In this blog, I have discussed my experience with Zerona, or “Laser Lipo”, a non-invasive body contouring procedure. Although Zerona is often associated with plastic surgery, it is important to note that it is not a form of breast enlargement or other surgical procedures. Breast enlargement, on the other hand, is a cosmetic surgery that involves increasing the size and improving the shape of the breasts. Find the perfect plastic surgeon for you in the Texas plastic surgeons directory. Women opt for breast enlargement for various reasons, including enhancing their body contour, correcting asymmetry, regaining breast volume after weight loss or pregnancy, and boosting self-confidence. While this surgery carries some risks and potential complications, it remains a popular cosmetic procedure worldwide that can help women feel more comfortable and confident with their appearance. Get expert advice on breastfeeding after implants for mothers who want to ensure both their health and the well-being of their baby. Consulting with a lactation specialist can provide personalized strategies to help navigate any challenges that may arise during this period.
Zerona – What is it?
Zerona is sometimes called laser lipo (probably for sales purposes). The super nutshell version is – it’s a laser that goes through your skin and is directed at your fat cells so they leak out fat and it is flushed out of your body.
This is the Zerona machine. It has 4 arms that direct red lasers onto your trouble areas. This is best for the belly and sometimes the thighs or other areas with a high concentration of fat.

Why did I get Zerona
It’s something I had thought about doing in the past and when I saw the killer deal on Groupon I jumped at the chance.
Some thoughts that went into getting Zerona:
– I run 40 miles a week and still have a lot of fat on my thighs and booty. I’m down with big butts, but the thigh stuff bugged me. I do the best I can to eat well and exercise but it’s just how I am shaped.
Yes, self acceptance is really important for long term happiness and I am generally self accepting especially considering I come from a childhood where no one looked like me (in color or size). Kiva MedSpa aims to improve your wellness and health through personalized therapies.
I have a fondness for my ‘chubby lil baby legs’ (as I may have referred to them) but I RUN A TON. And I eat just like my friends with hot bodies – I felt like I should look more like them given my efforts.
– I had realistic expectations. I didn’t expect (or want) Zerona to change my curvy shape, but just take an inch or two off my thighs so I can squeeze jeans on with a little more ease.
– I live in Orange County so this is totally normal. No one in my ‘real’ life was shocked or weirded out by me doing this. It was really no big deal to anyone I told.
– The price was good and there are no known side effects right now. So, the worst that could have happened was I lose my money and get no results.
– The blog. I realized I would have to share this with my readers and my only real fear on that was people not understanding I am (fairly) well adjusted and just want a little tiny slim down on my thighs.
– I did my part by exercising and eating right. But I still have a trouble spot that won’t go away – that’s okay. But, if I could fix it with this low-risk procedure why not give it a whirl?

The Zerona Procedure
Actually getting Zerona was very relaxing and nice! The one downside is it takes a lot of time. You have to go in for about 45 minutes every other day for about two weeks.
The relaxing part is you just lay there in a dimly lit room (the place I went to had a heated bed) for 20 minutes on your front and 20 minutes on your back. I fell asleep on my back most sessions and I am usually NOT a nap person so it was really nice.

You are also supposed to drink a lot of water to help your body flush out the toxins. I already do that so it was easy. And you’re supposed to avoid caffeine. I didn’t do that.
Zerona results
I did lose just under 2 inches from my thighs. That’s great! But I also saw that it seemed to make my cellulite more pronounced. That is NOT great. I have a friend who works at a doctor’s office that offers Zerona and she confirmed that sometimes that happens. Boo.

Truthfully, you can NOT see the results because it’s just an inch or two in a small area. I don’t suddenly have skinny legs. I didn’t go down a size. I think I feel it a little bit in my clothes, but it’s not even super obvious to me.

I’m happy with the inch results, but not so much with the cellulite issue. Really no amount of running would have brought my thighs down a size and this was a good option for me. Also, I’m glad I did it just because it was so relaxing and honestly I think that was good for me. I tend to snack when I’m tired so that cat nap I think helped curb snacking. <- That was an unexpected perk.
Because it is expensive and the results aren’t super AMAZING I would suggest others first try and lose the fat naturally via exercise and diet (as I did). Then, if you have fat that just likes to hang out in one area of your body you can get a consultation. I have heard that it doesn’t do great on areas with a lot of muscle so if you have a layer of muscle there it might be hard for the machine to zap the fat. Be sure you go to a doc that will be honest and give you realistic expectations.

Note: I am a grown ass (wo)man who decided on her own free will to give this a shot. I run and eat egg whites and don’t keep ice cream in my house. But, God gave me some junk in the trunk and I wanted to keep it in the trunk area and not let it spread the love around. I appreciate you not judging my decisions.
That said, if you feel like you want to disagree on this whole thing – I’m open to your thoughts. I just don’t want to be called the c-word. Thanks.

Question: Are you a nap person?
Are you a groupon person?
I’m obsessed with Groupons and want to become a weekend nap person.
This post cracked me up. It’s informative and honest! Let’s be friends!!!
This is obviously so truthful and thus so helpful! Thank you!!! Honestly it is the best, most authentic review I’ve read
I just learned about Zerona on the news last night. Your review is the first review I read. I think it may be the best review I’ve ever read. It’s real and honest. That’s what people need. Thank you!
Thanks so much for sharing your story. My wife is interested in this procedure. I’m curious how everything is since you had your procedure almost 2 years ago.
I like your post. Actually zerona did a lot for me to get a perfect fine body shape. It beyond my expectations. Now I can wear what I love. 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing your experience and being so honest and open about it. Incredibly helpful info! =)
LOL at this is OC and totally normal!
I appreciate the review because I have a trouble spot too, but I didn’t think lasers would fix it. You’ve saved me some money – thanks for that! Or not, because I’ll have to take more drastic/expensive measures now, haha.
Good for you. I’m all about doing what makes you feel good.
I also have thick thighs. I will never have long lean legs, just how we’re made I guess. No matter what I eat or how much I exercise, I won’t have lean legs. You look amazing Monica, keep it up!
Thanks for the tips.
Thanks for trying this out! I saw a groupon for it and was considering it. I too embrace my curves but would love to get through a week without someone asking me if I am preggers (I’m not, never have been, carry my weight it midsection,thanks.) It is kind of $$$ so I think I will keep running and work in some pilates and low carb suppers.
I actually really enjoyed this post! you do you, and I enjoy your blog thoroughly
Never commented before but just wanted to say… there’s no need for you to be defensive about your decisions. It’s your choice, your body, who gives a F what other people think? If it makes you happy, that’s all that matters. I’ve been getting botox in my forehead for a couple of years now… I’m young and I’m sure many people in my life would think it was stupid if they knew. However, I could honestly care less what they think.. and the whole process is a lot less dramatic and over-the-top than one might imagine. It’s just like going to the doctor for any other thing. And I like the way it looks and it makes me feel even more confident, so why the hell not?! Let the haters hate on.
You’re adorable and I love reading your blog because I know I’ll get a laugh as well as fitness inspiration. You certainly embody ‘love what you got’ (hello gorgeous eyes)and good for you that you made the adult decision to try something to help you feel even better about yourself. Keep it coming, truly love catching up with you in the blogosphere.
Whoa. You kind of articulated exactly how I feel and my curiosity toward this type of thing so perfectly. I also love my butt, but would love to take of a teeny bit of fat in my legs so that people could see my sweet sculpted thighs… not that I don’t love my legs. I’m “blessedwiththunderthighs” after all. Like you said, worst thing would be that I have the same legs and pay money to find out it doesn’t do anything, haha.
I was teetering on trying it (just to see if it works), so I really appreciate this post!
I’m obsessed with naps but really only have time for them sometimes on the weekends now. Funny how work gets in the way of those things. Boooo!!!
I do use Groupon occasionally, but not often. If I see something I really want at a good price, I will go for it but most of the time I find them to be impulse buys.
Haha! “I just don’t want to be called the c-word.” Love it! That’s awesome that you tried the laser…I’ve wondered about it too. I’d have anything from body wraps to plastic surgery if I thought it would improve my quality of life and I don’t really care about anyone else’s opinion.
I am SO not a nap person. I try so hard! Even after a 20 mile run which required me to be up at 4:30AM and out of the house for like 8 hours I still can’t sleep. I am envious of the nappers.
I do some Groupon and LivingSocial stuff sometimes, but I often chicken out on using it for crazy new and different things, and that’s kind of exactly why it exists!
I cannot get over how freakin’ AWESOME your swimsuit is. Every time I see it I convince myself that I need it.
I actually gave something similar a try near where I lived. I, too, didn’t “see” the results, but did loose a little size to my thighs. My husband said he could feel a difference when he’d have his hand on my thigh…but around that same time I was hitting the gym again regularly and had started jogging. So it could have been a mix of all that. lol The place I went gave me anti-cellulite lotion and these compression cuffs to use. Basically you put the lotion on, then the cuffs (thigh and bi-cep area for me) and clean the house or something. This is supposed to help w/the cellulite. I notice a little more definition to my cellulite, but when I did the lotion thing it helped smooth that out.
The place kept allowing me to pay the groupon rate, but it was kind of far away and got booked quickly so w/the limited results I stopped going. Glad I gave it a try though.
Maybe you should ask skinnyrunner how she is so skinny. Honestly, I think it just boils down to your genes. No matter how well you eat and work out some people just aren’t going to be the size and weight they want. If you have your health, you have it all! Be thankful for that! 🙂
I read this amazing blog every day =) One of the best lessons you have taught me is “do you”. It’s not about comparison. You had an area you wanted to work on, you had some work done, you paid for it. No one was harmed. You didn’t get as many results as you would have liked. No biggie – good job for trying something and being honest!
I appriciate your REAL review and just being straight up about the topic. I have gentic things that no amount of exercise will fix as well, you are just being real!
Thanks for sharing your results and keeping it real! Thighs are a problem area for me too! I noticed that when I take barre classes on a regular basis, 3-4 times a week, everything starts to tone up and shrink down. It’s also great cross-training for runners 🙂 I like that you’re not a super skinny runner-it makes us “real girls” feel good about our bodies to know that there’s other like us out there.
Squats my dear. We have a similar shape, and deadlifts and squats work better than running and are a girl’s best friend. Also, I’ve seen your before running photos and you look awesome and have lost so much weight! You are toned and fit. I wish I had your strong shoulders, legs and arms.
It sounds like you really thought this through and you got a result you are happy with. That’s all that matters. Who cares what the haters say?!
I LOVE Groupon and using it to try new things. It is the only way that I tried barre classes. I’m a chicken, but when I can get a good deal and convince friends to go along…I’m all in. 🙂
Love this post!! You do you, gurlfrand.
Thanks for posting this, I’ve thought about trying it many times via groupon and lifebooker and never knew anyone who had experience with it and wanted some real life opinions and perspective on it. It sounded too good to be true, and you sort of verified that. I also have a lot of muscle in my problem areas (thanks crossfit) so it’s probably not a good option for me. More pronounced cellulite is also never what we are looking for! Again, really appreciate you sharing this experience and information! Very helpful.
I’ve done Botox from Groupon….people shouldn’t judge!
I completely understand wanting to do this. I run a little less than 40 miles a week right now, eat (fairly) healthy, and deal with a lot of junk in my trunk and thighs! For me, it is definitely genetics. I try doing more squats and lunges, and the fat in my thighs doesn’t go away! Thank you for sharing your experience. I love reading your blog!
Thank you for your honest and very open post. It speaks to everyone! I have a mostly hate relationship with my thighs, then I hate feeling that way and want to slap myself and say “be grateful for legs that run, dummy!”
I don’t run nearly as much as you due to family and work sucking up any and all free time, and mine don’t get any smaller. I inherited them from my dad’s mom. About 20 years ago I found a photo of her in her late 30’s (she passed away when I was 10) and it hit me like a 2×4; our body shape/proportions were identical! I tend to favor my dad anyway and it just all fit like a puzzle. Hasn’t stopped me from disliking my chubby thighs, but it brings me back from the angry zone.
So all that to say, keep lovin’ the body that God gave you. Run because it makes you happy! And again, thank you for your humor, candor and love of avocados. 😀
This was really refreshing to read from you, I love your honesty. I’ve been reading for quite some time, and although I still enjoy your blog, I miss your more honest and authentic posts. I know you get a lot of shit from readers, here and on those unmentionable “hate sites”, but it’s hard not to identify with you when you write from the heart like this. I love to read about the things you choose to share in this way, so although this procedure isn’t one of the most exciting topics for me (but good for you for doing it!), I love this post.
I love how honest and open this post is! I think we all have small parts of our bodies or of ourselves that we’d like to change, so I see nothing wrong with trying new things! Of course, self love is so important, but I think it’s also unrealistic to think we all go around loving ourselves 100%, all day every day.
I’m definitely a groupon fan, and a nap fan as well! I had a crap night of sleep last night, so I actually have a nap planned for later!
guuuuuurl, i’m sorry about the cellulite; so unfair!
no judging, just wanted to share my experience with my thighs and my study of pilates anatomy as a runner hoping it might help.
short story: my foot alignment was all wrong… and making that better made my legs sexier.
details: instead of wearing appropriate shoes to cushion my unconscious bad habits, i embodied the wisdom learned during my pilates instructor training program to use my foot more effectively instead. i worked really hard at yoga to get my standing leg locked (not sure if you’ve heard this phrase in your yoga) and use my whole leg, even the tiny muscles around my knee, to stabilize the pose i was doing… which triggered my foot muscles and i noticed my whole foot working instead of letting me supinate. this work in yoga and taking it with me in pilates, over time, kept the muscle memory fresh and my running improved. my plantar fasciitis improved; my foot actually flattened out from it’s high arch and “grew” half a size because it was so tense before. AND my chubby inner thighs began to tone up because i was finally using them. all the misalignment was overworking my hip flexors and my hamstrings, giving my quads and inner thighs permanent vacation, until i woke them up and put them to work.
SO, my point is, figure out how to put your whole leg to work for you instead of letting your posture dictate where your muscle tone goes. perhaps a few private sessions with a pilates instructor on equipment (probably a groupon around for that) to target any alignment issues you may have (you may not know you have that they can point out for you) would help. i recommend looking for a studio that has some kind of “post physical therapy” expertise as opposed to a studio focused on “working out”. definitely not any sort of combo yoga/pilates/zumba place. those are great for staying fit and getting toned, but not for targeting problem areas that you don’t know how to target with pilates, etc. and let them know you’re looking to correct alignment issues that may be hindering the use of your inner thighs during your epic 40 mile/week running… cuz obviously that should me making a dent!
my $0.08
It’s interesting to read about your results/experience. I don’t see anything wrong with a non-invasive procedure. I agree that diet and exercise are key, but there is only so much one can do to fight genetics.
I love naps! I’ve used groupon a few times, I especially love getting cheap passes to workout studios.
Thanks for sharing your results! I appreciate your honesty, candor and humor in all your endeavors!
I am TOTALLY a nap person. 15 minutes, and I am as good as gold!
Never tried Groupon…
Girl, do your thing! As a blogger I understand the fear of posting something a little out of the norm. But ultimately, you gotta do you!
Great review! I’ve considered it myself but now hearing your thoughts, I feel more prepared to make the choice.
Why don’t you want to be called Cute? It fits! Would you prefer Clever?
I am interested in your experience from a long-term perspective. How long are results supposed to last? Sounds like it was a positive for you and that is great!
I’ll follow up in a few months. From my research if you gain weight it will just come back like normal.
You look great! Have you tried weight lifting, squats, lunges and all that to reshape your so-called problem thighs? My body looks my absolute best when I incorporate good weights sessions. You can run and run and run but if your genes predispose you to carrying weight (as mine do) weights can be the answer! But then, you probably already know that. Thanks for sharing your experience. And your blog is easily the most entertaining one I read.
Yeah, squats and lower body work just build up my quads (which are already really big). It’s more my inner/outer thighs that are an issue and moves for that didn’t really get rid of the extra jiggle. Thanks for the compliment too 🙂
First of all, eff the haters haha. I lol’d at your “just don’t call me a C-word” comment. I was watching a vid on YouTube a while back (the chick is a bikini competitor) and she was saying that her quads got huge because she wasn’t focusing on squeezing her butt and hamstring muscles during weight sessions. Then she started to remember to do that and they evened out. Just a thought! Love your blog and thanks for letting us know how you liked it! 🙂
That is a good reminder! I know to do that but forget in the moment sometimes. Thank you 🙂 “Squeeze your butt or no one else will squeeze it” Ha.
No shame in your game!
I also carry weight in my thighs, but now that you mentioned the cellulite issue, I probably wouldn’t consider this option. Biggest fear right there!!
It’s so hard doing what your skinny friends do and not being as skinny as they are…trust me , I get it. There’s nothing wrong with trying something more unconventional as long as you realize it 1. might not work and 2. doesn’t change you more than cosmetically. I hope you don’t get any meanies in the comments…haha.
thanks for parttaking and sharing your story. I would be interested in trying this as well with the little extra fat on the outside of my thighs but I’m not concerned enough to spend all that money. Thanks for sharing your experience and glad you got some result out of it!
long time reader, but don’t think I’ve ever actually commented, weird. This groupon thing is a mystery to me, I’m so out of the loop so thanks for your summer series for making me kind of seem like I know what’s going on in the 21st century. And thanks for making me laugh consistently the past few years, you are a pretty great not-the-c-word.
Thanks for sharing! And it’s YOUR body, you can do whatever the hell you want! And I bet most of your legs are pure muscle!!!
ever thought of doing other exercises besides running a ton and overeating?
Yes, I do strength work at least once a week – but shoot for 2 times. And I am at a point where I am doing my best with eating in moderation. I don’t overeat regularly and aim to eat healthy 80% of the time (mainly Monday through Friday with it a little more lax on the weekends).
tracy anderson method worked wonders for me. it could help with what you’re looking to do for your lower body.
I have the Mat Video and the Perfect Design series is good as well. It’s only $10
Hey sarah, ever tried not being such a dirtbag?
How in any way is her comment being a ‘dirt bag’? She was just making a suggestion.
wow – that was uncalled for.
Who in their right mind would ever call you the c word?!?!?! Haha I think you are a sarcastic well adjusted woman and I love it! Thanks for trying this out and giving us honest feedback :). No you go on with your bad self!
Real talk: I don’t think I know anyone who’s satisfied with her body all the time. Thank you for being straight up about this! I’m 30 and fit, but I have cellulite in my thighs that I love to hate. If someone told me there was a procedure that could actually remove it, I’d be on it! Your blog speaks to me because you’re so honest about your relationship with your body.
I too have junk in the truck and dont want it spreading the love…OMG!! You crack me up.
My thighs and but are my problem areas too. Weight training has helped reduce inches but there is still cellulite that I would like to get rid of. I’ve also seen similar Groupons like this in my city. Never had the courage to try it out…mostly of fear of wasting money. Definitely gave me something to think about.
I am not a napper or a grouponer but my BF just booked a getaway weekend for my birthday courtesy of groupon 🙂
Thanks for sharing your experience. I had a similar relaxation thing when I went for physical therapy. They would put a heat wrap on my ankle and attach the electrode thing and shut the light and I would lay there for 20 min in peace. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your honest opinion! In a world of sponsored posts and brand love, I appreciate when bloggers tell it like it is. More power to you for trying something new too!
You are so funny! Your honesty is so appreciated. Thanks for the post!!!
All I have to say is…you go girl! Also …you crack me up! I love your outlook on life.
Interesting! I always thought I wanted to do this someday with an awesome Groupon deal but now, not so much. Thanks for being a guinea pig and trying it out for your readers 🙂
– I love Groupon and naps!
You ARE really well adjusted! I remember the post where you bought the Groupon and the haters came out of the woodwork – WTF? Really, what’s the difference between this and covering premature gray with hair dye?
Anyhow, thanks for sharing the results. The nap thing sounds nice! You had realistic expectations and sounds like the results were in line with what you thought they might be (except for the cellulite thing!)
I think it’s cool that you tried it! I think I’ve heard commercials on the radio for this but never really knew what it was.
Hey Monica, thanks for sharing. I can totally understand you. I always have been and still are very active and have a good metabolism. I am very petit and my ribs are visible on my chest area, but even though my thighs rub. This gives me great discomfort while running, already after a short while. I do not want to go down in weight nor should I, so a pinpoint solutions seems tempting. I am glad to read through your post and experience. P.S. Two inches sounds quite much to me.
That’s super interesting! I’ve seen groupons for that same thing in my area and I’ve always wondered if it works or not. Thanks for sharing!
Who give a sh** about the haters? I fully support your decision on this and thank you so much for that tip in the end about it being expensive so you should correct diet and exercise first. There is no shame in getting lipo. I doesn’t make you less worthy or something who doesn’t or weak or anything. It means what you means; if I wanted to plant a forest of flowers and stuff inside my house, who’s not to tell me it’s not right? I WANT to. I have the right to. It’s as simple as that! Besides, what’s so bad about lipo? Nothing. If you’re willing to take the risk have having minor side effects(or not) it’s up to you. It’s like taking advil or tyenol for fever relief.
Proud of you, Monica! I love this post.