Hello! How’s it going? Here I’m just doing the usual post half marathon routine = Eating. A lot of eating. I even took the infamous Chocolate Cake Challenge!! (By infamous I actually mean, not famous at all and something I basically made up like most of the other stuff on RER.)

Let’s back that thang up to last night…. I hit up Ulta earlier in the day for some eyeliner. By some magical willpower / lack of time to shop I actually only bought eyeliner – liquid and pencil eyeliner. I’m pretty proud of myself for that.

And now back to this morning after the PCRF Half Marathon…
I was just super hungry today. It’s kind of weird – after a half marathon I am more hungry than after a full marathon. I think that is partially because after a full marathon my body is like, “What the f— just happened?! Why were we running for 4 hours?!!! Are we being chased by a dinosaur?? Am I going to die today…”
But after a half marathon I’m ready to EAT after the race right away, all day.
Along with fruit, a few different types of granola bars, trail mix and a smoothie… I grabbed one of these Ultra Red Monster Energy drinks.

That fueled me up (along with copious amounts of FOOD) to clean and get myself ready for the week with meal prep and exercise gear prep!!

I roasted a ton of veggies and took apart a rotisserie chicken.

I also spent some quality time icing my knees because it’s the responsible thing to do.

Chocolate Cake Challenge
Okay. I have been drooling dreaming about a really amazing piece of chocolate cake. So today I hit up the bakery section at the store for some life changing chocolate. I was stuck between the Oreo cupcake and chocolate cake and decided to ask one of the bakery ladies about it.
She said the chocolate cake was delicious but, “Good luck trying to finish it in one try!”
Um, obviously she doesn’t know me.
I can eat. <- putting it mildly
I told her I promise I could. There is nothing ever that is ‘too rich or too sweet for me.

Because I’m ‘good at food’ I also bought some milk to go along with it. But now, all I can think about is leveling up my chocolate obsession with something even better—like the handcrafted chocolates from The Nuttery. Imagine biting into a silky, dark chocolate truffle or crunching into a caramel-filled praline that melts into absolute perfection.
Their collection of gourmet confections, roasted nuts, and rich drinking chocolates is the kind of indulgence that turns a simple craving into an experience. I might need to order a whole box just to be sure I’ve made the right choice. (Spoiler: I already know I’ll love all of it.)

I win the chocolate cake challenge!!

My next attempt will be to eat the entire Costco 7 layer Chocolate Cake. I really believe in myself on this one. Wish me luck!!
Check out my PCRF Half Marathon Recap <-.
Pizza! Chocolate Cake! Cheeseburger! I didn’t go grocery shopping until Monday so I am food prepping tomorrow.
that chocolate tuxedo cake from Costco is amazing…
I challenge you in a watermelon eating contest. I am a bottomless pit when it comes to eating watermelon 🙂
Oh my gosh I could 1000% win that. I’m not even worried 🙂
It’s ON 😉
Ha! I just LOL’d with that gif of the girl eating the cake. Hilarious. Great job putting the cake away. I think I could win at an ice cream eating contest!
literally i am drooling on my computer right now…i even had to show my husband the computer screen hahaha
This made me laugh today… thanks. I totally expected tongue streaks instead of finger streaks in the last bit of chocolate. Next time break off a donut and wipe that plate clean M!
Honestly, that is the most picturesque slice of chocolate cake I have ever seen! I would probably enter a pizza eating contest if I had to pick. I used to eat an entire large pizza pie after seven-hour training days back when I was a figure skater.
“This cake is too sweet / too big/ too rich…” I’ve never understood that either. Weird. I only hate sodas that are all too sweet but cake and candy are different!
I failed meal prep this past weekend since I was seriously on the go all the time, but stocked up the fridge with relatively healthy stuff that is easy to throw together into healthy meals.
That chocolate cake looks deelish and looks JUST like the cake they have at Portillo’s, a Chicago restaurant chain. They opened 2 restaurants in CA but not sure how close they are to you. The Portillo’s choc cake is the BOMB and if you’re ever near one of their restaurants, you have to try it! 🙂
every time someone tells me a dessert is just too rich, I think oh please I haven’t met one I can’t eat 🙂
I’m with ya…nothing is too rich or too sweet for me either. Bring on the sweets (and that CAKE. Holy crap…)
That cake looks ah-mah-zing!! Need that in my belly STAT!
I would definitely be a pancake eating challenge!
It would be more of a challenge for me to NOT finish a piece of chocolate cake…
Am I the only one thinking this or does that piece of cake look like the cake from Matilda? You know the cake the boy has to finish in front of the whole school? I would so take that on! LOVE me some chocolate cake and vanilla bean ice cream. YUM~ Ran my 2nd 1/2 marathon yesterday. Shaved 10 minutes off my time!!! So happy!
I would like to get better at meal prep for the week. Instead, I just see recipes I like and bookmark them. That’s it. 🙂 But yesterday I was inspired and made double chocolate banana bread, broccoli and cheese bites (that the kids didn’t eat) and I have crock pot balsamic pork cooking at home right now.
Don’t you hate when you get a beautiful piece of chocolate cake like that and it tastes like flour with no chocolate? Ugh, THE WORST!
I could win an eating contest with Tostitos. Plain, nothing on them. I usually have good willpower with food quantities (the secret: eat out of a bowl not a bag!) but sometimes I cannot stop with those big, crunchy, salty pieces of corn goodness!
OMG. Preaching to the choir. My friend and I have contests all the time to see who can eat the most. I usually beat her. One day, we did ben and jerrys pints, chocolates from a chocolate store, mac and cheese, and fudge. I owned it. I think my food challenge would be donuts, french fries/sweet potato fries, mac and cheese, pretty much any and all pasta to be honest, and oh god cereal. If there is cereal in my apartment, I can’t eat anything else for any other meal until its all gone. My version of hell is having boxes of cereal without any almond milk in the house. (I have eaten cereal with water though, and its surprisingly really good! you can really taste the cereal flavors.)
I really should do meal prep, but never actually manage to do it. Maybe one day I’ll get the motivation on the weekends! Pretty sure I would dominate an ice cream challenge!
I keep meaning to do some meal prep on the weekends but usually end up forgetting about it… whoops 🙂 hmmm I think I’d want to do a mac n cheese challenge… I can eat a LOT of that
Oh I could easily devour that cake. Funny, I love the Costco Choc cake, my mom thinks it’s too rich and sweet (say what??). So if she’s the one cutting it for everyone she will cut these little slivers, whereas I’m like I want a big hunk!
I was at a restaurant last week that had monster grilled cheeses. I was halfway through my mac and cheese stuffed grilled cheese when the waitress asked me if I wanted a box. I was kind of offended she thought I was done?? Needless to say I proceeded to finish every last bite.
I had a super productive Saturday and batch cooked and did laundry and even got to go play at the lake! It’s like somehow I found extra time this weekend, I loved it!
I’m not a huge sweets person. I’d rather take the french fry challenge. However, that cake looks ooey gooey and I’d get down with that!
Pizza…. Ran a 1/2 marathon in Charlottesville, VA a few years ago where there was pizza at the finish line. It. Was. Awesome.
HA! I love this. I could definitely do the chocolate cake challenge although I would wish I was competing in an ice cream eating challenge. I can eat ice cream all day every day. Also meal prepping for the week…..chicken, shredded beef, sweet potatoes, quinoa and black bean salad, chicken salad, and hard boiled eggs. We are ready to go!
I’m the same way, whenever someone says “good luck finishing that in one try” I’m always thinking, “Clearly you have no idea who you’re talking to!”
P.S. That cake looks delicious.
I have been craving a dense, fudgy brownie for like a week and I don’t know where to find the perfect one! Until I discover this, it will haunt me.
I did do a weekly set up and I’m so proud!! I had a super busy Sunday and I just crushed it. I cleaned the bathroom, took out all the trash, did 4 loads of laundry (WHAT), and prepped breakfasts and lunches. Oh I also changed my sheets!! I’m so proud! Now if only I had done my taxes…
Mini Eggs and Sweet Chili Heat Doritos. I could eat it for fuel for a 20 miler. My stomach is made of steel!
I actually went to the supermarket with my boyfriend. I picked up some healthy stuff for the week. We also got ingredients to make a chicken stir fry which we did last night. Lots of left overs have alresdy been portioned into single serve containers so he will have them for the week. 🙂
THAT IS MY KIND OF CAKE!! Love it. Just love it! The more chocolate fudge, the better!
OMG that chocolate cake looks so good <3 Confession – I totally had a chocolate cupcake from Panera for breakfast yesterday. It's the weekend, I can do what I want, right? LOL 😉
I love when people doubt my abilities to pound back things that are “super rich” or “too sweet” or “huge piece of cake/cookie/chocolate” because what they don’t know is that fuels my motivation to achieve the challenging journey set out before me.
i think chocolate cake is good for recovery.
I would KILL at a bread pudding eating challenge!
Is it the saddest that I only have bread pudding at Sizzler??
I could easily eat that chocolate cake. There is no such thing as too much chocolate in my books.
Right?! I love it.
All caps too – you are legit 😉