What I do when I’m sad… eat.

![talk to food[3] talk to food[3]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/talk-to-food3_thumb.gif)

But I’m trying to stop that so here are some other things…
This morning Mr. Ben and I took a walk sporting some green for St. Patrick’s Day!

Then, I ate some Monican cereal. Love love love.

Sadly today Ben headed to Florida. Vegas tried to stop him by sitting on his stuff, but that only put cat hair on it and didn’t actually slow him down.

I was bummed and went on a little run. Super short since I’m still recovering from the LA Marathon, but enough to shake it out.

Then, I decided to get my nails done.
I feel like gel polish had changed my life. It actually stays! I haven’t tried the home gel nail polish yet, but this stuff from the salon lasts a legit 2-3 weeks.

In other news: You can buy these RER tech tees from my spreadshirt shop. I’m looking into having them made somewhere else for less money, but that’s a work in progress.

I say Shake it Off!

Ahhhh gel polish has changed my life too!! I have the at home kit (because I’m in college and kinda on a budget haha) It works just as well, except for the fact that I am not near as good at painting my own nails! I still get a good 2 weeks out of it!
I am the worst at painting my nails. Seriously the worst. 2 weeks is really good!
I am sad Ben had to leave, and sad you were sad. 😉
LOVE the Cherrios box!
When I’m sad, there is nothing better than putting on some favorite jams and dancing it out. Music gets you pumping & can be a release of emotions – working up a sweat sure does help as well! Yay endorphins!
Love this idea!
I usually have drinks. Makes me feel better or worse…depends. Ha ha
I am right there with ya on the emotional eating although it depends on what is making me sad sometimes. If I am stressed or feeling gloomy then eating is my go-to. If I am pissed off, I clean! And if I am really just sad and need to cry it out, I watch sad movies that I know will make me cry.
I try to watch a funny, silly movie. Dumb and Dumber usually does the trick. I was in a long distance relationship and it is very difficult to say bye. Why not move to FL? With your job, you can work anywhere. RER in Tahiti, London, Paris. Have blog, will travel. You already have a solid readership.
i am loving sally hansen’s miracle gel because you dont even need a lamp! it doesn’t last 3 weeks, but it definitely lasts longer than my typical at home mani with essie.
I run first, then eat! Then snuggle with my dog!
When I’m sad I try to unplug and just sulk, wait it out basically; maybe go for a run.
I don’t get sad too much; mostly stressed. The answer to that, of course it EAT EAT EAT. 🙁
When I am sad, I try and get outside (hopefully it is a nice day). It also helps to be around the kids–usually their antics (or drama!) gets me out of it. Go see your niece!! 🙂
I actually don’t eat my feelings. When I’m sad, I feel too sick to eat. But I do like to watch or read something comforting and familiar, or I read “The Bell Jar.” I think it’s a Schadenfreude thing.
Also, my cat ALWAYS lays on my luggage when I pack. When I went on a cruise last year, I no sooner got her out, and she was back in. I finally just folded my clothes, held her, and asked my mom to put the folded clothes in the suitcase. Cats are ridiculous, but I don’t want to think of life without mine. 🙂
I’m a huge stress eater which is a cousin to sad eating. I recently read there was a study that showed people who drank black tea made a significant improvement in their stress eating. I tried this last weekend and I think it helps. I think the hot tea fills you up and is also comforting 😉
When I’m sad I let myself be sad and usually end up crying. I went a long time trying to avoid my feelings – and eating them, which lead me to a binge-type behavior pattern. I think it’s definitely ok to be sad that Ben had to leave. I bet he’s sad too! I hope you feel better.
I try to paint my nails, go for a walk, and just get out of the apartment!
Sorry Ben had to go. 🙁 I hate saying goodbyes… Probably the hardest thing ever for me to say.
When I’m sad I cry, eat, watch sad movies, run, buy shit I don’t need and drink way to much coffee. Pretty much all those at the same time 😉
http://www.inkopation.com does an excellent job with screen printing with reasonable prices. I’m not sure about technical tees, but I have some of their cotton shirts. They are so soft and they don’t fade.
Wow!! You look super great!! Your legs are looking super toned!
Manicures for sure and new makeup is always a mood lifter too! And chocolate cake, just saying.
I go shopping and hit up starbucks. It’s a good combination.
I dony eat when I’m sad.
I EAT. and the SAD thing is, I can’t digest well when im sad so double the no no. if you’re ever up fir an emotiomal eating stopping challenge, I’m up fir ut Monica!
’m onto my 4th week with gel polish. Love this stuff. I always get it at the salon and have never tried the home version. Let me know if you DIY. 🙂
Sorry Ben had to go… maybe he will be back for a longer stay in the future? 🙂 When I’m sad I usually distract myself from the issue and try to get my mind off it… i might clean, go to the gym, pinterest or some other random thing.
Food and tv or sad movies
Watch bravo or E!. Trashy tv always helps
I eat and watch Netflix. Sorry Ben had to leave. Goodbyes suck…
I eat as well:-/
I usually put on sad music and drink wine and cry a bit. Pity party of sorts. It helps move it out so I can go back to being not sad 🙂
When I’m sad I usually shop or watch TV. I tend not to eat but then when I get happy again it’s food for days!
Aw man, too bad Ben had to go to Florida. 🙁
Eating is probably my favorite hobby. But ways to feel better – call friends/family, go on a long walk, take a nap… 🙂
A run usually helps me too! Get some happy endorphins into you 🙂
Sometimes I read if I want to escape from reality. I’ll also sometimes watch my favourite tv show in the world – Gilmore Girls. It’s comforting!
When I’m sad I will usually want to eat all the things, but since I know that is a pattern I try to avoid that behavior. It usually helps for me to talk about it even if I don’t want to.
booo for goodbyes! 🙁 when I’m sad I take a nap. usually I wake up in a better mood. Or read a (fiction) book because then I’m distracted from real life! hope the rest of your st. pattys day is better 🙂
I think it all depends on the situation. I love to read! I will also talk/text one of my friends.