Hello and Happy Monday! I started my week with an easy 6 miler. My legs felt heavy this morning, so my planned tempo run went out the window. I don’t want to slack off so I’m going to do it tomorrow instead.
Then, I went straight to the kitchen for breakfast.
A while back Chobani was on sale big time so I stocked up. But, for some reason I always “save” them and avoid eating it? It’s dumb, I don’t know why I do that.
I saw that two of my yogurts are past their “Best by” date. Normally yogurt has at least a week of cushion on this date, but the consistency was a bit off (it might have been in my head) so I opted for another cup.
All the cereals in my house are the super healthy and healthy tasting ones right now. But, this morning I wanted a yummy tasting one. Luckily, I got this bag of Yogi Granola Crisps from the expo. Perfect addition to my yogurt bowl!
And I used the last of the strawberries…
In the mix: Strawberry Banana Chobani, chia seeds, cereals, strawberries and Peanut Butter on the spoon
Monday Mini-Goals for March 21, 2011
1. Get to Kickboxing and Yoga 1x each
2. Close the kitchen after 8pm
3. Listen to my body’s hunger, fullness and fatigue
Question: What’s your bedtime?
I usually shoot for 10pm, but it’s been getting later and later these days – which often leads me to eat at night. Busted. I’m trying to get back on schedule this week.
thanks for share!
i try to be in bed by 11 to read. okay i just realized i’m up past my bedtime.
My bed time is ideally 8 PM >80 Usually I go to sleep by 8:30 though. I wake up at 4 AM though.
I am weird with yoghurt expiration dates too, though I know it’s never a big deal!
I’m more in the 11-11:30 crowd. Mentally, I feel like a slacker if it’s past midnight, but I feel depressed if I have to go to bed before 11 (I think I’m missing out on fun or something, haha). And to the other Ella, the college student – I never went to bed before midnight when I was in college either!
my bedtime is usually 10pm too, but my schedule got all messed up because of spring break last week. now i’m having a hard time getting back into the groove. ugh…i hate when this happens!
Good luck getting back in the groove this week :)You can do it.
I aim for 10 too… it never happens. I wake up early no matter what time I go to bed, though!
I’m an early riser too 🙂
GORGEOUS strawberries!
I was so good about sticking to your 8pm kitchen closed rule last week. I like to go up to bed around 9 and read so I’m falling asleep by 930 or 10.
I actually didn’t do well with the 8pm rule last week. You’re inspiring me to get back on the horse now 🙂
Once I get the kids to bed around 8, I try to be in bed right after or at least by 9. I’m mostly likely asleep before 10. I get up between 5:30-6am.
I’m a college student so it varies – between 11 PM (if I’m lucky) and 2 AM (procrastinator much?). I usually have a night time snack, I wake up starrrrving the next morning if I don’t!
Beautiful strawberries : D
Fact: Healthy tasting cereal is not as fun.
Totally not as fun 🙁
Those strawberries look gorgeous!!!
Bedtime in my mind: 10. Bedtime on a regular basis: midnight. Not good.
I always snack at night too but I try to keep it healthy.
I never eat anything past the sell by date. GAG!
I live dangerously.
I go to bed pretty early during the work week. In bed by 9 to read for an hour. I know it’s early but it’s necessary to decompress after work!
That’s a good schedule – decompressing is important 🙂
I’m the same way! I try to be in bed by 9 so I can read and slowly ease my way into sleep.
I’ve always been that way. I love reading until I fall asleep. 🙂
I try to be in bed by midnight and awake by 9, but that doesn’t always happen.
I try to be in bed by 10:30 (I wake up at 6), but I usually have a really hard time falling asleep before 11 and 11:30. I’m always really torn with the bedtime thing; my husband commutes and doesn’t get home until 7:30 or 8, so if I go to bed earlier I feel like I never see him.
I usually try to be in bed by 9:30 and asleep by 10:00 or so, but it’s a challenge. I am NOT a night person at all–I much prefer the mornings–but my boyfriend is and it can be tempting to stay up later than I’d like to hang out with him. The Yogi granola crisps look delicious!
Ben totally tempts me to stay up too!