I am running the Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon in a few weeks and I want to get all into it. I want to dress up like a Disney character for the race and need your help in choosing…
If you have read RER for more than 2 seconds you realize my red hair rules all my emotions, life decisions and costume choices…
I was already Ariel for the Tinkerbelle Half Marathon a while back.
So, I need a new costume idea that
A.) is appropriate for a red-headed Mexican
B.) I can run 13.1 miles in!
Ariel will always be my “A” choice, but here are some other options:
1. Jesse from Toy Story… because I like cowboys.
2. Merida from Brave… because I am wild like all that hair.
3. Peter Pan… because I have the chest of an 8 year old boy.
4. Jessica Rabbit… because I wear too much make-up and love rabbits.
5. Tigger? Write in candidate??
Chime in!
Question: Who should I be for the Wine & Dine Half Marathon?
Also – tips for how to make it are welcome
Disclaimer: I am running the Wine and Dine race with New Balance. All opinions are my own. I’m not an ambassador for these purposes, but wanted to fully disclose.
Oh I would LOVE to run the Wine and Dine half!! I think you should do Jesse from Toy Story. Definitely doable for running a half marathon.
Any chance you can get this Floridian an entry in the race 😉
Jessie for sure…denim looking shorts, a cowboy hat, braids?? It’s practically made for running and it would be adorable…definitely paint on the freckles
Well, that long dress and cape will definitely slow you down, Jessie is cute and you’d make a great Jessie! Peter Pan is probably the easiest one for you to run in and work it!!!
jessica rabbit seems SO appropriate- she would totally be winin’ and dinin’!
Merida! I’ve got to say that, though, since she’s Scottish too 😉
I love Merida but I think the costume could be really clunky and/or boring so I am going for Jessica Rabbit. After all those Vegas posts, we know you can pull it off 🙂
I am running Wine and Dine too! It’ll be my first half and I’m super excited/nervous! I think you should be Merida or Jessie! They are such great characters and strong female role models 🙂 I need to figure out what to dress up as… I am leaning towards Minnie Mouse or Cinderella!
I think you would make a super cute Jessie!
Merida, because then I can steal your ideas for a costume for the Tinkerbell half in January. 🙂
I’m doing W&D, too! If I see you, I shall stalk you properly and say hello.
I vote for Jessie from Toy Story!
Peter Pan for sure!!
I’m down with Jessie from Toy Story, too. She’s so great and a little more of a classic than Merida is yet.
Merida for sure! Bow and arrow and everything.
Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas! I didn’t think that was Disney but I just saw a Disney race recap with the characters at a photo op. Easy tattered clothing, striped compression socks…
Jesse would be awesome! You could totally rock a cowgirl hat of some sort too.
at first I was going to say Merida but I love the idea of Jessica Rabbit
1. Kim Possible (super low maintenance costume and you have the perfect hair for it!)
2. The mom from the Incredibles has reddish hair
3. Megara from Hercules has burgundy hair
4. The Cheshire cat (pink is still red right?!?!)
I would say Jesse. Otherwise, I really like Fiona from Shrek but she’s a Dreamworks character.
Don’t forget Anastasia… but I think Peter Pan would be hilarious!! Or even the girl from Oliver and Company, or if you want something super sexy, go for Madame Medusa from the Rescuers.
Out on a limb here: Maid Marion from Robin Hood…..you’d be able to jump on the “What does the Fox say” wagon, too, since she was rather foxy…..
Ha! Good point!!
Merida from Brave! But not sure how you would make it. But that costume idea is my favorite.
Jessica Rabbit or Jessie!
You should be a car from cars and run extra fast like a race car, because that makes sense in my head (and lightning mcqueen is red so the red hair thing works, i think?)
That is a good idea!
Another vote for Merida!
If you had a green tee you could totally recycle that green running skirt. I would try to hot glue some ribbon or rick rack on the hem of the skirt for some more glam, or create a gold belt with ribbon. To make it complete I think a toy bow is essential, but carrying things can be annoying on the run. If you are used to running with a hand held water bottle it shouldn’t be too bad. I doubt you would want your hair free, but you could take a couple pics before putting in the signature braids.
You can totally do the female character from Brave (Merida??) – You can re-use your skirt from Ariel and wear a similar coloured top??
I vote for Merida
I think Merida would be awesome! She is by far my favorite! But you could also try Lightning McQueen. Yeah its a car but he is red! 🙂
Never even heard of Merida. That’s how I know I’m getting old! Jessica Rabbit would be fun and recognizable!
I vote Jessica Rabbit! No heels sparkly running shoes and shorts!
I LOVE the Jess idea — primarily to see a Monican cowgirl!
Wear a black wig and be Snow White because like Snow White you are pure as the driven snow
I think Jesse would be super cute for you!!! Could be pretty easy to run in a Jessie style costume too…Except for maybe the hat…
Definitely Jessica Rabbit!!
Whatever you end up choosing, hope I see you there 🙂
Belle’s hair has a HINT of red 🙂 I’m always picking Belle for everything 🙂
I say Jessie would be the most fun…
Or that dude from ratatouille? redhead, chef, wine and dine… it’s perfect. And they’re currently selling mickey ears with a chef’s hat on it.
peter pan would be a great one! ha. what about tarzan? you’d basically just need some canvas material and a stick or something
I’m partial to Peter Pan, and I think it would be a comfy running costume, too! That looks like so much fun!
Monica, I don’t see many guys commenting here. I have 4 sisters, two daughters, am a long time Disney fan, and have run the Disney Marathon back in 2005, so I feel I am at least semi-qualified to post.
I just stumbled onto your site. Have enjoyed what I have seen and read, but can’t claim to know you very well. My choice was Merida, but have to agree with several others that the hair thing might be annoying during a run. Jesse would be a fun alternative.
The Disney marathon was one of my favs, so I hope you enjoy it as much as my siblings and I did. I just completed the Inaugural Rock n Roll 1/2 in Cleveland, OH two weekends ago. Good race.
Jesse. She is toooo cute, and what a fun costume! You could get a mini cowboy hat and hot glue it to a hair clib, paint some cheap shorts or capris into cow print (unless they make those)….it would just be too cute.
Jesse for sure…then your hair can be done in braids! Perfect for costume and for racing….I love Merida but all that crazy hair could be insane to race with.
Jessica Rabbit! It would be a fun one, but without too many extras!
I am running the Disney Wine & Dine too!! I’ll be coming from Tennessee for my first ever disney half! I can’t wait! I hope we can meet up! 🙂
I like them all but i think Jessica Rabbit and Merida will be lots more difficult to make a run-able costume with? You dont really want hair down (and in JRs case straightened) in a half either!
From the other two I think Jesse is cuter than Peter Pan 🙂
Jesse!!!! The braids will be easy, you can totally run in a cute cowgirl hat & a vest… and I have seen these cute shoe covers that look like boots ! Have a blast. I am doing the Princess 1/2 in February. 🙂
Jessie! I love Jessie 🙂
Fawn from Tinkerbell would be perfect. She’s a bit of a red head and Hispanic. You’de have to rock the single braid ponytail again though.
Merida please girl, cause you’re fierce and don’t give a flying hoot what folks think! You’d be wild, crazy, and gorgeous running out there!
Jesse from Toy Story! Seems like it would be cute and easy to accomplish while still looking pretty accurate!
I have to vote for Merida or Jessica Rabbit – quite different but either one would be AWESOME for you!
Go old school with Jessica rabbit!! But Jessievwould be. Close second.
I vote for Jesse because I love Toy Story, but also I think with that costume, however you do it, will be easier to recognize. The other ideas are good but I agree you wouldn’t want to run with your hair down!
I love Merida! Giselle from Enchanted is one of my favorite red heads!
Jesse- cause she’s bad ass
Merida! Love her and I love teal so its a win-win.
Definitely Merida 🙂
Jesse would probably be the easiest to do! You really would have to wear your hair down to get the Jessica Rabbit or Merida’s look perfect…
-blue running skirt
-make cow print leggings (you’ll have to figure that one out on your own)
– brown belt
– white shirt with fake or real buttons
-yellow ascot around your neck
-yellow compression sleeves
– hair braided
– cowboy hat- it would be way easier to run in it if you got one of those mini hats and attached it to a headband.
You could also attach a rope to the belt as a “lasso”?
Are there any cow print pro compression socks, that would be awesome!
I know! I don’t think they have any, but I’m going to hunt for some.
Hahha you should definitley wear a mini hat on a headband! http://www.rakuten.com/prod/women-s-brown-mini-cowboy-hat-with-black-trim/251973465.html?listingId=294546374
i think those are so funny
Jessie! Love Toy Story
What about Alice in Wonderland’s Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum? Or one of the Card Soldiers? From Tim Burton’s version there’s the Red Queen. If you search Etsy for Disney running costumes, they have awesome ideas! Have fun!
I’m all for Merida… but I think that’s gonna be my costume (since I do have the huge long crazy red hair). So in the interest of not confusing people by having a Mexican redhead and a Cuban redhead both as Merida, I vote for Jessie! She’s fun and loves a braid plus you can wear cow print pants!
I vote Merida!
Merida! She’s strong and just a bit wild, like you!
I LOVE the idea of Jessie from Toy Story… you could easily find cow print or polka dot running shorts, make a cowgirl hat out of a baseball cap (or wear one for 13.1 miles if you’re that brave)… normal tech-t and maybe a cut up t-shirt for the vest?
Merida without a doubt. Fiesty.
Oh my gosh, how do you choose between Merida and Jessica Rabbit?!
Jessica Rabbit…. get yourself a sparkly pink running skirt, a pink v-neck running tank, purple compression arm sleeves, and a crap ton of makeup!
Good thing I already have a crap ton of makeup, just need the other stuff 🙂
Jessica Rabbit! Definitely NOT Merida! I hate all the “new age” disney characters.
I vote for Jesse mostly because of the hair. You have red hair and you like to braid it. That is a good enough reason, right?
I love the idea of Jesse – would this type of costume be cheating? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Womens-Toy-Story-Jessie-Tunic-Tank-/360741021233
You could wear spandex running shorts under the tunic. But the hat is a must to pull of the look and I couldn’t imagine running with that hat on!
Good luck!
That’s a good idea!
You could wear these underneath: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2013-New-Leggings-For-Women-Cow-Pattern-Printing-Thin-Tights-Pants-Elastic-Hot-/400491369500?pt=US_Womens_Leggings&hash=item5d3f25541c
Haha love this! I vote for Peter Pan!
I love Merida! We met her when we went to Disney in August and she was amazing.
Jesse would be a fun choice too, can’t go wrong with Toy Story!
I would go with Candace from Phineas and Ferb! Straighten your hair off to the side…white running skirt with red/orange shirt and a little sassy attitude and you are good to go.
Other wise, I too like Jesse the Cowgirl!
I think Candace would be great. Love her!
Jesse!! She’s one of my favorites. Although deep down I would always pick Pocahontas! I’m so jealous that you’re doing the Disney princess half, by the time I tried to sign up for it the race was already full
Jesse the cowgirl!!! I bet there are tons of halloween costumes out right now that could be modified for running. And for CHEAP after the holiday!
I think Jesse would be the best as Merida’s hair could potentially be in your face a lot. That would drive me nuts for 13.1 miles. If you are trying to go with obscure characters, you could also go as Anastasia (Cinderella) or Madame Medusa (The Rescuers) who were also gingers.
Jessie – bummer that you can’t run in boots, though!!!
First choice is Merida – love her! Second choice would be Jesse. Can’t wait to see what you decide.
Merida or Jessica Rabbit!!
Go with Jessie- seems like it’s less overdone than some of the others.
#2, she looks like the best option! Although the Jessica Rabbit dress for 13.1 could be fun? haha
Peter Pan is my favorite disney movie, so I feel like I should vote for him, but I love Jessie and feel like that would be a comfortable 1/2 marathon outfit. Although, Merida would be really good, too. (I’m super helpful, I know!)
I guess I’m out voted because I like Jessica Rabbit 🙂
I like Jessica Rabbit too, but good luck running in that dress!
Merida, from Brave! Hands down, end of discussion! You are feisty and a strong chick like her!
Merida!!! Please do Merida! She is such a strong, brave character and you are a strong, brave runner! It’s the perfect correlation!
Jesse would be cool!
Or Peter Pan, because I need a good laugh!
Merida. Love her
Merida!! I have straight red hair and would kill to have her crazy curly hair!