Hello! How was your weekend? Did you run Rock N Roll Philly? Run solo? Run to the liquor store? I’m loving your updates on my daily Run Check In on Instagram. Keep it up!!

Speaking of keep… I want to keep my friend’s new puppy. I want a pupper of my own. My recent lil partner in crime Tucker is the cutest. I’ve watched him when my friend is out of town a few times now and even though he wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to play or pee or poop or bite my feet… I love him.

I had a good run this morning! I needed that. I’ve been a little discouraged lately – feeling like I’m not as fit as I used to be and less stamina and slower… so this run was good for motivation.

The run made me feel good but made my hair CRAZY. I got home to see I had a big ol’ Shark Fin! Ha!!

Post-run I had grapes and stretched a little. (By ‘stretched’ I mean looked at my phone while leaning on the counter in a way that felt like stretching but also relaxing.)

And I was a meal prep machine today! I made chickpeas (soaked them overnight first) in the crockpot.

And I made a frittata to take to my brother this week.

Random snack…

Random cat…

Speaking of Vegas…
I’m doing this new thing where I’m trying to not be a Slobradoodle. I am finally putting pictures in frames and putting them up.
But because I’m still mostly a mess I’m just putting pics from calendars I got at the 99 cent store in the frames for now. And Vegas wanted to help.

When we moved into the house we are in I decided to print out some of my many pictures I’ve taken over the years to hang up. At first I was really ambitious and decided I’d switch them out with the seasons every year. And then I decided I’d just keep the fall ones up forever because it takes too much work to switch them out vey few months.
I couldn’t decide which pictures to put up so I’m keeping the options in the frames… You can print them all out and leave the other seasons in the frames so you just take it down, switch the picture and put it back up. (This is assuming the frame is easy to take down/put back.)
Get a dog! The best thing I’ve ever done was adopt a sweet 1 year old red hound mix from a shelter. She brings me infinite amounts of joy and snuggles. Dogs are a lot of work but I have zero regrets because she is just the best. Plus, she motivates me to run because she loves to come with me! I will always be “Team Get a Dog” if anyone is considering it
I love Vegas!
My cat does the exact same thing. As soon as I start a project of any kinds, or study, she wants to be in my lap or sprawled across the project. Too funny! They just want all the attention .. but only when THEY want it! LOL Love them….
So cute of Vegas! I got a new kitty and am already wondering how I’m going too keep him out of my Christmas tree. Any suggestions?
It definitely means he likes your idea!
And you should get a puppy, haha!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog