Sorry peeps, I don’t have a fancy new French Toast recipe for you today. I hope that last weeks French Toast Cups can hold you over until I think one up. Today’s FT was “regular style”. But even “regular” French Toast is AMAZING! So I’m happy
Topped with PB, sf syrup and bananas. This meal is for real

I did Jillian’s 6 week six pack, but kind of half way because I was hungry. At least I’m honest? Too bad honesty doesn’t get you rock hard abs…
Question: Who’s the funniest person you know?
My friend Adriel! He should call me because I need a good laugh today (hint, hint). He’s appeared on the blog a few times, but not recently because we don’t work together anymore.
My dad is definitely the funniest person I know. It’s hard to describe, but there is something about the way he talks sometimes that cracks me up!
Hands down, my best friend Janie. It’s really just that we have the same sense of humor and honestly, I’m such a laugh whore, other people laughing makes me laugh. And so, once we get going, it’s really unstoppable!
My brother is probably the person that makes me laugh the most:)
I think I’ve found my dinner. French toast sounds great on a snowy day like today!
My brother Sky is for sure the funniest person I know. He makes me laugh so much my stomach hurts, all the time. He gets crazy ideas in his head (example: humans could live on blood alone), then makes me prove him wrong (I used science, not trial and error).
I like the look of that french toast! And that list below this post is hilarious. My favorite part is the last line: “Im drunk”;)
I’m so hungry for French Toast now……
My brother is hands-down the funniest person I know. Very dry and witty sense of humor.
My husband is a pretty funny guy. He doesn’t talk much, but every now and then he can say something hilarious
His specialty is “that’s what she said” jokes 🙂
Your office looks so fun!
Definitely my bff Alejandra. I’ve known her forever and she has the sassiest comments. Love it.
I need to do a French Toast Friday… always looks SO yum. I did a Green Pancake Friday… 😉
Have a great one!!