuddle a koala, and my runner friends and I would defiantly be up for taking you out for some celebratory post marathon adult beverages. ; )
I haven’t personally tried it, but I hear that banana chips are awesome “real food” for long runs, and that a lot of professional ultra runners swear by them. Fig newtons are the best for endurance stuff! My dad and I always take baggies full of them on long bike rides.
I just transitioned from chews into real food. These work well for me and are only 2 real ingredients.
I can’t eat anything during long runs, it just doesn’t sit well with me.. energy gels are all i can handle..
Great VLOG. Great information. But more importantly, how is Vegas? I loved that picture of him in the carrier. Your caption was right on! Please give us an update.
He’s acting okay, but I’m still waiting for the test results.
I have a really hard time eating during long runs and not cramping up, but I’ve tried GU’s and bananas and they don’t seem to upset my stomach much! I might have to try Elena’s suggestion of dates..those sound delicious!
I would suggest reading the book Eat and Run. The author Scott Jurek believes eating real food is the best for long distance running.
I’ve started eating raisins or craisins on long runs, which I like. I was thinking of bringing pretzels too. It’s pretty easy to stash a snack-sized ziploc baggie in my fuel belt and eat on the run with drier foods like these.
I laughed unnecessarily hard at “almost said a bad word there” — happens to me all the time. Good on you for not saying it!
I have a super-sensitive tummy and the only thing I’ve ever really had success with eating on long runs is Shot Bloks — they’re a little “candy-ish”, but not really all that unnatural. I think they use a lot of organic ingredients and try to stay away from the really harmful sweeteners and preservatives. I did try GU gels once and I almost vomited right there on the running path. Never again. Even if they’re free in the race packet. Blech.
“THEY HANDED HIM A WHOLE EFFING BAGEL.” I mean, the curse is almost necessary in that description. Like, I probably would have used it, too. But I have an appallingly trashy mouth for someone whose mother raised her to be a lady.
Swedish fish are good…similar to chews though. And maybe candy isn’t technically “real food” =) But I like that I can let them dissolve slowly in my mouth.
I’ve also done long runs with friends in the hot summer months where we’ll just stop at a grocery store and I’ll buy a nice juicy peach…
A friend of mine has a nutritionist because she has food allergies to soy and gluten and i know she used molasses along with other things and made her own natural gel. I can’t remember what else was in there though.
I’ve cut dates in half, removed the seed and put in peanut butter and a bit of shredded coconut – then stick it back together. They stayed fine in a ziplock in my fuel belt! Also – homemade energy balls are good 🙂
Great tips! I used gatorade blocks when I was training but if I went back I would try to go the more natural route!
I have seen someone use those applesauce pouches, which I thought was genious
That is genious! Will have to keep it in mind for future runs…
I eat Nature’s Bakery Fig bars. They’re like Fig Newtons and comes in packs of two
ive made homemade energy balls with flax, pb, and coco powder. Or used packets of almond butter.
I actually just did a post/podcast episode about using real food as fuel for long runs/races, and I’m glad to see I’m not the only runner that would prefer real food options!
The best thing I’ve EVER used for fuel on a run is an orange. It can be a bit of a challenge to carry, but for training runs at least, if you know the route you are taking you can always stash one at the halfway point (or wherever you are going to want the fuel). For a race, if you have people coming to cheer for you, they can hopefully hold it for you.
Hope you’re able to find something that works for you!
Could you post the link to your vid? Thanks. Meg
I’ve had pretzels during a marathon, not easily portable like you say, husband gave them to me when I passed him at mi 20. Didn’t train w/ them though, took my chances and they were the best pretzels EVER!
Loved seeing you in “person’!! That was cool! I’ve never seen you do a Vlog (not since I started following you anyway. This is something I was just wondering about recently, I am training for my first Half and my long runs are starting to get longer now (this Saturday is 8 miles) so I am starting to get to where I am starting to think about that.
I guess I am just saying that I appreciate this post. Love your blog!
There is actually a great company in Australia called Runner’s Kitchen, which makes natural energy supplements for runners. I’ve used their Amazeballs, and I find them yummy and effective! M might want to check them out at http://www.runnerskitchen.com.au/ – you can order them online for delivery.
PS. I read your blog all the time – this is not just a sales pitch! I’m just hoping to help out a fellow Aussie runner 🙂
Thanks. Looks great.
Lately I’ve been eating bananas and the S’mores Luna bars – YUMMM. I’ve eaten Mini Wheats before – it’s a bit challenging considering how dry they are…
Yeah, I love all cereal dry but Mini Wheats are best in milk. Have you seen the new chocolate cupcake luna bar?