Hey! How are you doing?
I’m over here enjoying life. And by ‘life’ I mean the Valentine I bought for myself Ben = Reese’s PB Cups Hearts. Note the cat patas.

I don’t know if you realize this, but I am Mexican-American and I love a good salad and pizza but that doesn’t really go with this story.
Stay with me here. Eventually this blog will make sense. (Maybe not today, but someday.)

The point is I bought these massive tortillas the other day and a lady in line behind me said in Spanish, “look at those super big tortillas!” to her friend. Ha! I don’t full on speak Spanish, but I can understand when someone’s judging my food choices

Last night I made a healthy version of the Mexican restaurant style Tostada Salad.

How to Bake Tortilla Shell
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Spray round oven safe bowl or pie pan with non-stick. Place tortilla in pan. Bake for 14-16 minutes or until browned and crispy. Note: These go from perfect to burnt very fast to keep an eye on it!!

Fill with anything you got: lettuce, ground turkey seasoned with chili and spices, veggies, guacamole, shredded cheese, nutella, hot sauce, beans, bubble gum, cilantro…

In other news…
I got a new StitchFix delivery! I’m excited to open it up.

Question: What’s for dinner?
Corn or Flour tortillas?
Hello I love your blog posts about food! I’ve read a study that if we drink a lot of fluids like a good organic tea that it will make out body’s response to all those “yummy” foods stronger and faster so I’ve ordered this tea and it really helped me and I don’t feel bloated after a big meal. Maybe some of you guys can try it as well. http://bit.ly/2EKJtfL
Flour tortillas here, unless I am using them to make chips, then corn.
Corn just seems more authentic to me so that has me grabbing for the corn every time. The kids prefer the wheat ones at the restaurants we go to.
Hopefully they don’t figure out anytime soon that we can buy the wheat ones at the grocery store.
Im definitely a big fan of flour tortillas although I dont have them that often. What a great idea to bake them. Thanks for the tip!
Ooooh so smart- I would never have thought of making my own tortila bowl but I love them when I get them at restaurants! I like flour tortillas better. I’ve been getting the parbaked kind and then heating them in a skillet before we eat and I feel super legit 🙂
Mmmm Nutella and bubble gum taco salads!
Ha! Exactly 🙂
We actually tend to get a corn/flour hybrid tortilla. It’s not gummy the way flour ones get sometimes, and it holds together better than corn usually does. The best of both tortilla worlds!
Growing up in San Antonio we quickly adopted the tortilla way of life!
Sadly though, I currently have three types of tortillas in the house; flour for the boy, ‘mixla’ a 50/50 blend tortilla for the big boy, and corn for the girls.
My fave? the 50/50 corn and flour blend tortilla ROCKS.
I always wanted to try this…thank you for making it less likely that when I do it will be a complete fail! I think I prefer corn tortillas simply because I love tortilla chips!?!? Can’t wait to give this a go and have extras ready for when I burn them to a crisp! 🙂
Those Reese’s hearts are so amazing. The ratio of peanut butter to chocolate is so so perfect.
1000% agree.
Funny that the Reese’s are shaped like hearts because when I see Reese’s my eyes turn to hearts. So maybe now when I see the heart shaped Reese’s…my eyes will turn to Reese’s?
That’s hilarious about the two women. I’m fluent in Spanish and most people don’t expect it. When I respond in Spanish in those moments like you had, they’re so surprised.
This happens to me all the time. I’m currently living in Mexico. When I open my mouth and Spanish comes out…? The looks I get!
true story: I have never baked a tortilla shell but now feel that I must.
Do it 🙂
This is awesome!! I love taco salad but the shell is always deep fried and terrible so I just say no. I will def be trying this – I love breaking apart the shell and dipping it in the huge globs of salsa I put on top! =)
Latest Post: Spiral into Fit – I Spiralized Every Meal For a Day!
How did you know I put bubble gum & cilantro in my taco bowls? I feel watched
I’ve never tried to make a tortilla shell – I think I will give it a shot! And I tend to eat flour tortillas, not I’m not against corn 🙂
I haven’t even thought about dinner yet! Ask me in about 8 hours 🙂
Great idea-I need to buy bigger tortillas though! My mom always sends me those Reese’s hearts-SO good. I keep them in the freezer!
Corn tortillas! #glutenfreelife
I’ve got homemade chicken soup for dinner.
Tortillas soft need to be flour but chips to have with salsa I like corn tortillas.
I love a good corn tortilla. My house is split down the middle though so we always have to buy both when planning a tortilla-centric meal!
Can’t wait to try this for my next salad!
Flour only if they are homemade super crazy freshly made and cooked (read: never).
Otherwise, corn. 🙂