Hello from Florida! Where are you running and/or eating today?
I got in a good 10 mile run this morning. It’s nice and overcast thanks to the storm. But, not actually stormy in the morning! Perfect!!
But it’s still super hot and humid so I stop at every water fountain I can find. Today I stopped at Publix twice – well, two different Publix locations on the island actually. Yes, I completely look like a disgusting mess walking into a grocery store dripping wet with sweat. I want to announce “I’m 6 miles in and it’s 90 degrees out there…” but no one really cares.

After my run I got to work on brunch. Every year Ben’s fam used to go to brunch at one of the fancy hotels. Then, it was closed last year so I offered to make brunch so we could carry on the tradition. (Here is last year’s brunch.)
This year I made waffles, eggs with cheese, bacon, hash browns and made a watermelon bowl to serve up the fruit.

I made a waffle station complete with strawberry toppings, syrup, PB and whipped cream. This was the hit of the day!! I think everyone was super excited about the waffles and toppings options – it’s just like a ‘real’ brunch.

I cranked out tons of waffles, eggs, baked the hash browns and bacon like I was on a mission. I was a little worried about keeping the waffles warm but not burning them so I’d keep them in the oven for bits at a time while cooking the others. I think it turned out okay considering I was winging it with some of the stuff.

Mid-day we were hanging out and suddenly the fire alarm went off. At first we thought it was a hurrican warning, but then an announcement came over the intercom that there was a fire and we needed to really evacuate.
What do you do when you have to evacuate the hotel on vacation?

Go get ice cream!! (I don’t think the fire really did major damage. It looked like it was an electrical fire in a utility closet not in one of the rooms.)

Question: What kind of ice cream would you get?
I wanted mint n chip, but I got moose tracks.
Either your hand is huge or that ice cream is tiny. My favorite is Sweet Cream but few stores have it, so I’m digging coffee right now.
I have really big hands, but it was also a small ice cream 🙂
Two years ago the day after the Space Coast Half Marathon, the fire alarms went off in our hotel. I grabbed my phone, my purse and my medal! #Priorities
We didn’t have to be out there very long so we just waited it out.
We had the evacuate a hotel at 3 am last summer in Nashville. My daughter was 8 months old at the time so that was SUPER FUN. It was all because some moron decided they could disable the sprinkler in their room so they could smoke. Then while we were outside for way too long, people were smoking everywhere I tried to go. Did I mention my daughter was only 8 months old? The last thing I wanted after all that was her to breathe in cigarette smoke!
We had the fire alarm go off in a hotel once, too! I ran 8 miles in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago and was a disgusting sweaty mess, too. A sign with how many miles I’d ran would have made me feel better about the amount of perspiration on my face and body! I can totally relate! 🙂
Running in Michigan is hard enough, but hot, humid Florida? You’re a skilled woman. I’m not there yet lol. I love moose tracks!
I love the idea of that fruit bowl in the melon–so pretty! Glad it was a small fire–at least you got some ice cream! haha–i think my favorite is cookies n cream
I was in Canada a couple of weeks ago and the fire alarm also went off in our hotel. We had just turned on our air conditioning, so we thought it was our fault. 😀 There was no real fire though. Someone had put something wrong in the microwave in his room…
That brunch looks so good!
At the moment, am craving for something chocolatey…maybe double chocolate with lots of chocolate chips. 🙂
Moose tracks is delicious!!! Yum!! I would probably pick cookie dough!
We were at a timeshare at Tahoe once and the fire alarm went off while I was in the shower, mid-shampoo. That kind of thing always happens to me!
Mint chip always! Or coffee. Or Black Cherry. #ihaveaproblem
Great to see you having fun in FLA! 🙂
I’m loving Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream right now from a Canadian company called Kawartha Dairy….OH MY GOSH…I could eat it for three square meals, but would have to run a marathon daily I think…so yummy!! 🙂
Lately I love plain vanilla bean and I put my own semi sweet morsels in. This way I can control the ratio of chips to cream.
I want to see an ice cream parlor come up with the first “Ice Cream Flight”….kind of similar to a “beer flight” from a bar where you get to pick 4 or 5 different beers and sample each for a price….then I would go for the ice cream flight because I always want 2 or 3 flavors and its so hard to decide!!!
My day earlier……. I bike 25 miles and yesterday I did body pump at my Y…my quads were killing me and I had about 3 miles to go with 1.5 being hill combos….by the last hill I was dying and felt like I just wanted to scream to every one passing by thaaaat: “I am on mile 24 and I did too many squats yesterday so I am dying right now!!!!” Please don’t judge me.
I live in Columbus, Ohio and Jeni’s Ice Cream here does the ice cream flights thing! Not sure where you live, but Jeni’s does have scoop shops in other states now, too.