I apologize for the delay in this morning’s post – Vegas had an emergency. Kinda.
Except not really.
I woke up and made myself iced coffee in the cup I scored from the Valentine’s Day Clearance section at Ralph’s. Pretty excited about this…

And made some pre-run food:

I ate the tip of the banana last night. (Insert joke here.)

Then, I heard him making a weird painful meow. It was like he wanted to barf, but couldn’t. I don’t know. He can’t explain to me what’s going on in his kitty body.
I knew the vet wasn’t open yet so I went for a run…

When I came back I grabbed him and took him to the vet.
And all of a sudden he’s singing a different tune…
“I’m fine!!! Promise. Don’t take me to the guy in the white jacket!! I’ll be good.”

Too late sucka.

But he suddenly was acting fine and didn’t have a temperature. They did some blood and urine tests and we’ll get the results tomorrow. $250.00 later I’m considering starting a kickstarter to keep my cat alive. I justify this because he’s the co-star of RER and probably the most likeable cat to people that hate cats.

I’m glad to hear Vegas is okay! Vet bills are so expensive! I always freak out when I have to take my dog in because 1) I’m worried about them and 2) I’m worried about how much it’s going to cost me!
Ahh the photo of Vegas in his cat-carrier, priceless!
I have 3 dogs and one cat and I understand vet bills! And by some miracle I hit the jackpot because I found myself a husband whose father is a veterinarian and poof no more vet bills. I’m super lucky to have that because my animals are accident prone and have developed other issues. Is #saveVegas trending yet?
We spent $300 on urinary tract infection testing, new litter boxes and special litter because we thought one of the cats was peeing on the couch. Turns out the reoccurring wet spot was because one of them was licking the couch, not peeing on it. My cats are special. I feel your vet bill pain.
I had the BEESSSSSSTTTTT dinner ever: homemade potato gnocchi with chicken, bacon and rosemary cream sauce baked into a gratan/casserole (adjusted a recipe from Epicurious), then used the bacon fat to fry up some brussels sprouts. YUMMMMM.
Poor Vegas 🙁 My cat hit his “awkward teenager” year this past year: he got kitty acne and had to get 6 TEETH removed!! It’s a good thing I love him, because that was nearly $900 after it was all said and done. But now he’s better than ever and he’s happy as a clam.
Keep us posted!
Vegas can come live with me!! Just ship him to Chicago……
All kidding aside, I spent $1500 on vet bills for my cat a few years ago when she was sick. She will turn 17 in April and is my life. She yowls a lot now, but I think either she does it for attention or gets confused. She still eats great and runs around like a maniac.
I hope there is nothing serious wrong with him 🙂
hahaha oh no! poor Vegas! Hope he feels better soon 🙂 but danggg that vet bill is insane. pets are expensive!!
Aww Poor Vegas!! Hope he is ok:) The picture of him in the crate is priceless! It’s the same look my dog gives me when he goes for a grooming!! Lol! 🙂
oh Vegas, poor boy. You have to keep him, he goes with your hair and he has an awesome personality/attitude. Did they do an X-ray? We had a cat that looooved hair elastics and if those things get wound around anything important, that can be a problem. Also, not to get to personal and all up in Vegas’ bidnez but is he maybe constipated? Mmmmkay, I’ll go now
Yeah, I think that may be it – I’m keeping an eye on it…
I would have googled how to induce puking, I think at one point I gave mine some olive oil to help him out. I haven’t taken my two to the vet ever (knock on wood) they were both fixed, with shots and removal of nails before I saved them.
Good to note!
We love Vegas! He’s a cutie-patootie!
Also am I the only one who realized you went to “ralph’s” when your cat wanted to “ralph”? 😉 too corny for my own good…
I have peanut butter & a banana & toast/bagel/english muffin every morning <3 such a good way to start the day. Sorry to hear about Vegas, though!
Lunch today was random snacks. Yogurt, fake crab, something else that I can’t remember right now. It was an odd combination.
Well, if Vegas was faking he probably won’t do it again now that he knows it leads to the vet!
Maybe he has Munchhausen’s and is faking it for the attention.
My cat does the painful sounding meow/yowl when she can’t get a hairball up. I usually break open a fish oil capsule and squeeze a bit down her gullet to get things moving! Sometimes, though, I think she howls just for fun 🙂
Lunch today was that sweet & spicy tuna on a chopped salad blend with pickled beets… I succeeded in grossing my coworkers out but personally I thought it was quite tasty!
Kick him out!!!! JK, I’m glad he’s ok!
Ha! Busted 🙂
Vet bills are the WORST. I have two cats and a dog, so I completely get it. I vote yes for Kickstarter 😉
Hope Vegas is ok! That face in the carrier is priceless.
My iguana had to have a 1400$ hysterectomy because an egg broke inside her. My other leezard needed 500$ of xrays and blood tests and antibiotic shots every 3 days for a month. Pets are expensive!
Oh yeah, lunch was a greek salad and a few bites of frito pie. Balance, right?
Oh no 🙁
agh we had to take our cats twice lately and they hate getting in a crate so it makes me so sad. One had a bum leg forever and they wanted him to go to a specialists $$$ so uhh we treated him like a runner, drugs and tried to make him rest. He’s better.
Awwww, kitty! Let ‘im stay.
Last night I heard a cat throw up while half asleep and this morning I still haven’t found where.
This has happened to me!
I paid over $4,000 on back surgery for my dog so that he could walk again. Maybe now $250 doesn’t sound so bad.
Vegas is an integral part of RER – whatever it takes!
I had edamame soup and a handful of wheat thins.
Every time I get smacked with a big vet bill I lecture myself for not taking out pet insurance (I honestly have no idea if it’s even worth it, I just get desperate in the heat of the moment). Then, during the stretches where we don’t go in I think pet insurance is ridiculous (like now).
I just ate a Lean Pocket, two spoonfuls of frozen custard, and a handful of Cheetos (plus a self-congratulatory side of not giving a crap if this is too processed… 😉 )
My puppy decided between christmas and new years (when i was broke)to get a terrible stomach issue with the runs and worse…Cost me a few hundred bucks. I have pet insurance but the deductible is rather high.
But as Vegas is your RER sidekick, I post more photos of Duncan than I do of running lately since dealing with injury. Gotta keep our pets healthy.
Hope Vegas feels better soon.
I had a chicken ceasar salad and some tortilla chips for lunch. And then my boss and I got Party Cake flavored PEEPS!!! They were good!
I’m not a big Peeps person, but now I want cake…
I had butternut squash soup. Very exciting. At least it was warm!
I set up a GoFundMe page for my personal training certification and I raised more than I needed in 2 days! It was great because I was in the middle of a career change and didn’t have $700 to blow on the materials. Glad Vegas is ok!
That is very cool!
You left your sick cat to go for a run…? Do you not see how messed up that is?! Glad he’s okay, but poor Vegas 🙁
The vet wasn’t open yet and he was just sleeping in the closet. There wasn’t really anything I could do 🙁
Whoa, lady. Hold your judgment at the door!
I’m as cat-crazy as the next person, but I’m curious what you suggest she do instead, seeing as their vet wasn’t open yet?
Just finished it–spaghetti squash bake with homemade Italian sausage and marinara with a hunk of avo on the side. Yummy.
Meh, keep him another week or two…
Okay, he has two weeks notice to shape up!