Hello! This morning I ran the Disneyland 10K as part of the Dumbo Double Dare. My ‘Plan B’ costume was Cinderella since the Merida costume was voted ‘out’ by me because I didn’t want to run with my hair down in 70 degree weather.

I was a little afraid my hair wouldn’t stay in a Cinderella-esque bun but, after a “test bun run” on Friday I figured my massive buns would stay put for 6.2 miles

And I was able to easily throw together a costume thanks to Target’s clearance rack for the tank, Bobbi lent me a skirt and I already had the wide light blue headband!
Disney races start ridiculously early so I woke up at 3:40am to get to the 5:30am start line in time. I live about 30 20 minutes (no traffic at 4am) south of Anaheim so it was a breeze to get there.

Disneyland 10k start line! I was in Corral A so I got a good view of the fun little skit the announcers Carissa and Rudy put on with Stitch. The theme of this race was all about Stitch!

Fun fact: I have been compared to Stitch a lot more in my life than a Disney Princess, so this should have been my costume.

The first 2 miles of the race are around the outside of the parks and the Anaheim Convention Center. Then, you run into California Adventure.

This was an amazing sight after running through the dark streets anticipating going into the Disney Parks! (See RunEatRepeat on Instagram for a short video of this!)

Unfortunately, it was still so dark that most of my pictures didn’t come out great.

After California Adventure we ran into Disneyland! Um, I’m about to fire myself as Director of Photography for RER…

This was the moment I was waiting for… running through Cinderella’s Castle!

There were not a lot of opportunities to take pictures with Disney Characters for this race. I only saw one. The mile markers were decorated with pictures of Stitch, but there weren’t characters actually there. Stitch was in Disneyland near Frontierland, but he was the only character I saw (there was also the lady from the start line skit and Elvis but those aren’t Disney characters).
Disneyland 10k Finish Line!

The race ends at Downtown Disney. I love how organized Disney races are for the start and finish. They’re really good about corrals and communicating where to go at the finish.
I averaged about 9 minute miles, but had a pretty good pace for the first 2 miles. The stopping for pictures is what slowed me down and I’m all good with that. Totally worth it!

Funny enough, someone yelled “Go Ariel” to me on the course. I looked around and didn’t see an Ariel around so I guess she didn’t recognize my Cinderella costume! I should have worn those glass slippers that are in the back of my closet and then it would have been obvious.

And I’m happy to report my hair stayed up in the ridiculous bun!

When I got home I saw a lady selling tamales on the corner and I bought a dozen. This is how I roll for post 10k food:

I was also very excited for the Almond Roca in the food box. These remind me of my Grams.

Now I have 13.1 miles to tackle for the Dumbo Double Dare! See you later!

Question: If you could have any running costume professionally made for you – who (what) would you be?
How do you look so pretty and cute after running? Love the big bun too!
You look great, and the race looks like a load of fun. I’ll have to get there one of these days.
On the costume front I’d love to run as jack skellington, with a well made head and all.
You look so cute! My husband and I are signed up for the Star Wars half marathon and the Tinkerbell half… so we need to figure out some costumes! I think I’m going to do a Princess Leia costume for the Star Wars one (it’s kind of obvious, but I have a ton of hair, so I feel like I need to rock the side buns), but I’m not sure what costume I want to do for the Tinkerbell one. If we don’t do something Peter Pan themed, I would love to be Elsa or Ariel. I like Rapunzel and Merida, too, but I definitely wouldn’t want to wear a wig or have my hair down.
Did you use one of those doughnut things for your bun, or a sock? I’m interested in knowing how you got it to stay put. I used to wear my hair like that for ballet when I was little, but I think I always had to wear a hairnet.
So fun! I LOVE the Stitch medal and your costume came out great!
The bun was beautiful! Great to see you and I’m glad you had fun! We shall redeem our terrible pic next time!
You have the most ridiculous hair! #jealousmuch
Aw, you looked adorable!
Congrats on the 10k. I loved your costume -simple and easy but still cute! I was supposed to run my first half marathon in Disney in January but I just had hip surgery and won’t be able to!
There will plenty of other races! Hope you’re recovering super speedy style!
My costume choice would be Merida. That said, I will be running in the Glass Slipper in 2015 and desperately need ideas on how to piece together a Merida costume. Do you have any suggestions that might help me?
Yes, I did some research on it since that was my Plan A! I think it’s all about finding the right color green-blue tank and skirt and adding gold accents.
Sleeping Beauty’s castle 😉 Cinderella lives in Florida 🙂
That race looks like so much fun!! I’ll have to get down there for a race some time, I hear such good things about every single Disney race.
Also- SO impressed with your bun! I can’t believe it stayed!
Congrats on a great race!
Your hair color is just so synonymous with Ariel. You looked absolutely beautiful in the Cinderella costume. Bun perfection. Red carpet worthy. Lol.
I never wore a veil when I got married. So I would love to be a bride runner. Maybe just white running skirt with sparkles and a veil.
Otherwise a hippy chick. Tye dye and daisies in my hair. 🙂
Good luck today.
I so want to do a Disney Race. The Glass Slipper Challenge at the Princess Half Marathon Weekend is on my bucket list. If I were to do one now, I’d dress up as one of my daughter’s faves, either Sofia ( from Disney Jr) or Rapunzel. Your Cinderella costume is great!
I would probably do a Pocahontas costume. If you could pull off a stitch costume you would forever be the coolest person ever.
I seriously need to be Stitch.
Technically you ran through Sleeping Beauty’s castle…Cinderella’s is in Disny World. ☺️☺️ Sorry, as a Disney fanatic, I had to make the distinction. Lol
Thanks! My #fail
Love your bun! I always liked Minnie Mouses outfits. I wouldn’t mind a polka-dot poofy pretty skirt!
Any Disney costume? It would have to be something that doesn’t move doesn’t chaf and doesn’t annoy me in any single way…. so any character costume that followed those rules. So, is this race the same time every year??? I just started thinking that maybe this isn’t a big airline travel time of the year due to different school schedules and maybe we could make a family vacation of it next year… I run while they sleep?
Yes, this race is always around end of Aug/beginning of Sept!
You’re the best lookin runner I’ve seen! 🙂
Better get home before the clock strikes midnight!
Ha! Good think I’ll be in bed by then 🙂
you are beautiful just like Cinderella
Awww Thanks Linda. You should have seen me drenched in sweat after the race though!
That looks amazing, so jealous!
Oh gosh, I have no idea. Maybe a Pacman costume? Because if it was a normal race it would look like I was trying to catch and eat the runners ahead, which would be pretty hilarious to be fair.
I feel like I saw something like that at the Hood to Coast race! That is a fun idea!!