Ben and I stayed up pretty late last night and ended up sleeping in this morning. This meant he needed to drive into work. Since we’re a one car family, I then had to run to his work (which is only 4 miles away) to get it so I could run drive errands this afternoon.
By the time I got back from my run it was almost 11am. I considered my breakfast options, but decided I really just wanted to finish off my veggie burger from last night. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a “lunch or dinner” food for breakfast before. Seriously. You are witnessing RER history with this meal
So that was really weird. But, it’s what I wanted. And then I realized that Intuitive Eating is working for me more than I had realized. On my run this morning I thought about how it’s been a long time since I’ve binged on cereal. But, as soon as I announced that I was going to try a different approach I wanted to pour 3 bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and follow it with 5 scoops of ice cream.
The moral of the story? Listening to my body is working. Fueling myself like an athlete is working. I just have to make a few tweaks to some of my bad habits. But, I don’t have to throw the baby out with the bath water.
Also, I weighed myself today and despite all the Eggnog Chocolate Chip cookies that I’ve been “taste testing” I am not up on the scale. Christmas Miracle? Maybe. But I’ll take it.
I ate what I wanted for breakfast. But I realized that wasn’t enough food and didn’t have enough protein to fuel me for my day. So, I added yogurt and granola to the mix and ended up with a more balanced meal
Speaking of balance, I wrote an article for Breathe Magazine on how I finally learned to balance Eating and Running… You can read it here.
I have eaten leftover pizza for breakfast more times than I can count! Although, I haven’t done that since I started eating healthier. But sometimes, it’s exactly what I want! So glad the intuitive eating thing is working out for you. 🙂
I don’t often eat lunch or dinner foods for breakfast either. I am pretty routine when it comes to breakfast and I like it this way since I know what foods work best to keep me going all morning and what fuels me after my 5:30am workouts!
I am learning so much about Intuitive Eating from your blog! The more I hear about your progress, the more I think it might be for me.
It seems like with anything in life, the less you focus on it, the easier it is to let go of it. It seems simple but it ALWAYS works.
Great job on your progress girl.
oh boy, i think i want a burger, a chicken burger
Glad it’s working for ya!
Great article for Breathe! Training for my first half marathon totally changed my relationship with food — in a good way! I learned I actually need to eat MORE in order to function properly, and that WHAT foods I eat are important too!
Sounds like you’re ahead of the game! It took me a long time to balance running and eating. Good job 🙂
hahah i’ve totally done spaghettio’s for breakfast before. and ice cream brownie sundaes. oops? 😉
Enjoyed reading the article- good job!
Oh man… I used to majorly binge on cereal. Like, boxes at time. Thankfully that hasn’t happened in a while!
Oh man… I used to majorly binge on cereal. Like, boxes at a time. Thankfully, that hasn’t happened for a while!