Hello! How’s it going? Over here it’s going great because I ran and ate a donut. This is the best day! And I am sharing how to make my Ariel Little Mermaid Running Costume.

I needed a donut. Sometimes it’s a want, sometimes it’s a need. My favorite donut is a fluffy glazed one but they were all out. Boo. But this bar one is basically the same thing. Tip: If you can wait until you get home – put your donut in the microwave for 8 seconds.

And maybe some donut holes… they barely count, right?

Now let’s talk about my Ariel running outfit from the Tinkerbell 10K. I threw it together fairly easily and it was pretty cheap! The mermaid leggings are cheap and that’s probably the most important part of the costume (link to order is below).

Little Mermaid Running Costume:
(From top to bottom)
Hair – I curled it with Revlon Hot Rollers
Nude bra – This is probably the first time in my life I wore a regular bra to run. It wasn’t a problem because I don’t have a lot going on in that area and I was walking a lot in this race. I’d suggest a skin / nude colored sports bra if possible.
Nude colored tank – You can find these pretty cheap at Target or other places. If you can get one that’s Spandex / Polyester it’s better than 100% cotton for running.
Purple Bikini Top from my mermaid bikini
Mermaid Leggings – These were comfortable but not as thick as my usual legging and slipped down a bit while running. It would have been a pain to keep pulling them up if I wore them for a half marathon.
Running Shoes – I wore my usual running shoes.
Optional: I had a flower clip with me in case I wanted to pin back my bangs. I didn’t end up using it.

A small part of the reason I wanted to dress up like Ariel from the Little Mermaid for the Tinkerbell 10K is that my hair is super long right now. I need to cut it because it’s out of control and going out to parties, getting super drunk, taking pills from strangers in alleys… ya know, out of control.

I need a haircut. And since I’ll be there at the hair salon I was thinking about getting highlights. Maybe. Tbd.
I’m not asking for your opinion on whether or not I should get highlights necessarily – my question is…
Do you ask people their opinion on how you should do your hair or on what you’re wearing or things like that?
My cousin is a hair stylist so if I have a hair question I ask her, but I don’t ask most other people their opinions on hair/make-up/fashion stuff.
However two different people have let me know their opinions on me getting highlights (they both vote no). And I thought it was kind of funny because they don’t know each other, seem super different and um, I didn’t even ask – they each brought it up themselves, unprovoked.
I do ask my daughter and my husband about my hair. I am a natural redhead and a couple years ago my red faded a lot. I have asked them about coloring it darker red, blonde etc. I love your costume!
I love love love your costume and you’re so right about it being perfect with your hair!
Also, your hair is gorgeous and apparently I like out of control hair 😉
This is such a great costume! My sister wants to be a mermaid for halloween so I will save this idea!
I just make that question to my roommate when I’m clueless on what to wear for a certain occasion.
How are you finding running and fuel and eating on the go with the Invisalign?
I can’t believe you MADE your costume. I thought it was store bought!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog