I had an appointment this morning and knew I’d be out over lunch time. So, I packed up my leftovers from dinner and ate them on the go! This was perfect because I was hungry right after my appt. and ate it on the way to some errands without having to go out of my way back home.

I also picked up some grapes and a drink to go with it

I really do have a drinking problem.

If I ever get arrested for it, I hope I smile in my mug shot. Cheese!

Once I was back home I ate a new baking creation I made last night. No recipe because they’re not actually good.

I’m going to be doing an Ask a Monican soon – email me questions or I’m going to have to lip sinc to my favorite song to fill the void…
My brother and I always talk about people eating in their cars. We’re really embarrassed, but we both still do it!
This post made me laugh because I totally have a drinking problem and even blogged about it:
I can only eat in the car if my husband is driving and I have a tray. I am just not coordinated enough for such things 😉
Interesting. Eating on wheels must be an American thing. I was raised in England, where it just wasn’t done. I prefer not to eat in my car (although I sometimes do it). Helps keep the fast food intake down. Also, my commute is all done on a motorcycle so that keeps my hands busy ; – )
I normally don’t eat in the car, but I bought a bag of grapes before I left work and apparently I couldn’t wait the ten minutes it takes to drive home 🙂
I eat breakfast in my car almost every weekday. Its either that or eat a cold egg sandwich by the time I get to work. I’ll eat in my car. 🙂
And you just reminded me I left a diet cherry dr pepper back in Illinois in my mom’s fridge. Boo.
I love that video.. did you know 50 cent is dating Chelsea Handler and that is how that video got made? Don’t you hate it when cookie recipes fail 🙁
I understand your drinking problem. Dr. Pepper is da-bomb.
Im addicted to the lemonade zero vitamin water!
I have a BIG drinking problem too! I think if money wasn’t an issue I could and would drink maybe 15 Vitamin Waters a day…. my roommate drinks 1 in like 12 hours…. I think I chug one in about 5 seconds!
I love that video! I love a rapper with sense of humor (and heart)!
I hate to admit this, but there was a point in college when I was driving 45 minutes from work to class, with no opportunity for a meal break. I could scarf –spill free– a Mickie D’s Quarter Pounder, XL fries and Coke all without taking my eyes off the road, and only one hand off the wheel at any time.
No, I do not have any doubt as to why I gained 60 lbs that year…
Breakfast is always eaten in the car! bar wrappers everywhere!