Hello and happy Wednesday!
This week I am leading an exercise group in the “Move” category for a wellness retreat. The “Move” class is supposed to be running / walking / hiking. But today the class was “STAIRS” (I don’t make the schedule).
I wasn’t surprised that my group of 60+ from yesterday was only about 30 today = 50% of the people didn’t want to do stairs.
I get it. Most people don’t like doing stairs – they’re hard! This is the first day anyone really complained and someone even said, “You get paid to torture people.”
How do I put this… um, I’m a very passionate girl and I either LOVE something or “Hate it with the hate of a thousand suns” <- no joke, someone told me this.
When I LOVE something I really do it until you can’t stand reading about it anymore – hello running, watermelon, taking too many self portraits…
And the same goes for something I hate – I will avoid and avoid and avoid it until I am going to die. So, even though I know it’s good for me I still haven’t foam rolled or went to yoga. Busted.
But, I promise I am going to do these poses tonight. It’s the only way I’ll love myself in the morning…
Question: What do you LOVE today?
What do you HATE?
We are different because I definitely love Yoga. I believe it keeps me relaxed and takes away all the stress from my mind and body. What I hate is…doing cardio especially if you do it regularly because it gets a bit boring sometimes. Well, that’s me.
Okay, I can’t stop laughing about those yoga pose names!
those pose names just made me laugh so hard…almost makes me want to try to yoga…but not.
A day late to comment but YESTERDAY:
I loved that I took some clothes to a resale shop and got cash for them on the spot.
I hated that I didn’t get much for them.
But it felt good to get rid of stuff I don’t wear and/or use and now I’ve got a little “change in my pocket goin’ jingle lingle ling” that I’ve added to my “squirrel” fund.
I LOVE my job, and I HATE olives. – But that’s not just today. I hate olives always.
I love the name of the yoga poses too.
I hate when I over eat and I know I’m doing it while I’m still eating.
I LOVE the names of those yoga poses. Hysterical!
I HATE that my tire popped on my way to work this morning. Boo.
I love running, tea, coffee, and my husband.
I hate the cold and shaving. I don’t hate much, but those are two things that I loath!!
I’m still loving my PB and I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of it! Or any nut butters for that matter. Hate? Stress fracture I’m dealing with now. 🙁
Those yoga pose descriptions are hilarious! LOVE it.
Unfortunately I kind of HATE actually doing yoga because I’m so inflexible, but that’s why I really have to do it!
hahaha hilarious and true! I love running and am terrible about the “good for me” things: stretching, icing, and foam rolling. I promise myself every day I will be better. Tomorrow.
A this moment, I am loving my Mint Oreo Concrete from Culver’s. I am hating being injured again. But I am loving that my daughter bought my ice cream because I am injured. 🙂
I love peanut butter! haha… #sorrynotsorry
I hate gray skies 360/365 days of the year.
I LOVE that the news at physical therapy was better than I had anticipated. I HATE that I have to go to physical therapy for not one but TWO running related injuries.
PS~I also hate that it’s snowing on the first day of Spring.
I looove yoga! I actually get down when I can’t make it to a class. Btw the yoga poses were hilarious. I’m sure more people would remember the names of the poses that way, lol.
Holy Hells Bells! I am at work in the middle of everything LMAO off the yoga poses. thanks for the belly laughs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are good for your health!
You shouldn’t have told them you were doing stairs!!!…They do look like a particularly horrible set of stairs…!
I love how strong I feel after a good workout.
I HATE working on my thesis (and that’s why I’ll probably never graduate).
I avoid stairs too, but I know they are a great workout.
Today I love banana oatmeal muffins I found in the freezer. I hate scrubbing the kitchen floor for 30 minutes and it still looking dirty. Someone needs to come clean for me.
I love that yoga poses cartoon and steak for dinner. I hate never having any time in the evenings after cooking, exercising, cleaning, blogging!
Oh you should love Yoga! It’s nice way to stretch those aching muscles from running. What I love today is, it’s the first day of spring eventhough it is still cold up here in OHIO, I know that warmer days are coming so soon! 🙂
I hate to be missing snowboarding… I love the slopes… 🙁
I LOVED my BodyPump class this morning.
I HATE that darn box of chocolate chex…(really the problem is that I actually LOVE them).
Oh my gosh I love the cinnamon Chex – I would love the choco ones 100x more…
I love hmm chocolate
I hate washing dishes
I love the handful of coconut MnMs I just ate after lunch!
I hate that I am on a rest day today!!
Hilarious! I really love a lot of stuff today. I actually love my job, the weather, etc. I guess the only “hate” of today is that I can’t eat the red velvet cake sitting in front of my face….I gave up sweets for Lent!
I love French fries topped with melted cheese. Oh, and pear martinis.
I hate the rain and grey here in Washington. I become a Debbie Downer from November to May.
I’m part of the 1% of the population that enjoys using stairs to workout. They are so much better than a cardio machine. Anywho….LOVE the fact that I’m sleeping in a super-comfy King hotel bed the next few days. HATE how frickin’ freezing it is here in Chicago right now! Win some, loose some 🙂
I love that it’s the first day of Spring. I hate that I ever thought I would make it through the day with a turtleneck on. Seriously is there a really weak ghost trying to choke me??
Love that I have to work only 8 more days until spring break.
Hate that I’m stuck in meetings all day today and tomorrow.
I LOVE that I got my cast off today and can finally shower without worrying about getting it wet . 🙂
I HATE that I’m not 100% out of the woods and still can’t run. 🙁
That’s today’s version.
I LOVE that I got my cast off today and can finally shower without worrying about getting it wet . 🙂
I HATE that I’m not 100% out of the woods and still can’t run. 🙁
That’s today’s version.
I LOVE coffee!
I HATE people touching my hair (except my super-fab hair stylist)–curly girls!
I’d so do those stairs if I had a motivational Mexican leader. I have thought about doing them at the local HS–probably add to the list of stuff to get to very soon. Thanks for the reminder! 😀
I love people playing with my hair and no one ever does… Sad.
Love that I did bootcamp 2 days in a row (and love the pain I am in right now!)
Not happy about the snow/weather in Boston on the first day of Spring!
Right now, I’m LOVING that yoga poster, but like you, I also live in extremes (aka I type in all caps a lot) and I’m also LOVING fuzzy sweatshirts and iced coffee. However, I LOATHE ENTIRELY, being cold and the feeling of my foot “waking up” after its fallen asleep.
PS: I think of this every time I want to try and emphasize to someone just how much I don’t like something:
I’m weird but I absolutly love stadiums! In college I did them all the time in our colliseum. Now that I graduated I don’t live near any place that has a lot of stairs. I miss the burn that it gave me a lot
HAHA! Love the names of those yoga poses!
I love the turkey italian sausage I just ate for lunch.
I hate that it’s raining on the 1st day of Spring!
OMG those yoga pose names are amazing!
I love the yoga poses 🙂 hahahaha
Today, I love the walk I got to go on with co-workers. I hate that when I warmed the chicken on my salad, it made the feta melt and have the consistency of sour cream… ugh…
I did a race here in AZ called the Bisbee 1000, and its only 4 miles, but you climb up over 1200 stairs and your legs burn a whole lot…. awesome 🙂
I LOVE first thing in the morning when my son wakes up, he has the cutest smile and he hasn’t had time to get into any trouble! 🙂
A couple weeks ago I did Trek Up the Tower in Omaha, NE. We ran up 870 stairs (40 story building). It was my second year first year time was 12:49, this year was 10:52. It is such a workout for your lungs!
I LOVE tea that keeps me warm in a cold classroom.
I hate when my body doesn’t feel at 100%.
I LOVE my morning cup of coffee. I don’t think that will ever change! I absolutely hate being injured. I had a minor foot injury last week ( that is better now) and it seemed like the world was ending!