Hey! This morning I started my morning with the 25 Days of Fitness day 1 Abs Blast.

Then it was run time. I don’t think I would ever get sick of this view. It’s gorgeous here.

Runner problems - isn’t this the truth?? Sweaty sports bras are like a trap, a riddle and gum in your hair all in one.

Post-run breakfast feast! I have been eating like it’s my job. This isn’t even 1/26 of it.

Ben and I have been having a really good time together… being silly, wearing hats, talking about life. I leave tomorrow and we’ll go from there.

Now I’m headed to Dunkin Donuts to get my daily fix!! Yes. YES.
Monican runs on Dunkin.

Question: What did you have for breakfast?
What’s your workout today?
Day 1 & 2 done!! Well, I was only able to do 25 push-ups but the rest of day 2 I did two rounds! All before Tuesday night happy hour! 😉
Meant to have greek yogurt for breakfast but it was completely frozen from living in the back of my fridge. 🙁 Only other option I had at work was a Fiber One bar. Good thing those are delicious.
Workout today was a 25-minute strength video from Tone It Up.
Isn’t Ben heading back to Socal with you? Sorry for being nosy…just concerned about you guys. Anyway, today was a 5 mile trudge at the local park followed by cross training on the elliptical before a light brekkie of crackers with PB.
I hope everything turns out for the best between the two of you. I went through something similar a few months ago and we ended up breaking up, but it ended up being for the best. Still doesn’t make it any less difficult or painful though. Stay strong!
so happy to hear you and Ben are having fun…
Breakfast was an english muffin with leftover cranberry sauce on it…and another one with peanut butter.
I ran 5 miles on the treadmill today, maybe someday I’ll run outside again! 🙂
You’ll be home just in time for the rain!
Yay! 25 days of fitness!
Ran 4miles today and did some ab work.
Breakfast was cheerios and milk.
Carrot cake oatmeal for breakfast…Matchstick carrots, roasted pecans, coconut, raisins, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, oats, cooked quinoa, flaxseeds, chia seeds, honey and crystallized ginger. It’s AMAZING!
Did a strength circuit today at work followed by 30 minutes on the stair climber and 30 minutes on the elliptical.
This sounds amazing!!!
I’m so doing that ab workout after my run tonight!
As usual, I failed to plan a grocery trip this weekend, so my breakfast was a Clif Bar 🙁
I ran 6 miles today. It was a gorgeous day for it! Of course now I have to add that Ab workout before the day is out.
thanks for the workout!
I did some cross training today and went to spin class. I also walked my dogs for a cool down for 1.5 miles. Glad to hear you and Ben are having a great time.
I like that little workout plan-already pinned!
That’s why I just leave me sports bra on allllll day long… 😉
Is Ben living in Florida….as if that is any of my business, but just wondering
Today is a rest day. I ran close to 50 miles over the four day weekend….I feel EXHAUSTED! I’ll probably do some light pedaling on the good ol’ stationary just to keep the muscles loose.
Breakfast was a bowl of frosted flakes + a banana smothered in homemade almond butter.
I had a piece of toast with some sugar free, locally made apple butter. It’s pretty tasty, but I kind of miss the sugar in it!
Got a treadmill run in this morning. We’re still dealing with subzero temps in the AM here. Hope to be up to the 30’s by this weekend!
What a view!!
Ahhhhh the wet sports bra, even worse after weight training!
Porridge for breakfast after a 5k in the rain then a circuits class after a day in the office, it’s not like me to be so motivated on a Monday 🙂 xo
I need this plank challenge! It always seems that as soon as it’s December, I start baking (and eating) nonstop and completely stop working out (not even exaggerating, I just stop). So even if I squeeze in just 5 minutes of abs a day, I will be better off than most years haha
Lately, my sweaty sports bras have been giving me weird rashes right under my armpits. Time to bust out the Body Glide again. FLORIDA WEATHER. I went to CrossFit this morning and then had horribly fat-free Greek yogurt (our Publix always runs out of the 2% stuff) with some cocoa roast almonds tossed in. Dunkins coffee sounds amaaaazing but I’m too bogged down in work to take the walk off campus for it. Why doesn’t UF have one smack in the middle of campus??
I am embarrassed about my breakfast: 1 waffle, 2 mini blueberry muffins finished off with an enormous bagel (NYC size) with pb&j on one side and cream cheese on the other. Suffice it to say I am done with my carb quota for the day. It’s all emotional eating. I am pretty sure I sprained my ankle while trail running on Saturday. My running has come to a screeching halt….again #alwaysgettinginjured
I had a bowl of cereal and an english muffin with the best jelly ever! Today I got that wonderful ab workout and some elipticizing 🙂 on the agenda.
I’m moving back to Boston in a couple of weeks from Northern California and I can’t wait to get back to Dunkin!
I had an apple and peanutbutter for breakfast. So good and filling! I am so jealous of your running view!!
I ran this morning and am doing a hot yoga class with my daughter tonight! Of course the Ab thing too 🙂
The worst is coming back from a cold run and trying to get the sports bra off with frozen arms. So difficult!
Just got back from a 2 mile walk with my pup and plan on doing some abs and serious stretching today. Yesterday was a 12 mile long run and my legs are feeling it!
Woo can’t wait to work the abs!
Insanity max car so conditioning and a 45 minute run today already! Its 12:30 pm only.
Wet sports bras ARE THE WORST. Dunkin, however, is the BEST.
I am so excited, I am going to have my boyfriend and I do it every night before we shower. A kind of earn your shower thing… we will see how that works:)
LOL i read this comment without understanding the context of what “do it” meant. i thought, wow, she and her bf “do it” every night before a shower. LOL
haha I thought the same thing. Had to read it twice before I got it. I was like “you go girl”!
Ohhh. That weather does look beautiful. Cold and sunny Denver here. I’d like a happy medium.
Yes…that is exactly what it’s like taking off a sweaty sports bra. And when you’re tired and sore from a long run it’s an eternity of “I may never get out of this”.
Have a wonderful time ~