I started my race day like usual – PB&J on toast a cinnamon roll. I wish I had a Cinnabon. Actually, I bet if I had a Cinnabon I would have PR-ed. I’d like to test that theory…
Since I’m trying to do this new thing where I’m social with other people besides my dog I invited myself to drive to the race with Margot and Sarah. Margot drove, Sarah provided the dope tunes, I told jokes that would make a sailor blush took blurry pictures.
Last night I checked the course map for the Ho-Ho-Holiday Half Marathon. I found something that said it was hilly. But, Sarah insisted it was not and I wanted to believe her, so I did. Turns out – she’s a liar.
Or in denial. Either way it wasn’t good.
The race was held at the Fairplex in Pomona. I thought the fair was still going on and was hoping to end the day with a stick of fried butter (<- yes I’ve eaten one).
Sarah put on her serious running face to warm up.
While I bought the new Peanut Butter Gu!!!! Yes, it’s good!
We got our bibs/loot and put our stuff back in the car. I switched out my sweatshirt for a trash bag all classy like. I need a bigger bag next time though! Damn vanity sizing…
Pre-race we’re all smiles because we’ve let ourselves believe Sarah’s lie that this will be a flat race.
I’d call this race hilly, but I prefer down hill races (or sitting on the couch) so I’m a bad judge. But, I pulled it together and finished strong!
My goal was to maintain even splits, but it wasn’t super easy to do on this course (plus I started out too fast again). But here they are for my own reference:
13.11 – 1:48:09 – Average pace 8:15
Mile 1: 8:14
Mile 2: 8:18
Mile 3: 8:04
Mile 4:8:08
Mile 5: 8:16
Mile 6: 8:22
Mile 7: 8:21
Mile 8: 8:22
Mile 9: 8:21
Mile 10: 8:21
Mile 11: 8:35
Mile 12: 8:16
Mile 13: 7:42 (!)
*I am proud of myself for staying more consistent than normal. My LB times went from 8:09 to 10:19 minute miles!! So, this is progress.
This isn’t a PR, but I learned a few things in this race and that was my goal I’m still not good at pacing, but the more I run the more I realize the important of pacing, fueling and not going out too fast.
Post race: We’re smiling because I finally took off my Santa hat and plastic bag and look like a normal member of society. Kinda.

I got the Feta and Egg White wrap and it was good and salty just like I like it.
One the way home I stopped to meet up with Ben and some friends who were having lunch. And had a little snack post shower.
Now I have a few errands to run and boot camp to get ready for (!!!). See ya later
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Great job on the race! That feta/egg white wrap looks yummy.
I was there also!
I loved that race!
congrats on a really great time on a pretty hard course…for me the hardest of the year for sure!
Congrats!! (Even though you mentioned it wasn’t a PR, that’s a rockin time) I ran that race as well. Im convinced it should be called “The Hill Holiday Half”.
Ok, maybe I’m just oblivious & completely missing something, but what’s the deal with the trash bag? I don’t get it! Hahaa
Fried butter sounds completely disgusting. Then again, this is coming from a girl who loved deep fried Snickers bars. Congrats on your race!
congrats on the race, im sad i missed out on the cool kids race.
A holiday half sounds awesome! I tried to wear light up antlers for my 5K, but I just couldn’t do it – I could feel the wind hitting them.
Your pacing looks a ton better than mine, even on a 5K I’m all over the place. Are there people that can really run their miles less than 15s apart? I’d LOVE tips on how to do that. On my first half I got progressively slower and ended up averaging 15 seconds slower than my training runs :/ Running sure keeps ya thinking!
Fried butter?! What will they think of next? You girls all look so cute in your running attire! bummer it was hilly!
WAY TO GO GIRLIE!! I think your time is AMAZING! I am super impressed!
Great work!!! I know it’s not a PR, but damn girl, way to finish strong! I always start out too fast, so I feel your pain. I’m trying to get better about that (and am thinking my new Garmin 405CX will help). Oh, and feta/eggwhites? Amazeballs.
I ran a 1/2 yesterday too! The Tucson 1/2 was fun, and mostly downhill- but there were no many people wearing santa hats! I know what yo umean about relaly thinking about signing up for races before you jump in. I signed up for this one in June, and it was actually a crazy time of year to take off from work and travel…
I need to sign up for another flat AZ race!
Peanut butter gu?! I want to have one of those followed by a chocolate one or maybe all at once and cause certain GI distress but enjoy every delicious second of it…
Great run, btw!
Great race! I’m already craving my next half…January 7th can’t come soon enough!
You run so fast! It shows how much work you have put into running; very inspiring. Personally, I’ve found I can’t run for long distances because I get burnt out physically and mentally (my knees sometimes hurt the day after a run if I ran for 45 minutes or more), but it’s awesome that you’ve been so successful with it.
Thanks Lorin! I don’t think long distance running is for everyone (just people who need sidewalk therapy).
Congratulations on your race! It seems like you have been doing quite a few of those lately. What’s next? I’m a big fan of the egg white feta wrap too – one of my Starbucks breakfast staples!
Where the heck are hills in Pomona? Oh ya… they have all those hills at Bonelli! Anyway, great job! Peanut Butter Gu… while I don’t have use for Gu yet… it sounds good.
Just clicked on the fried butter link – what the heck is that deep fried potato thing that claims to be Australian? I have never seen anything even remotely resembling that here! I think they were playing games with people!
Way to go with the pacing!!
That’s a great time!! And those GU’s ARE awesome – I’m usually not a fan, but the p.b. are killer.
I told you I’m a good liar…
Ha! Confirmed.
That is such a great time! I did Santa to the sea today and it was really fun 🙂
How was Santa to the Sea?! I couldn’t decided between the two (a discount made the final call).
oh my gosh it was the best! defitely something you may want to do next year. check out my post about it if you get a chance 🙂
Congrats on a good race with a fast finish! Hills are tough, but I like how they keep my head in the race.
PB gu sounds intriguing, I always go triberry. I need to branch out!
Congrats on such a great race! I am going to be running 2 Halfs in the course of a little over a month next year. I know you just ran the LV RnR…any tips on training between two close races?
Two races within a week of each other is very hard to train for because you can’t predict how much rest you’ll need. But, I didn’t really train for either of these and just tried to take it easier this week.
I thought it was so hilly too!! And I did all my training in a city with some nasty hills but some of the ones today were brutal. Great job!
Thanks Danica 🙂 I’m always glad to get a second opinion on how hilly a race is because I think they’re all hilly!
It really looks like you ran a great race!! Congrats! But I bet Cinnabons DO create PRs. I just know it!
That’s speedy! Especially with those dingdang hills! Maybe hills work for you (speedy Laguna Hills), even though you don’t really like hilly courses.
How’d you know I say, “Dingdang hills!?!?!” to myself when I run?
Feta and egg whites. Omg.
Ahahahah –> “being social with people other than my dog” you’re my favorite.
Wow, you’re speedy!! That’s a good 20 minutes faster than my first half. 🙂 Good job!
Awesomeee speed for a hilly race!! Great job 😀 Peanut butter gu? omg I neeeeed to try.
That’s a great time! Congratulations!
Can’t wait to try that peanut butter Gu. It’s got to be good if you mix a little PB and then the chocolate outrage in the same mouthful, right?
Nice work, Monica! Sounds like you’re really trying to learn from your races and improve (which is awesome, because I kind of just run…sometimes I wish I was more mindful!). Looked fun too – way to rock it!
Wow! Those are great times. I hate liars!! 🙂 Jess
Wow super fast race today! Congrats!
wow, impressive!!