Hello! Sadly, I had to leave the strawberry farm yesterday afternoon kicking and screaming. But I had a blast and will fill you on on more soon!
This morning I was up bright and early for the PCRF Half Marathon in Irvine, CA. The race also offers a 5K and 10K option so if you didn’t come out this year – let’s see ya next year!!
The race is fairly small and parking and packet pick-up was a breeze. Those are the little things I appreciate
I met SmushTush and Natalia at the start and ST came in 2nd! Congrats to her!!
I know I’ve run a lot of races, but this was a first for me…
FIRST HALF MARATHON that I’ve run without my Garmin!!!
My watch strap is still broken and I do have a Timex that I need to figure out how to use but I didn’t have anything to use today so I just figured I’d run a race without it for once.
My thoughts on racing without a watch:
It was very challenging because I am the worst at starting out too fast. I joke that I always try in PR in the mile and then realize it’s more than a mile race.
So, the entire race I was questioning myself…
“Am I going too fast?!”
“Wait. Is this too slow?!?”
“Pancakes?? No, waffles.”
“Is that the 1:50 pacer in front of me? I can’t see. But if I speed up and realize it’s the 1:40 pacer I’ll be going way too fast…”
“Yeah. Pancakes.”
“Should I ask this guy what his pace is? But what if the pace is slow and then I have to run off after I find out. That’s kind of a jerk move.”
“I need to take a math class…” <- when I pass the 6 mile mark around 50:xx and don’t want to take the effort to figure out my pace. Or can’t. Either way.
Luckily, I decided to just freakin run and stop worrying about it. But I realized how helpful my watch is just to keep me on an appropriate pace (at the same time it’s not like I need it unless I’m going for a specific goal).
Half marathon finish time: 1:50:07.5
At the finish they handed out water, Propel water, oranges, bananas and Popchips.
I saw a line for smoothies at the Whole Foods booth and had to stop! I love me a smoothie!! But they were making a new batch and needed something to blend it! They were using a human powered blender bike to blend the smoothie. It’s funny but no one really jumped to do it so even though I just ran the half I got on.
Makes the smoothie taste better when you work for it
PCRF Half Marathon is for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation. If you feel compelled to donate check out that link.
Now I’m eating pancakes and relaxing in my ProCompression Marathon Socks. Don’t forget to use code “RER” for 40% off and Free Shipping PLUS you’ll be entered into the contest for a pair of running shoes and socks!!
Question: What are you doing today?
Nice race! I sludged through 6 miles on the dreadmill today-we have 30 mph winds gusting to 45 so unless I wanted some wicked resistance training it was time to take it indoors. My half marathon is little over a month away-eek!
That’s awesome how they used a bike to make the smoothies! 🙂
I love my garmin. I’m pretty addicted to it, so I’m sure I would have kept freaking out the entire race haha.
Yesterday was my first half marathon ever and it was so much fun!! PCRF did a great job and the course was beautiful. I have one question – do you know if there will be any race pictures posted anywhere?
<3 SmushTush!!! She my favorite!!!!
Looks like I made it into one of your pics unintentionally while I walked up to the start line 🙂 That’s me in the purple shirt behind your shoulder! Photobomb! Renegade Racing did a good job with this race, it was very well organized and tons of fun.
On Sunday I recovered from the half marathon that I did on Saturday at which they served us pancakes afterward! But I also did laundry & went grocery shopping – which is my typical boring Sunday.
I just got a Garmin from Ebay (first time I ever had the winning bid!) and appreciate it for keeping half an eye on my splits but in reality, half the places I use it I doubt I have superb satellite reception so I know that no matter what I do or do not have on my wrist, I have to just run by feel.
Way to go running “naked” for this half, though! It’s tough without that feedback but I think it’s worthwhile to do it (race without a watch/GPS/smartphone app) from time to time!
I worked from 5am til 8pm. I’m spent! Cute socks!!….I wore pro compression socks under my work boots today and they make my life better.
That’s a hard shift – you’re a rockstar!!
Congrats on the race! That smoothie bike was on Shark Tank.
I keep hearing about Shark Tank! I need to check it out.
Congrats for running without a garmin, I would have been a ball of nerves because I constantly question my pace without mine. 🙂
Super cool, i don’t know if i can run a race without a watch. I didn’t have a garmin for my first marathon and i had a cheap star wars watch from burger king. i had to do a lot of math during, but it helped at least having a clock on me.
I’m chilling out today. Ran 6m in the rain, it was cold, windy, but at least it wasn’t snow! and i just finished some strawberries, so happy it’s berry season!
I hit a yoga class and got a new pair of insoles made this morning, spent the afternoon packing up all of my possessions into boxes (I HATE moving), went into work for a bit to set up some stuff for myself to do tomorrow, now I’m gonna go for a nice swim.
So how WAS your time without a watch? I always end up going faster than I expect when I ditch the Garminator. It’s so helpful, but sometimes I get so focused on my pace I forget to think about my effort.
I had to wait and look up my time – 1:50:07.5
Now the post is updated 🙂
I was hoping I’d go faster than normal, but today wasn’t that day.
I’m hanging at the hospital with my Mom today as she is recovering from her open heart surgery this week. I did manage to get in a cycle class this morning though. I much needed stress relief!
Hi! Found your blog and really enjoying it! I have recently gotten into running on a regular basis and I’m loving it! Just finished a 10k yesterday and didn’t do too bad, 1:22. I am signed up to do another 10K at the end of April and want to do a 1/2 in VA Beach at the end of August.
I don’t think I could race without my watch anymore. I’d go nuts! I always start out too fast too. Today is a lazy day after teaching a yoga class this morning and running 6 miles. Time to relax before another work week ahead!
Meal prep! We start a kitchen remodel in a week. I made 23 meals today to freeze. Many more to go.
I did my last really long run for Boston! 19 miles total with a 10 mile race in the middle! It was a super hilly course! I feel like I almost would have PR’d in the 10mile if not for the 5 mile warm up that ended up a bit faster than I would have liked and the 5k I raced yesterday. Mostly it was the 5k that made the last couple miles of the race burn. I called it a successful training weekend and celebrated with pumpkin pie!
Oh and my point of this post was I ran both races without my garmin just to see how I felt mentally not knowing. I got distracted thinking about the pie again and forgot to add that!!
Ha! I love it.
I’m being crazy productive today! Dishes, laundry, lesson planning for work, and a 6 mile run!
I love productive days like that, makes me feel like I’m starting the week on top of things 🙂
I’m gearing up for a long run – my first/last one before the Hollywood Half next weekend. Have a great evening!
Good luck next weekend!
Ended up buying another pair of marathon socks. Not that I need them but I do need running shoes, high risk high reward right?
I’ve been debating leaving the garmin at home for a race because sometimes I think I could run faster but have a mental block. Interesting to hear how it went for you 🙂
I’m recovering from my friends wedding, it was a fun one 🙂
Yeah! Those kinda weekends are the best 🙂
Some of your races really make me wish I lived in California! What a great cause that race is. Truthfully speaking though, all your posts make me wish I was not in New Hampshire! Anyway, I ran a 22 mile training run today. I am running Cox marathon in Providence May 4. I’m not sure how to classify today though. The first half was horrible. I kept counting down how much was left and saying maybe I quit at 18 and try for 20 next weekend before tapering but then the last half felt so much better I tacked an extra 2 on. Weird! But I will take it! Congrats on your “naked” running today.
I ran a half today too! and had pancakes afterwards. I think the bike powered blender is so cool, good for you for jumping on it when no one else was 🙂
i ran a half mary too! And I PR’ed despite the fact it was pouring rain from start to finish! I’m still hoping to get the courage to go Garmin-less one day.
MMM Pancakes!
Great job!!! Congrats!!!
You are too cute on the bike! I’m glad you had a fun race!!
Thank you Livi!
Looks like you had a blast! I need to learn to run every so often without my watch, sometimes I get too focused on times instead of how I feel. Wasn’t the race near IVC? Was the course pretty flat then?
I had a 4 mile easy run earlier today now I am organizing, working and trying to get ready for not only a new week but a new month! Always is exciting 🙂
Nice socks!
Today I ran a 10K in the rain. It was cold, but not that bad. At least it wasn’t snowing like it is right now!
Looks like a nice race! What was your time, if you don’t mind me asking?
I had to look it up – 1:50:07.5
It’s amazing how addicting your Garmin becomes. I used to run without it and just winged it. Now, I feel completely lost without it though! Can’t wait to hear more about the strawberry farm!