Happy Friday Friends
Are you excited for the weekend? I’m kinda nervous about the race this Sunday, but I’m trying to distract myself. Luckily, the gardeners are trying to cut down an entire forest right outside my door so I can’t hear myself think. Thanks.
Okay – since this is sometimes supposed to be a food blog I thought I’d share a typical day of eats from this week:
Breakfast – eggs. Sometimes with oatmeal, sometimes with a tortilla.
Snack – Trail Mix. lots and lots. Maybe too much.
Lunch – TJ’s egg salad and/or leftovers
Snack – Yogurt and fruit / various toppings I find around the kitchen. Like ham.
Dinner – Cauliflower pizza, Buffalo Chicken Dip and Turkey with Spaghetti Squash.
which reminds me I need to set some February goals!
February Goals
1. Plank-a-day and Six Week 6 Pack 3x a week. I did my first plank for 1:16 this morning, I could have probably done it longer but I don’t want to set the bar too high…
2. Eat Clean Monday – Friday. To me this means no sugary/processed ‘junk’ food. Focus on whole foods and healthy protein or veggie snacks. And no night time snacking.
3. Yoga 1x a week
Question: What are your February Goals??
Elizabeth @ livingrunningcooking.com says
Stay injury free while adding an additional run a week!
Lisa says
Popcorn Lung Cancer ALert! Becuse I care.
Diana says
Those are great goals! I had been thinking that my only February goal was to get healthy (this cough has GOT to go away!!), but I was reading last night about injury prevention and I realized that I HAVE to start some sort of cross training.
I’m one of those weirdos who hates to exercise but loves to run, so it’s going to be hard, but I know it’ll be good for me, so we’ll see. =)
Running LIbrarian says
Way to go on the planking! I gave up..might take it up again.
Shannon says
Good luck at the race on Sunday!!! I am sure you will have a blast. My February goal is to go to kickboxing 4-5 times a week instead of 3 times a week.
Sue says
Keeping up with my runs, trainings, yoga, Pilates during Chinese New Year festivities. 1 week away! Excited!!!
Sharsti@theblondehairblueeyerunner says
I would love to have a week that I run over 30 miles. I just reached thirty miles and now I need to up it!
Melissa says
Totally running LA! And Surf City half too! Maybe we’ll run into each other again, except I doubt I’ll be wearing my blue jacket. 🙂
Gillian says
Definitely trying to fit in both strength training of some kind and yoga at least 1x/week. The bad thing about distance running is it makes my hamstrings super tight but yoga helps me be able to touch my toes! On a totally unrelated note your post made me want popcorn 🙂
Running a Healthy Mind & Body says
Looks like Vegas was the one doing the plank or was he running the timer? 😉 Good luck with your race!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!
Bri says
My February goal is to stick to my training plan. It’ll be a challenge because we’re doing a lot of traveling this month. Lets hope I can do it?
Leslie @ Triathlete Treats says
More yoga and less treats!!
Good Luck at Surf City. I am running it too but I have had a slight injury so it is going to more of a walk/run! 🙁
runeatrepeat says
Good luck to you too!
Lindsay says
Wait… TJ’s has salt&pepper dark chocolate?? This sounds AMAZING. I’m going to have to search for this ASAP.
My February goal… is to not freak out when I’m feeling overwhelmed, and schedule things! I just started a new job and a new class and I think I’m going c.r.a.z.y.
G says
Gosh that seems like a lot for one very short month. Are some of these goals you are just “maintaining”? I think I would lose it trying to change what I eat, when I eat, and how to exercise all at once.
runeatrepeat says
Yeah, I’m just building on things already on the path 🙂
G says
Oh good. My number one goal is to accept my lactose intolerance and stop eating cheese. This is my goal every month and I do quite well until I smell/see/think of pizza. Ohhh it sounds so good but hurts so bad.
Kim says
My February goal – do an exercise every day = to whatever # day of the month it is. I picked a 1 minute wall sit – hope I can still walk after doing 28 of those long minutes on the 28th!
Quix says
Those chocolates are the BEST! Had a pack of all of them, loved the Cinnamon and the Almond ones most. 🙂 Feb goals: lots of them, but in general, stay sane and rested and consistent through this first month of tri training build.
Jen Shaw says
How is the salt and pepper chocolate? I’m very curious, but can’t seem to pull the trigger.
Kimberly @ Healthy Strides says
I am going with the eat clean thing as well for February. I did good with sweets from Thanksgiving till Christmas and then all heck broke loose. Need to break off the ties with sugar and eat a bit better as I train for a half PR. Train like an athlete, eat like an athlete is the motto. Except not a high school football player athlete. I think my cousin eats a pan of cinnamon rolls for breakfast. I hate him.
sally says
Am I the only one who noticed Vegas’ paw in the plank a day phone photo. OMG I just laughed so hard visualizing the kitty holding a plank with you. Teehee. I’m with you on the plank thing. I also am trying to add just 10 minutes daily of either yoga/stretching or some easy strength training in the house. (kettle bells or resistance bands). Also, I am trying to have breakfasts that are real and filling like greek yogurt with blueberries or oatmeal with walnuts or hard boiled eggs etc. I have been in this terrible habit of eating frozen waffles or superpretzels which are all carbs and basically i’ll consume 300-400 calories and not be full. That just sets the day off to be a “catch up” to try and get full and i end up overeating. And I’m always trying to drink more water.
runeatrepeat says
Ha! Yeah, I thought it was funny that his little furry foot was in there 🙂
Slimming Style Secrets says
You inspired me to make a new goal. I’m going to try for 15 minutes of abs in the evenings in addition to my usual cardio. Here goes!
Christina says
That salt and pepper chocolate is the shizzz. february goals include continuing to push myself in my work outs. do yoga once a week ( i always skip that day of work out or do something more intense instead haha). Eat clean.
miriam says
LOVE the salt and pepper stone ground chocolate…and the price 🙂
Feb goals: continue to be happy, up the mileage (for a potential…m-word) and keep at Pilates twice a week.
kate says
Monica…don’t spend money on that pre-made egg white egg salad from TJ’s! You can make a shitload for pennies like I do. It tastes so much better and I have extra moolah for muy impotante things like lip balm and fro-yo.
runeatrepeat says
You are totally right! I try not to, but every once in a while it gets me.
kate says
A little horseradish makes it all ‘fuck yeah!’
Jessica R @ fromthekitchentotheroad says
My February goals are to actually make it to 50 miles ran in a week, I am hovering so close but haven’t quite crossed the threshold, strength train or do yoga 3 x’s a week, and do at least one speed session a week.
heather @ run eat play says
Good luck on Sunday. My February goal is not to consume a million candy hearts…I love those things.
TorontoRunner says
I’m planking everyday this month too! and pushups!
oooh JM’s 6 week/6pack eh. You know i’ve never successfully finished part 2 yet. I’ve had the thing for about 2 years!!
Maren says
I am definitely trying to eat cleaner during the week too. I am doing gluten free february. I’ve been having some stomach issues (I’m already lactose intolerant) and I’m wondering if gluten is the cause or not. truthfully, I hope it’s not. haha! Happy Friday!
Nicole says
To keep up with my strength work and kick this knee/quad issue to the curb. It is good to set small goals, ones that you can build on.
The Kidless Kronicles
Maggie says
Love the goals! Especially the plank challenge. I may have to join you on that one!
Angela says
I want to paint a wall in my entry way chevron…I also just want to get completely unpacked and settled in my the end of February. That shouldn’t be too much to ask…but we moved in November. Whoops!
Lauren @ Eat Like An Elephant says
My February goal is definitely to try to up some of the weights I’m using…I think I’ve been coasting a little too long..
Jodea @ chillichocolatelove says
I’ve found just eating three meals a day has cut out my snack cravings – I used to eat three snacks a day as well! In February I want to do everything in moderation after having a strict January. Looking forward to finding out if I can be moderate when I reintroduce red wine!
runeatrepeat says
Love wine! Hope you can bring it back 🙂
jennifer says
My goal is to drink more water. Nothing fancy.
runeatrepeat says
Good goal!!!
Anne @ eatcleaneatreal says
Ive been eating 100% clean since last friday and really focusing on it for a few days now. The first few days were rough, but it got better. I cant believe how much better I feel, how much clearer I can think, etc. Hang in there girl, you can do it!
runeatrepeat says
Awesome!! You rock! I need to get on it 🙂
Wendy says
That TJ’s mexican chocolate circle stuff is THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks so unassuming, but it. is. GOLD.
Just sayin’.
Laura @ RunningJunkie123 says
Salt and pepper dark chocolate??? Not sure how I feel about that.
My goals are do to two twenty minute workouts for each area a week (in addition to my marathon training) core, arms, legs, yoga. and to take my vitamins!
runeatrepeat says
It’s not very peppery, but is a little rough in texture.
Katie @ KatieEnPursuit says
Oh man, I cannot even keep trail mix within a 20-mile radius, I’ll go crazy on it. February goal is to work on pull-ups, still messing around with assisted ones, would love to do a “regular” one! Happy Friday!
Donald Sorah says
Is it bad that when I saw the photo of your trail mix, I perceived the Cheerios to be doughnuts??
The chocolate looks yummy. Have to find some of that.
runeatrepeat says
Ha! I wish it was donuts 🙂
Karen @ Runner Girl Eats says
I am focusing on abs this month too. Lots of planks and bicycles in my future!
Deirdre | Oh Well Whatever says
Let’s see February….keep growing tiny (or huge) human, work full-time, care for toddler full-time while I work, start new business, volunteer at church and NOT loose my mind.
Kick butt Sunday, I know you will do great. I will likely be wondering around cheering everyone on while sipping my latte ; )
runeatrepeat says
No matter what goal I set it will never be as epic as growing a human. You win.
Leonor@FoodFaithFitness says
I don’t have a TJ’s close by. 🙁 My only February goal is to stay injury free.
Kelly @ Kelly the Culinarian says
I love that cartoon. I swear that there’s a time warp going on when I step on the treadmill.
I’ve been on Weight Watchers for about a month with great results. So in February, I want to stay committed there and keep losing. I’m also participating in the plank a day challenge. I started last night, but my yorkie thought me on the ground = play time. I had to take a cute break.
Lindsay says
Mine is to do some sort of Tone It Up, Jillian Michaels or Pilates videos 4x per week. So far this week has been great, but I need to keep adding to my list of workouts so I’m not bored!
Shannon in Tustin says
Thought of a marathon question: do you carry your water bottle even though there’s loads of water stations? This is my first marathon and I’m kind of feeling like I should just take it along to keep my routine. Since I eat Clif bar bites for energy, I do drink a fair amount of water on the long runs.
Its one of those hand-held Nathan bottles (18 oz, I think).
Advice or thoughts?
Thanks Monica!
Deirdre | Oh Well Whatever says
Personally I have always liked to carry my own water/nuun, even for a half. Just feels normal since it’s how I trained and then you don’t have to get caught up in the messy traffic of the water station – just stay far to the other side and keep on going. Plus I like using what I am used to and not depending on a different product/flavor at the aid station my body is not used to. Good luck!!!!
Shannon in Tustin says
Thank you–I only drink water, but those stations can get very crowded I am betting. This is the biggest race I’ve ever participated in (3,000 marathon-ers).
Laura @ RunningJunkie123 says
I know you asked Monica but I thought I’d chime in. I would suggest that you check the marathon website and see how many water stations they are going to have and how far apart they are. I prefer to never carry water when I run. Ever. I just don’t like holding things when I run. Sometimes though (like trail runs) it’s necessary.
I think most marathons have more than enough water stops. Set up a game plan and now which ones you’re going to take your bites at.
Shannon in Tustin says
Thank you!! I’m going to tape that map to my face!! 🙂
Shannon in Tustin says
Just great! Now I have to go to Trader Joe’s and buy out that yummy Mexican chocolate! 😉 And try not to eat it all…
Is it as yummy as it sounds?
Good luck on Sunday. 😀
Sarah says
Yours is my favorite blog lately. Just wanted to mention it. Keep up the good work! Happy Friday!
runeatrepeat says
Wow! Thank you 🙂