Happy Monday!
Thank you so much for all the cheers on my Santa Rosa Marathon recap. More thoughts on that coming soon.
I am feeling really good considering I ran 26 miles hard (for me) yesterday!! My quads would like a rub and my ankle is still tight, but nothing major at all. I took a little walk with my favorite SR this morning and will probably do some stretching later, but most of this week will be Rest, Eat, Repeat.
Recent eats include some Epic Mexican. Si se puede.
I am focused on recovering this week, but I am also working with the ING New York City Marathon team. Steve, Dave, Jen and I are sharing our mid-week workouts every week until the race to help keep you (and us) accountable!
Since mid-week workouts are the hardest to stick to we are checking in on the Runner’s Nation Facebook page to report out goal workout for the week and then checking back in when it’s done. Join us!
This week is my week, so here’s my mid-week challenge. I’ll probably wait until Thur or Fri to run it since I need some rest.
Motivation Monday with James Marshall
Last week I had the opportunity to interview James Marshall on his epic Marathon across the Sahara desert.
He completed the Marathon des Sables which is 6 marathons in 5 days! The temperatures can reach 134 degrees and you have to carry most of your stuff with you. It’s crazy! And amazing.
Watch the video below for some inspiration. And here’s my interview with him:
RER: When did you start running?
Marshall: I ran before I could walk I think. Running is where I feel the most peace, most calm.
RER: How did you get into ultra-running?
Marshall: I don’t think I deserve to be called an ultra-runner!
(Oh my gosh, he totally does.)
RER: Why the Marathon des Sables?
Marshall: I’ve done a bunch of marathons before, but this is something beyond anything I could imagine. When you run a marathon you push yourself very hard. You feel sore the next day. But, knowing I had to run 6 marathons in 5 days, I was really struggling to get my head around it.
RER: How did you train for the race?
Marshall: I went to a place that focuses on preventative medicine. They take a holistic view of things. We planned how to fuel my body as efficient as possible. Also, how to train your mind beyond anything it’s gone to before.
RER: I watched the video and saw you had some really bad, painful looking foot problems. How did you deal with that out there?
Marshall: It was a real emotional, mental stumbling block. I was in a lot of pain. I didn’t sleep very well. I woke up and gave myself a talking to, people have babies and go through a lot worse pain in life. Suck it up and deal with it.
RER: What did you eat out there?
Marshall: My body burns calories very quickly, even more so when it’s 110 degrees and your body is burning to keep it cool.
I had to carry everything on me from day one. We researched what food would give me the highest amounts of calories in the smallest amount of weight. Things like peanuts and dates were some of the it. Also, freeze dried foods.
RER: What did you eat as your ‘victory meal’?
Marshall: At one point I think I was hallucinating a little bit. I have a low meat diet, but I must have been craving protein because I thought I could smell steak out there. I think I lost 15 pounds of muscle in those days. So, after I had steak and beer.
Awesome, right?!
Of interest: The Santa Rosa Marathon winner’s results were delayed 3 hours because the 1st & 2nd place guys accidentally went the wrong way. What?!
Question: Is it harder for you to workout on the weekdays or weekends?
Susan says
Sundays are the most difficult for me. That’s usually the day that I also do laundry & grocery shop and a little bit of cleaning. I get caught in the “what I want to do vs. what I need to be doing” syndrome.
Ashley says
I was unfortunately unable to join your Las Vegas RnR group, but I really love your goal this week. I may need to at least join in on that one 🙂
Sarah G. says
Wow, 6 marathons in 5 days… I can’t even imagine!
It’s definitely harder for me to workout during the week. Sometimes it’s hard to motivate myself to run during the week because I am usually so wiped out after work! I look forward to my Saturday morning runs all week long, though!
Tara says
weekday mornings are the hardest…I would prefer to cuddle with my pups longer then get up and head out. Weekends are easy because I am not rushed to get back and have to be out the door at any given time.
Ali says
That’s awesome that you got to interview him. How crazy!? (And inspirational). People like him (and all ultra marathoners) amaze me. Congrats on your marathon as well. I can’t believe you’re running 8 miles the week afterward. I usually run like 3 maybe a week later. When I’m training for a marathon, weekday runs are hardest for me because I know I have to get the long runs in. Ironically, when I’m not training for anything, weekend workouts are harder.
Fast Metabolism says
WOW Yummy!!!
Sue says
About the same for me. And congrats James!
Health Tips for Women says
Weekends very harder to workout but i workout weekdays only..
Amy @ crazysweatymommy says
Weekends are definitely harder because everyone is home!
Jojo @ RunFastEatLots says
Weekdays and weekends are similar for me, since I work out in the mornings and work in the afternoons/evenings. I usually go longer on the weekends, but I don’t dread them.
Laura @ Live, Run, Sparkle says
Wow he is really a running rockstar, that’s insane. I watched the Whistler Iron Man yesterday and that was nuts too but it made me want to do one one day. Great interview! 🙂
Kary says
Gnarly feet in the video…that had to be so painful!
LosingLindy says
Hey..I finished my 12 in a super slow time and chaffed horribly. I know recently you posted about a company who had chaffing products. I posted a picture of “one” of my sore spots. Do you know if they need a good test subject? I welt up and honestly..this spot isn’t the worst one. Since I am a PG blog, I didn’t post the one where it was bleeding. 🙁
Jamie @ fitfortherun says
Definitely weekdays.. I always feel so rushed
Kelly @ Kelly Runs for Food says
I think the routine of the work week makes it easier for me during the week. The downside is waking up at 4:30 in order to squeeze it into my busy days! I usually take Monday and Saturday off and just walk or rest.
Heather @ Run Eat Play says
It’s harder for me to workout on the weekends. One word: kids. 🙂
Tom T. says
Exactly. I can workout during the day on the weekdays. On weekends it has to be when the child is sleeping. Problem, I want to sleep at those times too.
Sara @ LovingOnTheRun says
Hmmm good question! Since weekends are my long runs sometimes its hard for me to mentally prepare for running so long but I think weekends are easier to stick to it because it has just become a part of my weekends.
Sophie @ life's philosophie says
Definitely the weekdays. I look forward to my weekend runs because there is no rush to get done. I can take my time and not stress about my pace too much. Weekday runs are a bit harder since I have to get to work by a certain point, plus it’s usually dark out making it harder to wake up
Laura says
I also find weekend runs harder cause of family plans or weekend getaways. I just try to get up earlier those days…..doesn’t always work!
Jackie says
No I actually stick better to plans on the weekdays!
Nikki @ grabyourkicks says
Mid-week is definitely harder because of work. Just have to schedule it in and stick to it! I love the flexibility of weekends, usually always something active we can do no matter the weather.
mary @ minutes per mile says
wow, that is insane. a steak hallucination? i think i have those when i miss one meal.. if i was in a desert living of dates and running marathons for 6 days, who knows what would happen to me
Liz @ The Girl on Fire Now says
It’s harder on weekdays now that school has started because I am tired and don’t want to run in the morning – moot point as I can’t!
TartanJogger tartanjogger.wordpress.com says
Great interview!
I find weekend runs easier than weekday ones, except when I have family stuff arranged- it can then be difficult to fit the longer runs in. :/
Hayley in Training says
Mid-week runs are the worst! I always feel a little sore from my Saturday and Monday runs, so the Wednesday/Thursday runs are SO hard to get motivated for. I have a hill run coming up on Wednesday and I’m dreading it!
Jodea @ chillichocolatelove says
It’s actually harder on the weekend. On week days I’m much more in a routine, so I just get on with it, whereas on weekends it’s easier to find excuses. Blogs like your encourage me to quit my crying and just get on with it!