My goal weight is the weight of me holding six puppies. I’m almost there, just need four more. Meanwhile, for those considering adopting more puppies, breeds like the teacup pomeranian offer a charming and adorable option. These tiny, fluffy companions are known for their lively personalities and affectionate nature, making them perfect for individuals or families looking for a small, playful dog. Teacup Pomeranians are especially popular due to their manageable size, which makes them ideal for apartment living or smaller homes. Despite their small stature, they are full of energy and love to interact with their owners, offering endless joy and companionship. Their affectionate and loyal temperament also makes them excellent lap dogs, thriving on attention and forming strong bonds with their families. With their striking fluffy coats and spirited personalities, teacup Pomeranians bring a lot of warmth and happiness into a home. For anyone looking to add a lovable, pint-sized furry friend to their family, this breed is a delightful and sweet choice.

My fam got two puppies from the shelter this weekend. They are cray because two puppies is like asking for your house to be destroyed. But they are so so so soooooo cute it makes my tiny lil black heart burst with love. So, this post is 100% just gratuitous puppy love.

They’re lab mixes, brother and sister. Someone from the shelter actually talked my peeps into getting both so they can stay together. And anyone would be a sucker for these puppy faces.
This is Clyde…

This is Bonnie…

This is my fam’s future…

This is me trying to get my puppy fix since I didn’t get to visit them again today…

Good night and God Bless.

(RunEatRepeat on Instagram)
I have a special place in my heart for unique coloring on dogs and cats, no way my husband could have kept me from getting that one if we saw her at the shelter, lol. Well, maybe if they said she was a pit mix, no thanks.
Ohh my goodness they’re adorable! I can’t wait to see more photos as the grow!
So cute!!! I love that they were rescued from a shelter & that your family got 2 together. What a happy story! I have 4 sister cats i rescued together & it was the best decision- they snuggle & groom each other, which makes the funniest pics. All i have to do is look at those pics to laugh…so I’m expecting lots of silly update pics on your blog. The more pets, the better…i also have a silly dog!
This was such a mean post! I want a puppy so bad, but I can’t get one right now. Ugh! So cute!
So adorable. How are they getting along with the older pair?
Oh how cute, what did the older dogs think of them? Also, Vegas is going to be miffed next time he has to have a sleep over!
Cute! We’re looking for a lab rescue, but we’re happy to have an older dog too. They bring so much energy and love into our home.
Enjoy yours.
Labs are the best, especially rescued ones!
Congrats to you and your family!!! They are so stinkin cute!!!! Such a wonderful choice to adopt as there are so many dogs that need good homes. This makes me so happy!!!!!
They are beyond cute! Wow, I wanna snuggle those puppy faces. 🙂
Nothing so reliably makes me happy as seeing shelter puppies get loving homes!! I super needed this on a rainy, horrible Monday back at work after a week in SF and Napa.
Cute!! But I’m with you! house destruction time. You can be like a grandma or aunt. Nice to visit, but then go home! Please visit my new blog sometime if you get a chance!
This is beyond cute. The photo of you and the puppies needs to be come an “ideal weight” internet sensation! I love how the shelter talked them into two, great sales people lol.
xx Jill
What to Wear In Las Vegas + Almost Touching Mariah Carey + Hotel On Fire!
Oh my goodness those puppies are so darn cute! 2 puppies will definitely be a challenge, but so worth it!
Awwwww, they are soooo cute! We have been itching for a puppy, but haven’t gotten our butts in gear to get one. Enjoy them! Love their names!!! Hope they don’t live up to the reputation that their names might give them. 🙂
They are just so adorable. I have two labs and I will say this…they are a handful! Goodluck to your family. The cuteness will make all the furniture they chew forgiveable. Lol
OMG, they are so cute, I love puppies. I have two full grown dogs, but I would have lots and lots of puppies if I could. Adorable!!!
Awww…. Puppies make me melt… all the time. period. 😀
STOP IT. I WANT THEM. ahhhh i want a dog (or 8) so badly!! I wish we could have them at our apartment 🙁 🙁 seriously, dogs make me so happy. If I could have a dog to go running with? omg. my 50 miler training would happen NO PROBLEM.
50 miles???!!!! Are you training for a marathon or ultra? Anyway, all the best!