Hello! How’s it going? Are you on full blast summer weather now? That means it’s time for chilled overnight oats instead of hot oatmeal, right? And it also means delicious summer fruit. Fruit in all the things!

I read it was National Peaches and Cream day and decided to make a version of overnight oats to celebrate. Fresh peaches are awesome, but I used frozen peaches and added them while still frozen. They are super sweet and thawed out by the morning.
Peaches and Creamy Overnight Oats:
- 1/2 cup oats
- 6oz. container vanilla or peach greek yogurt
- 1/2 cup chopped peaches (I used frozen peaches)
- dash of salt & cinnamon
Directions: Combine all ingredients in container with lid. Cover. Let sit overnight to thicken (at least 4 hours).
In the morning – stir. Then, top with extra peaches, nuts, PB…

I went to one of my favorite places for dinner – Sizzler! It’s seriously my second favorite restaurant.

Tip: When you go to Sizzler order a meal and add the salad bar. It ends up being just a few extra dollars AND you get an extra meal to take home because you’ll fill up on the buffet. Boom.

Hydrated AF.

Cheese toast! This makes me extra happy because I used to come to Sizzle with my mom, brother & Grams growing up. For some reason I remember the cheese toast being the best part of the meal. (Well, I still think that sometimes.)

Guac is NOT extra! They had guacamole at the salad bar next to the tacos. I made nachos because I’m good at buffets.

Dessert is always a good idea.

I made this peaches and cream overnight oats the other morning and it was insanely delicious!!! Thanks!
Your 2nd favorite restaurant? What’s your very favorite restaurant? I feel like I should know this already… fail! LOL.
I kinda don’t know what’s my #1 favorite.
I was wracking my brain trying to think if there was any such thing as an all-you-can-eat watermelon buffet place, b/c that would probably be it!
All these national food days, coming up one by one!!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Mmmm I love peaches! This is the best time of year because all the good fruit is in right now! (Watermelons, peaches, nectarines, pears, etc.)
It’s been so long since I’ve even seen a Sizzler! I don’t think there are many (if any) on the East Coast. (Maybe it’s time to take a trip out west??)
I am a longtime reader (6-7 years now?) and you’ve inspired me to start my own blog! If you could take a look I would be so happy!
Thank you! Have a great day 🙂
Everything looks delicious! I went to sizzler everyday for breakfast the first time I visited the US (it was a two week trip to Florida :P)
National Peached and Cream day – who knew!
Thanks for sharing your delicious recipe 😀
Coffee & Avocados