Hello! This weekend is the Long Beach Marathon and the Chicago Marathon! Although I am super bummed I won’t be running Chicago I am getting excited for LB!!

The Long Beach Marathon is one of my all time favorites. But I’m a little nervous because my runs lately have not been good. And today I did a shake out run and my heart rate felt like it was crazy out of control. I was either having an anxiety attack or am super super out of shape. Or both.
So yeah, there’s that. I’m considering moving down to the half but I have to decide asap and…

Either way, I love Long Beach always and forever. And I want to wish a huge GOOD LUCK to anyone running LB or the Chicago Marathon this weekend!!! Such a big fun race weekend!!!

Here are some of my favorite Marathon Tips Posts:
Marathon Race Day Tips from Coach Kastor
Also – I highly suggest watching Spirit of the Marathon (the 1st one). (Note: the site plays music as soon as you click on it.)
It’s based around a few runners doing the Chicago Marathon. I always thought it would be super cool to watch it and then actually run that race!
The movie is available on Hulu for free – Spirit of the Marathon
Bonus: It stars my good friend Deena Kastor

And now it’s time for the fun stuff (even though I just wrote ‘run stuff’)!
Friday Favorites:
1. Last week in Boulder I saw Kath from KathEats and she smelled amazing. I found out she was wearing Michael Kors and immediately went out to get that perfume when I got home.
Even better – it comes in a perfume / lip gloss combo!! (And that is way cheaper than a whole bottle of the stuff.)

2. Last night’s dinner… I love when I find a wine I really like (and am not just drinking because I want a buzz/opened the bottle/don’t want to be rude). Note the completely balanced meal of wine, Skittles and bananas. #DontJudge

3. This pretty pink flower tree I saw on my run. Love.

4. Vanilla candles. I used to ‘save’ candles because I didn’t want to waste them. But I’ve realized I LOVE the smell and sound so much I burn them all the time now.
Even though I left one burning all night this week and am super pissed at myself. Not cool Monican, not cool.
I feel like candles are expensive but these ones from Therepe are on sale via Amazon right now!
5. All the TEA!!!! I am loving all my Celestial Seasonings tea even though it’s still so warm here.
And that reminds me I need to announce the winner of the Celestial Seasonings Giveaway: Loretta Triumph!
Have a GREAT weekend!

Question: What are you doing this weekend?
(Make something up if you’re not doing anything…it’ll keep it more interesting.)
Big thumbs up for drinking Marlborough sav! I live in Marlborough NZ and make wine, look out for Vavasour or Clifford Bay that’s the company I work for.
Yah! That is very cool! I really liked it.
not judging, but worried about you, gurl. skittles and wine for dinner (yes, and a banana, whatever)? sounds like someone needs a best friend on that couch… or a couch with a different audience, nowimsayin…
unrelated burning question: do you enjoy the blogs of any other single ladies, or at least more non-moms? peanutbutterfingers is great, any more?
Beautiful pic of the Queen Mary–this SoCal girl loves Long Beach! Went to school at CSULB.
My husband and I are in Chicago trying to narrow down where to live when we move in a few weeks. I’m definitely running the race next year when we live here. Today I just got to cheer and eat pancakes 🙂
Had my last long run today (20 miles in the cold rain) and now I’m tapering for the NYC marathon in 22 days. I am so excited and so nervous. I am also rearranging rooms in my house and switching out summer clothes for winter. Exciting.
I love SOTM and this just makes me want to watch it again for the umpteenth time! It’s super fun to see my instagram blowing up with photos of people getting ready to run Chicago!
Good luck! I’m pumpkin picking and carving today! Fall festivities!!
good luck tomorrow! i’ll be virtually cheering you on from pasadena 🙂
Canadian Thanksgiving! Crossfit and run in the morning…..turkey in the evening! :0)
I’m running Long Beach too – Breaking all sorts of rules – Shooting to high for my goal pace & wearing shoes that I haven’t run in yet (doing a shake out run in them this AM) It’s not my first so I’m prepared to suffer the consequences, pos or neg.
I was supposed to be running Chicago this weekend but a month or two back, my body and training just weren’t meshing so I had to defer. I’ve been getting emotional just seeing people post pics with their race bibs so needless to say, I probably shouldn’t go watch… 🙁
I totally feel you. Even though I’m doing LB I’m still very bummed about Chicago. Boo. It might be motivating for you to go watch though?
I’m running the Staten Island half marathon tomorrow. And last night I got all dressed up and went to a wedding. The food was sooo good. I had crab cake sliders at the cocktail hour. Amazing!
Good luck at long beach.
Crab cakes are one of my favorites!!! I definitely don’t get to enjoy them that often since SoCal isn’t as known for them as the east coast.
I’m running Long Beach too on Sunday!!! My 1st half marathon, I can’t wait!!!!!
Good luck!!!!
I’m training for my first marathon (Space Coast on 11/30!) and I religiously read my Hal Higdon book on the marathon. I realized I had just read the chapter on overtraining and increased pulse rate is a sign among others. Hope things get better for you. Good luck with LB, whichever distance you choose!
Thanks! I’m a big fan of Higdon. I think the increased pulse rate though is based on resting rates (just saying because mine was during a run, not at rest). Putting a link below just in case you were looking into this.
GOOD LUCK on your race!!!
I hate running on sand! Best of luck to you though. Take in the smell and sound of the ocean while you can 🙂
Luckily none of the race is on the sand – that would be rough!
I got that wine at the store and had a glass last night– it is sooo good!
Good! I’m glad someone else liked it too! I’m always doubtful of my taste in wine.
I am sad I didn’t win #allthetea BUT I’m super excited about that michael kors lip gloss/perfume thing and just went straight on amazon and ordered myself one!!
Let me know what you think! I love it!!
Good luck in Long Beach! I almost signed up but I decided I to head to LA next weekend for a beer festival instead. Hah! Priorities right??
I like your style.
Half #6 is on Sunday! I’m hoping to break 2 hours. Also: there is beer at the finish line, so there’s that.
AND: my mom gets here tomorrow!
Good Luck!!!! You can do it!!!!
Baby shower for a coworker tonight, carving pumpkins and going to Rise of the Pumpkins tomorrow – so ridiculously excited for that!
I’m obsessed with the Honey Vanilla Chamomile and the Cinnamon Apple Spice teas I just picked up! I’m heading back stat to pick up some of the seasonal flavors! This weekend, I am making dinner with a friend tonight, hanging out with family tomorrow and cheering a friend on at a marathon on Sunday followed by girls day after that. Very exciting! 🙂
I am chilling out and going to a local food festival- I can’t wait!
I’m running 18 miles tomorrow morning! It will be my longest run yet. I can’t wait!
All right!!! Good luck!!!!
Super random weekend for me-having girl friends over for a pumpkin decorating party tonight and then Beer Olympics tomorrow.
Beer Olympics sounds legit.
Isn’t out of control heart rate on an easy run one of the big warning signs of over training? Maybe you need some time off? Good luck at the marathon, but be careful!
High pulse (during rest though) may be caused by over training. Yeah, I’m going to look into this. I still have a lot going on at home so I feel like it’s probably a mix of things.
Good luck in Long Beach!
I’m going tout a baby shower tomorrow and then out for my husbands bday. Then the next day we’re celebrating my little one turning three!